AIDS conference seems surreal

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Jun 29, 2003
there is a lot of money at stake here,and lots of people who "volunteer" for the cause make lots of money,and get to travel around the world crusading,yes for more money.So what Harper was not at the opening,but it makes news,and news sells.How else could they put this out,and still make money.
This disease was brought to light by people like Eddie Murphy,in delirious in 1986 or so.Since then it has created an industry in itself.That and the environment,,,,,,,but that is another topic,snow and aids in Africa,go figure.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
How about a different twist on this whole aids thing.

While it is a deadly thing to get and I hope I don't ever catch it we must keep its relevance to the world economy in perspective. The impact of aids in the developed industrial world has been minimal. It is primarily a disease that ravages the poorly developed or non developing areas of the world. In that light it is no different than any other natural disaster or famine. It helps to keep their population in check. If aids didn't kill them then something else would need to be there to stop the relentless reproduction rate in those areas.
If all the do-gooder causes were to succeed we would be awash in underfed, no education masses of people looking for handouts. Every life you save today in the third world is another mouth you have to feed, at what cost.

Perhaps my view is not politically correct or socially acceptable to the concerned do-gooders of today but thats my view.

Putting huge sums of money into the fight aids sink hole is not the highest and best use of those funds. we have problems in the West that should be addressed first, diseases that affect us that should be a higher priority.

The professional aids activists have made a damn good living off this guilt game, I don't know why we need to keep falling for it.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
When I was a young kid a very old man said to me once "Mine is not the reason why, mine is but to do or die"

I had no idea what the fark he was talking about and just thought he was a crazed old man. Over the years that old saying has come back to me and sometimes makes sense.

Who gives a flying fark where or when or how AIDS got started. When my brother found out in 1989 that he was HIV+, I never asked him how it happened. BTW not that it should matter but my brother was hetro. When he and we found out it was now time to embrace that situation and embark on a journey of living with, not dying from. My bro God bless him, always said from the start he was not dying from Aids he was living with Aids. And he did a damn fine job of it too. The only time the cause became important was when he tried to carry the message of prevention out to the community least those who choose to ignore and have the attitude "That will never happen to me" Guess what it can and may happen so be aware. Among the many people that he recruited to help him with his cause of 'carrying the message' was a 16-year-old girl who back at the time lived in a no-where town on the Prairies. This was about '92 or '93 now. Think about it... way back then a small town young girl from the middle of nowhere contracted HIV. All these years later now the people who are being affected the most right now as we speak are not gay men. WOMEN are. And that’s not only in Third World countries… it’s right here in GTA. Sadly it has become apparent though the general community has become complacent and even if they are educated about the facts that they still do not get the message how deeply important that it is. “That will never happen to me” So I agree with scare tactics and I agree with getting out there and putting it in peoples faces even if it is uncomfortable for them or the message carrier. Lives are at stake. Maybe the life of a loved one or even yourself. And trust me… you don’t want to go through that experience of seeing a loved one deteriorate physically to the point I witnessed. I saw a 6ft tall 200lb buffed truck driver reduced to 90lbs and totally bedridden in the end. Thankfully though due to his determination to be a giver and a helper and to love people in spite off whatever their dysfunction may have been his spirit will never die. I believe that is what we need more of right now… a spirit to carry the message, not only because he was my bro and he was a man like most I know will never be… because the facts speak for themselves. Our’s is not the reason why… ours is but to carry the message or more people will suffer and die. Maybe someone close to you… don’t discount that. “It will never happen here,” … guess what it IS happening here.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Meister said:
I would almost think that as the drugs get better that it becomes more of a nuisance than a death sentence (similar to Herpes). I would also think that AIDS would have somewhat lower numbers if we didn't use all these drugs, it sounds cruel, but it keeps the virus around for much longer.
Nuisance? Similar to Herpes?

What planet did you say your were visiting from?

AIDS kills. No one survives.

Are people infected with HIV/AIDS living longer? Yes. But at a cost. Side effects of the drugs include kidney problems, liver problems, extreme fatigue and depression. Living for another 10 years is not always a blessing.

The drugs are extremely expensive. A cocktail of poisons that are at a level that is just below killing the host.

Suggesting that drugs are the answer is a terribly ignorant, thoughtless and cruel statement at this point.

As for the poster that suggested that Health Canada is being too "politically correct, I would ask that you publish your scientific credentials to back up your statement. As it is, it seems that your view is tempered by your own misinformation and biases and hatred and fears.

