AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh There is justice after all.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Well, as I am sure everyone here knows...

dj1470 said:
Actually the "people" did not speak at all. The DEATH PENALTY in Canada was abolished by a minority Liberal government in 1976 led by Pierre Trudeau with the help of non-liberal Quebec MP's. The majority of people in Canada were actually against the bill. In many newspaper and TV public polls at the time it was almost 60/40 to keep the existing law.

"The sentence of death existed in Canada for murder until 1961 when legislation was introduced to reclassify murder into capital and non-capital offences. A capital murder involved a planned or deliberate murder, murder during violent crimes, or the murder of a police officer or prison guard. Only capital murder carried the sentence of death. In 1967, a moratorium was placed on use of the death penalty, except for murders of police and corrections officers. On 14 July 1976, bill C-84 was passed by a narrow margin of seven votes in a free vote in Parliament, resulting in the abolition of the death penalty, except for certain offences under the National Defence Act. In 1987, the House of Commons held another free vote, but MPs favoured maintaining, by another slim margin, abolition of the death penalty (139 to 128 with 11 absentees). In 1998, Parliament removed the death penalty for National Defence crimes."

Go figure. We are not ALL whining, suckling, liberal cattle. Some of us actually want capitol punishment back. Maybe in a few years.
...I am not intimate with Canadian law or history.

I would presume though that if the majority of people felt strongly about something, 30 years would be long enough to make it happen.


Apr 7, 2005
MLAM said:
...I am not intimate with Canadian law or history.
No problem. I just know something about it.

MLAM said:
I would presume though that if the majority of people felt strongly about something, 30 years would be long enough to make it happen.
Here's to hoping and wishful thinking :rolleyes:


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

acutus said:
An accident or carelessness is not the same thing at all as a premeditated crime of violence
...says you.

I listened to a guy on CBC radio a couple days back compare being a pedophile to being a homosexual (not using those exact words). He called it "sexual preference"....and he DID compare it to the "sexual preferences we all have, be it for the same sex or opposite sex."

Now, *I* think that is crazy, but *I* ALSO think homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. That is what I think. On the other hand, I have been neither a pedophile nor a homosexual, so WTF do *I* know?

Going to your point though, it is easy for me to imagine that a considerable number of people might say that "pedophilia" is an uncontrollable urge...and that our failure to adequately address those who suffer from it means we as a society are accountable to the victims more so than the individual perpetrators....but that you consciously knew that speeding and talking on your cell phone while driving were dangerous. Now, I am a simple man, so I don't even remotely believe that shit - but it isn't a stretch to think that MANY others would. I mean - what is the line between mental illness and pedophilia? And as a civilized society, we long ago decided to treat (and punish) the mentally ill differently for their crimes.

Beyond that - on this very message board we had posters high fiving each other when that blonde sexually assaulted that underage boy - because she was hot. Their analysis was that he MUST of liked it, and what harm could have come from it. Man - Boy....terrible crime done, let's go kill somebody. Woman - Boy...let's give the boy a high five and a beer.

And I want to trust the dispensing of justice to THESE mother fuckers??

Bottom line is this - you are right. They are not the same thing. But you know what? I don't trust you or anyone else to individually decide what two things ARE the same.
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New member
Jul 16, 2005
Thank you, MLAM. That was pretty much my point as well.

Hey, I'm all for small government and individual freedom and responsibility. I even support your right to self-defense: shooting someone breaking into your home or someone IMMEDIATELY attacking you or others. But not someone who has already been apprehended by the authorities. There's a difference between self-defense and vengeance.

And if there is ONE thing government must do, it is criminal justice, because as you say, everyone's definition of justice is different. Yes, the criminal justice system is far from perfect, but going around shooting criminals is not the answer. All that does is make us as bad as them.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
If the bullet had missed, or passed through the intended victim and hit a child and killed him, would the father of that dead child then be justified in taking the law into his own hands and shooting the first shooter?

