Toronto Escorts

Am I the only one who finds "Cheapsters" offensive?

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Too many people are getting offended by what other people are doing to other people. Live your own life and don't look for reasons to be offended. There's enough of that bullshit in the world already.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Where's the website so I can press my non-member face against the glass!!???? :D

That was your face? Wow the Gods can be cruel.

Smiles to himself knowing his humour is beyond comparison

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
The other side of the "cheapster" arguement.

I would like to know what the lower price ladies think about your comments. Could it be that they may tell you "Hey, buddy! Don't save us?


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Doctor Zoidburg said:
I would like to know what the lower price ladies think about your comments. Could it be that they may tell you "Hey, buddy! Don't save us?
Actually, the only words they ever say when I'm finished is "see you next time okay".

I thought we beat this one up pretty good. But I guess not.

I never stated a benevolent reason for seeing cheap sp's. It's always about a quick fix. Now can we just lay this to rest?

Because quite frankly, I find the notion of paying $300 and above for some false girlfriend experience to be rather obscene. Just go get a girlfriend if you wish to experience the GFE. I don't judge and I never put these into words until I read stuff that is utterly ridiculous. Lets not sit on our high horses and throw judgements at others. We all see sp's or mp's. Period.

The ones complaining and calling us classless are most likely the higher end visitors who drive V8's or SUV's in the GTA. I find them totally unnecessary and offensive in the city of Toronto. Offensive because of the polution, the mass of the vehicles and the room they take up on the road and are usually carrying one or two people. Rich people don't car pool. That I find offensive and obscene. However I don't take out an ad in the Sun to declare my disdain for these types. I just let it be, because we live in a free market.
You guys should do the same.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
KWI said:
Ruck, we all know that if you put your mind to it, you can be offended by just about anything....... :D

this offends me.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
I think some here are assuming that all or most of the $80. incall places are being forced by third party or circumstances to work in this industry. IMO and experience this is simply not true. I meet these $80. incall girls everyday. Most are independents that are working by their own choice and are not to the best of my knowledge being forced to work at all. Also the fact that those who are higher end are not being forced assumption is also false. Although I think it's safe to say that by far and away most high end or higher priced workers are not being forced that does not rule out that some in fact are.


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
Man, if you pay for sex, how can you look down your nose
at somebody else for doing the same thing? If you think money
is the issue, you're kidding yourself.

I think anyone who makes value judgements about another
person's sexual conduct must still be hung up on the idea
that sex is dirty.

I suspect that you need to compare your own conduct to other
people's in order to feel better about yourself.

BTW, do your wife and family know you're paying other women
for sex, and do you all agree that this is ethical behaviour?
If you're going to claim the moral high ground, ya gotta be
beyond reproach in every department.


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
So many people just don't get it...

Prostitution, when taking place in a political arena such as Canada's, where, at its core, it is essentially legal, and yet not monitored or regulated by government, has as a result one of the most free-flowing markets on earth!

That is to say that every new harvest of high school honeys who step out into the business do so without anything or anyone dictating what they can or will sell their sex for.

Those who are genetically gifted will, for at least a time, command a premium price for their time and their sex. As with everything else in life, their outlook and personality will sooner or later dictate whether they can continue to reap the highest rewards.

Does this mean that others, perhaps not so genetically gifted, shouldn't have a market for their time and intimate company?

The prices are all over the board for a reason --- simply because they aren't regulated by anything or anyone!

The lower-cost high school honey has every right to sell her sexual company just as her male classmate who makes all of his spending money through stealing the milk money from underclassmen has a right to find a woman who is selling sex that will match his budget, even if paid all in quarters.

The industry neeeeeeeeeeds this free-flowing environment to basically allow buyers the greatest range of choices and sellers the greatest range of customers.

I believe it was Alexa who noted that a more objectionable element of (what some of you people call) bargain-hunting is he who, despite and after seeing the listed price, negotiates (sometimes not even in good faith) downward habitually.

If a guy is short a few dollars and he says so up front, then fine, it is up to her, and she would probably accept.

Also, if it is getting near to rent day, or tuition day, then so what if a woman adjusts the supply and demand line by reducing the price and increasing the demand at that price. With this, she has a freedom that her regular-world counterparts don't so easily have.

The deplorable people in this business exist on both sides of the buy-sell line. There are the males who routinely try to bargain downward (and often for no sensible reason) once a price has been quoted and apparently settled on, sometimes even resorting to taking particular services by physically overpowering working women. There are also the females who mislead and fail to provide services promised, no matter the price range.

The free-flowing market system is best for all of us, but understanding and appreciating that element is an art form.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Not much difference between an 80 dollar incall and a more expensive agency who has to cover the driver, the SP and the person living of the avails. In the end it is about the same.
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