Are you aware that heterosexual women are the fastest group getting infected with HIV these days? The days of AIDS being a problem in "only" the gay or drug communities is long over. AIDS is in the mainstream. Deal with it.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I can't believe that with all this attention to a deadly disease that people are concerned about the political correctness of the AIDS organizations approach.

First and foremost you've got to get it out of your head that AIDS is a gay or junky or poor or 3rd world disease.

It's this type of ignorant thinking that helps spread the diesase.

The fastest growing risk group in Canada for AIDS is young hetero females, many of whom get it from bb sex with guys they think are in monogomous relationships.

I think it's quite common place for hetero people to do risky things and not getting tested. I don't have any numbers for this but I can't remember the last time a non sex worker asked me if I wanted to wear a condom during oral sex. Yes I realize that the risk of transmission is small but I do admit there is a risk and yes I've thought with the wrong head myself.

But what I can say is that I get tested at the hassle free clinic. Even amongst friends that I can talk about anything with people rarely get tested.

What I'm trying to say is that......
-this won't happen to me because I'm not in risk group A, B, C
-this is a pretty safe activity
-I don't get tested

type attitudes are a big part of the problem.

If you want to stop the spread of a disease you can't downplay it especially when it's not the truth.

The world is full of people regretting ever having the thought X, Y, or Z will never happen to me (and I extend that far beyond just AIDS).

The worst part of all this is that I think these types of attitudes are what contribute to less of a focus being put on research than there should be. Yes a lot of work is being done but in some ways I feel it's not given the same priority as if it were a disease commonly found in 1st world countries.

Oil Please

jeffham29 said:
AIDS started when African tribes that hunt and eat Pan troglodytes troglodytes became contaminated with SIV (simian immune deficiency virus), usually from the butchering of the animals. Urbanization of many African countries brought these infected tribes people to big cities where the virus flourished.

How do you think it got started?
Wow thanks! I thought the GAYS started it.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Theory I heard involves a monkey virus finding it's way into a human and this human was a sailor/traveller who spread it.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
frankcastle said:
Theory I heard involves a monkey virus finding it's way into a human and this human was a sailor/traveller who spread it.

Not PHNINE with these world trips I hope because he is now selling himself in Toronto.:D


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
ray liotta said:
Where are these no-hassle clinics in and around Toronto? Does OHIP cover the test?
It's actually called the Hassle Free Clinic and they don't charge a cent.

I attached the men's portion assuming you're looking as a male but they also have a female section as well.

It's free, you may have to wait a while so bring a book, they are very discrete.


Jan 31, 2005
Sasha Jones said:
Yeah that is a bright thing to tell the kids of today (or anyone) when they already think they are invincible. Don't worry about the blow job Becky, you aren't as likely to get AIDS that way as you are if you let Billy put it in your ass.
But isn't that exactly what we should be telling Becky? The reality is she is NOT going to get AIDS from the BJ. She might get herpes. She might catch a cold. She's not going to get (or give) AIDS by giving a BJ.

If we gave kids the honest truth they might more likely believe it. Kids have good bullshit detectors and when you tell them that you can get AIDS by giving a BJ then they think you're just trying to use scare tactics to keep them away from sexual activity for moral rather than health reasons.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
fuji said:
But isn't that exactly what we should be telling Becky? The reality is she is NOT going to get AIDS from the BJ. She might get herpes. She might catch a cold. She's not going to get (or give) AIDS by giving a BJ.

If we gave kids the honest truth they might more likely believe it. Kids have good bullshit detectors and when you tell them that you can get AIDS by giving a BJ then they think you're just trying to use scare tactics to keep them away from sexual activity for moral rather than health reasons.
I'm not so sure about that. What about BBBJTCCIM?


Apr 3, 2002
Never the safest place
Does Eye Weekly still name an "Asshole of the Week"? I would like to nominate James P. Pinkerton, columnist for Newsday in New York. The Montreal sex worker organization Stella was at the International AIDS Conference,

and here is his reaction.
AIDS activists misguided in goal to legitimize 'sex work'
...In the past, venereal disease epidemics were often dealt with by such tough measures as shutting down brothels and quarantining prostitutes. But those solutions are not under consideration here.

In fact, in this AIDS-conference world, prostitution - oops, sex work - is part of normal life. Nestled comfortably within the exposition area are many booths devoted to the sex trade...