It all worked out in this case, but things don’t always go as intended.


New member
Sep 2, 2005
dj1470 said:
Anyone ever hurts one of my daughters and I rip his nuts off and bash his head in a la Bruce Willis in Sin City. No police. No courts. No lawyers. No problem. No regrets. Period.
No regrets??????? No concern that your vigilante justice will separate you from your daughters for several years, unfortunately causing as much harm.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
MLAM said:
...says you.

I listened to a guy on CBC radio a couple days back compare being a pedophile to being a homosexual (not using those exact words). He called it "sexual preference"....and he DID compare it to the "sexual preferences we all have, be it for the same sex or opposite sex."

Now, *I* think that is crazy, but *I* ALSO think homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. That is what I think. On the other hand, I have been neither a pedophile nor a homosexual, so WTF do *I* know?

Going to your point though, it is easy for me to imagine that a considerable number of people might say that "pedophilia" is an uncontrollable urge...and that our failure to adequately address those who suffer from it means we as a society are accountable to the victims more so than the individual perpetrators....but that you consciously knew that speeding and talking on your cell phone while driving were dangerous. Now, I am a simple man, so I don't even remotely believe that shit - but it isn't a stretch to think that MANY others would. I mean - what is the line between mental illness and pedophilia? And as a civilized society, we long ago decided to treat (and punish) the mentally ill differently for their crimes.

Beyond that - on this very message board we had posters high fiving each other when that blonde sexually assaulted that underage boy - because she was hot. Their analysis was that he MUST of liked it, and what harm could have come from it. Man - Boy....terrible crime done, let's go kill somebody. Woman - Boy...let's give the boy a high five and a beer.

And I want to trust the dispensing of justice system to THESE mother fuckers??

Bottom line is this - you are right. They are not the same thing. But you knwo what? I don't trust you or anyone else to individually decide what two things ARE the same.
Thank you for your response, Mr. MLAM. I'm not certain that the comparisons that you've made are fair in the context of the topic of this Thread. In my view, the examples of a women having sex with an adolescent male cannot be fairly compared to the incident described in the original post of this Thread. However, I also share your point of view that Homosexuality is a choice that individuals make, and that it is a dishonest, selfish, angry behaviour with profoundly destructive consequences for all of Humanity. In my view, the similarity of Homosexual behaviour and Paedophiles are that they are using Human sexuality to express angry. Like the rapist.The rapist is not raping because of pent up and unfulfilled sexual desire, but rather for a need to dominate and control another person. The Paedophile who uses children for sexual purposes represents a particular problem for Society. From what I know about this kind of behaviour(reading newspaper accounts of interviews with Paedophiles), is that they know that their behaviour is wrong. That self knowledge of what is right and wrong puts the onus of responsibility solely on the Paedophile. The damage that is done to a child that is abused by a Paedophile can only be calcuated. That there does not appear to be any effective way of treating Paedophiles together with the apparent lenient way in which Paedophiles are dealt with in the Justice system represents the core issue and may explain why the Father's action(in the video clip)resonants so strongly for so many of us. Sincerely, Jon .


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
High_Roller said:
Thank you, MLAM. That was pretty much my point as well.

Hey, I'm all for small government and individual freedom and responsibility. I even support your right to self-defense: shooting someone breaking into your home or someone IMMEDIATELY attacking you or others. But not someone who has already been apprehended by the authorities. There's a difference between self-defense and vengeance.

And if there is ONE thing government must do, it is criminal justice, because as you say, everyone's definition of justice is different. Yes, the criminal justice system is far from perfect, but going around shooting criminals is not the answer. All that does is make us as bad as them.
I agree that one of the fundamental responsibilities of our elected Government is to ensure a functioning and balanced Justice system. However, it appears to me that on this particular issue there is a lack of will and/or application of Justice when it comes to dealing with Paedophiles in our Society. Look at tomorrows newspapers(here in Canada)and read for yourself how a known, convicted and repeat Paedophile offender is allowed to be free to go around and abduct and sexually abuse children. Lets say, for example, that the Father(or Mother for that matter)of one of the children who was abducted and abused by this serial Paedophile stepped out of the shadows while this Evil monster was being transfered by Police and put a bullet in to his head. One wonders what would be the reaction of reasonable people? Would it be the same as it was in my World for the Father in the video clip? Sincerely, Jon .


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Quote from Acutus: "However, I also share your point of view that Homosexuality is a choice that individuals make, and that it is a dishonest, selfish, angry behaviour with profoundly destructive consequences for all of Humanity"

Spoken like a true neanderthal.........next thing you'll come out with is that homosexual's are also pedophiles and vice versa...man the world just took a giant leap backwards......your statement has got to be one of the most ignorant things ever written on terb.......


It's been good to know ya
I say good for the Dad in doing this. The courts should in my opinion take a few pedophiles out of society anyways, especially the repeat offenders. They are releasing them too early. They return to repeat again, ruining more innocent lives. If they took the lives of a few pedophiles then maybe they would be worried about committing such acts to begin with and then know that abusing young innocent lives and taking them from ones they love is more punishable and may then be worried about the consequences and not do it to begin with.


Apr 7, 2005
hak said:
No regrets??????? No concern that your vigilante justice will separate you from your daughters for several years, unfortunately causing as much harm.
You obviously have no children or you would have kept your insane comment to yourself. If you do have children I feel sorry for them. Yes, no regrets. You protect your children no matter what. Whether it be before the fact or after. Just thinking about it makes me very angry. I would have no problem handing out vigilante justice in that situation. No problem. Happy to do it. I would also be protecting any future victims. "Peter Whitmore" mean anything to you? As for me going to jail for a few years I would have no problem with that either. Your idiotic comment about a little time apart as opposed to harm by a pedophile is just stupid. Are you really putting them on the same level of injury whether physical or emotional? Please. Screw your head on properly.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
tboy said:
Quote from Acutus: "However, I also share your point of view that Homosexuality is a choice that individuals make, and that it is a dishonest, selfish, angry behaviour with profoundly destructive consequences for all of Humanity"

Spoken like a true neanderthal.........next thing you'll come out with is that homosexual's are also pedophiles and vice versa...man the world just took a giant leap backwards......your statement has got to be one of the most ignorant things ever written on terb.......
X2 :mad:


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
You know what...

dj1470 said:
You obviously have no children or you would have kept your insane comment to yourself. If you do have children I feel sorry for them. Yes, no regrets. You protect your children no matter what. Whether it be before the fact or after. Just thinking about it makes me very angry. I would have no problem handing out vigilante justice in that situation. No problem. Happy to do it. I would also be protecting any future victims. "Peter Whitmore" mean anything to you? As for me going to jail for a few years I would have no problem with that either. Your idiotic comment about a little time apart as opposed to harm by a pedophile is just stupid. Are you really putting them on the same level of injury whether physical or emotional? Please. Screw your head on properly.
...I have a child, and while I understand the emotions you speak of, I ALSO understand hak's point.

What you describe is completely self indulgent. And yes, you would be doing HARM to your children by denying them the time with their father (not to mention the further scrutiny of your trial, the associated media coverage, etc.) at a time when they probably LEAST need it, and MOST need their father and need to be sheltered and protected from outsiders.

Again - to be clear - I understand from where your emotions spring. I'm the guy he still hasn't decided against some "payback" for the asshole who made my little boy pee himself by ramming into the back of my wives car, and then not showing the concern and courtesy to make sure she and my son were ok.