One prominent group, Stella (, which bills itself as "by sex workers, for sex workers," has issued a manifesto, "Sex Workers, Human Rights, and the Fight Against HIV." In other words, Stella seeks to establish the right to be a "sex worker" as a human right, alongside, say, free speech.

Most populations of the world are uncomfortable, to put it mildly, with this formulation of sexual-political rights - but of course, such queasiness didn't stop the Canadian government from funding Stella...


Registered and a User
Jan 6, 2003
In a deep, but well lit, hole
frankcastle said:
Theory I heard involves a monkey virus finding it's way into a human and this human was a sailor/traveller who spread it.
Nope, African tribes that butchered chimps brought the disease to the major South-Central African cities as early as the 30's or 40's. They even traced it back genetically to the original group (family) of chimps.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
jeffham29 said:
Nope, African tribes that butchered chimps brought the disease to the major South-Central African cities as early as the 30's or 40's. They even traced it back genetically to the original group (family) of chimps.
Okay well it was a sailor/traveller that helped spread it then.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Compromised said:
Nuisance? Similar to Herpes?

What planet did you say your were visiting from?

AIDS kills. No one survives.

Are people infected with HIV/AIDS living longer? Yes. But at a cost. Side effects of the drugs include kidney problems, liver problems, extreme fatigue and depression. Living for another 10 years is not always a blessing.

The drugs are extremely expensive. A cocktail of poisons that are at a level that is just below killing the host.

Suggesting that drugs are the answer is a terribly ignorant, thoughtless and cruel statement at this point.
If you would have read my post correctly I said that "as drugs get better" ie. in the future. And that appears to be the direction that the drug industry is pushing this. During this conference I heard comments that it is not wise to push the industry for an elusive cure, but for better treatment. So you make up your own mind on that.

I'm not making a value judgement on any of this. I'm purely looking at numbers. As we keep the virus around longer with drugs we will have a higher rate of infections. Obviously, the patients deserve the best treatment possible, but I'm not sure if there is a clear mandate for a cure. Research money should get priority for finding a cure rather than better treatment.


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
Seeking the truth

Compromised said:
Nuisance? Similar to Herpes?

What planet did you say your were visiting from?

AIDS kills. No one survives.

Are people infected with HIV/AIDS living longer? Yes. But at a cost. Side effects of the drugs include kidney problems, liver problems, extreme fatigue and depression. Living for another 10 years is not always a blessing.

The drugs are extremely expensive. A cocktail of poisons that are at a level that is just below killing the host.

Suggesting that drugs are the answer is a terribly ignorant, thoughtless and cruel statement at this point.

As for the poster that suggested that Health Canada is being too "politically correct, I would ask that you publish your scientific credentials to back up your statement. As it is, it seems that your view is tempered by your own misinformation and biases and hatred and fears.

Are you aware that heterosexual women are the fastest group getting infected with HIV these days? The days of AIDS being a problem in "only" the gay or drug communities is long over. AIDS is in the mainstream. Deal with it.
For the record, I don't have any scientific credentials (I suspect most readers already guessed that).

But I have read enough on the subject to believe, as many people do, that anal sex is much, much riskier than oral sex when it comes to HIV. As others have suggested, I am not certain there is any risk of HIV being transmitted through oral sex.

I'm too old to worry about labels, so I don't really care if you think I have "biases and hatreds and fears." You're wrong, but so be it.

My point is that I think there should be more honest discussion about this disease. Who has it, how is it being transmitted, what are the honest assessments of the risk of certain behaviours? Even on this board, there seems to be much disagreement, and we are people who pay attention to this issue.

By the way, I never said it was "only" gay men who get HIV or AIDS. However, in my view, some of the media coverage this past week would lead you to believe that almost no one in the gay community has the disease.

I agree with the comments from Fuji. The experts should discuss this disease honestly, so that people can make responsible choices in their lives. If our society won't allow an honest discussion of the facts, then we can't criticize people for being allegedly "ignorant" about how this disease is spread.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
They estimate 1/10 people are gay. So would you be happier if the media focused on that minority and act like the other 9/10 are safe?

In Africa it's affecting a whole generation of people, isn't that enough proof that it's gone well beyond being a gay thing?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
BTW did the news you were watching actually come out and say there's no aids in the gay community? You're probably making that assumption based on the lack of them mentioning the gay community.

If that's the case you can't fault the media for you making that jump in logic.
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