But if you think you are on untouchable high moral ground, and that hak needs to "screw his head on", you are wrong.
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
That's easy!

tboy said:
For eg: Paul Bernardo, why is that fuck even still alive????
Cause he's in Canada, and they don't ever execute criminals there, regardless of the crime. People ought to be used to that by now!:rolleyes:


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
My son while now an adult and able to fend for himself is still the most important thing in the world to me. There is no grey area, harm him in any way shape or form and I will kill that person, and not quickly either. To some people that may seem barbaric, fine if thats your view then you must live with the consequences as I am prepared to live with the consequences of what I would do.


Nov 11, 2004
dj1470 said:
Actually the "people" did not speak at all. The DEATH PENALTY in Canada was abolished by a minority Liberal government in 1976 led by Pierre Trudeau with the help of non-liberal Quebec MP's. The majority of people in Canada were actually against the bill. In many newspaper and TV public polls at the time it was almost 60/40 to keep the existing law.

"The sentence of death existed in Canada for murder until 1961 when legislation was introduced to reclassify murder into capital and non-capital offences. A capital murder involved a planned or deliberate murder, murder during violent crimes, or the murder of a police officer or prison guard. Only capital murder carried the sentence of death. In 1967, a moratorium was placed on use of the death penalty, except for murders of police and corrections officers. On 14 July 1976, bill C-84 was passed by a narrow margin of seven votes in a free vote in Parliament, resulting in the abolition of the death penalty, except for certain offences under the National Defence Act. In 1987, the House of Commons held another free vote, but MPs favoured maintaining, by another slim margin, abolition of the death penalty (139 to 128 with 11 absentees). In 1998, Parliament removed the death penalty for National Defence crimes."

Go figure. We are not ALL whining, suckling, liberal cattle. Some of us actually want capitol punishment back. Maybe in a few years.
Well, this can't all be dumped on the Liberals. It should be noted that the free vote held in 1987 was during the largest majority government in Canadian history -- and it was Conservative.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

LancsLad said:
My son while now an adult and able to fend for himself is still the most important thing in the world to me. There is no grey area, harm him in any way shape or form and I will kill that person, and not quickly either. To some people that may seem barbaric, fine if thats your view then you must live with the consequences as I am prepared to live with the consequences of what I would do.
...business deal goes bad, he gets screwed - you gonna kill somebody?

He and a buddy get into a tiff about a girl (don't know how old your son actually is, but this is typical young 20 something male behavior), you gonna kill somebody?

Things get a bit heated on the soccer / football / lacrosse / softball / hockey playing field...it goes from pushing and shoving to someone actually takes a swing at your kid and connects...you gonna kill somebody?

He meets a girl, and after they date for a wee bit he falls hard - but she moves on. He is brokenhearted - you gonna kill soembody?

Fight all your adult son's battles?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Why thank you...

thompo69 said:
Well, this can't all be dumped on the Liberals. It should be noted that the free vote held in 1987 was during the largest majority government in Canadian history -- and it was Conservative.
...see, I wouldn't have known that.

It didn't make sense to me that something would stand as law for 30 years if indeed a 60 / 40 split on public opinion was against it. Those percentages sound like a lightning rod election issue to me...and having sat through a few elections in my 4 years here, I haven't seen capital punishment described as such.
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Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
MLAM said:
...business deal goes bad, he gets screwed - you gonna kill somebody?

He and a buddy get into a tiff about a girl (don't know how old your son actually is, but this is typical young 20 something male behavior), you gonna kill somebody?

Things get a bit heated on the soccer / football / lacrosse / softball / hockey playing field...it goes from pushing and shoving to someone actually takes a swing at your kid and connects...you gonna kill somebody?

He meets a girl, and after they date for a wee bit he falls hard - but she moves on. He is brokenhearted - you gonna kill soembody?

Fight all your adult son's battles?

Those are a little out of the range of issues that were contemplated at the start of this thread and I hope i could show restraint in those situations. Everybody has to take their own lumps, its part of life, but I am addressing larger issues.

No, I don't fight all his battles , a comment like that twists the sentiment of my post. Not sure what the downward side of the threat level would be but in the situation as original described there is no doubt. Its just the way I am, not about to change now.
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