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AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh There is justice after all.


New member
Jan 17, 2004

Details of the video;

Just to let you know....This happened in my home town of Baton Rouge.La in about 1983. The child in question is actually a boy. I played soccer with him back then. The guy getting shot was his karate coach who had kidnaped him and took him to another state. What you see in the video, is him arriving in the airport with the police. The reason the father knew where and when the were going to be was because the local paper had published it. So Gary,the father, just acted like he was on the phone and shot him on live TV. I got to meet Gary several years later and he told me if he had to do it all again....he would. So all I have to say now is....WAY TO GO GARY!!!!

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh Gary!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Didn't click on the link but I remember seeing this on A&E (I think...)....The Dad got off. Temporary Insanity, he had been drinking all day before the incident and the grief over his son was enough to convince the court that he was not guilty.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
did the boy in question die or did he actually get returned to his family?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
I remember this incident at the time it happened, although I seem to recall a slightly different video of the event. A TV news crew with video cameras rolling was present when this paedophile was being escorted back in to the Jurisdiction where the crime occurred. The child's father was waiting for him. In my social circle, the incident made for some interesting discussion at cooktail parties for a time. The unanimous perspective was that the child's father had real balls and did the right thing. In my World, what goes around, comes around. Good to hear that the father did not do any time and is Free to continue enjoy Life in Society. Just my two cents worth. Sincerely, Jon .


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
Sasha Jones said:
did the boy in question die or did he actually get returned to his family?
If I recall this incident correctly, the child was kipnapped and sexually abused by the paedophile, but was returned to his Family 'unharmed'. Sincerely, Jon .


New member
Jul 16, 2005
So we let people dispense street justice?!

So next time, you step on my lawn, I shoot you dead. :(

As despicable as the pedophile is, and as satisfying as the video may seem, I don't believe in victims taking the law into their own hands.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

High_Roller said:
So we let people dispense street justice.

So next time, you step on my lawn, I shoot you dead. :(
If you think that makes sense...what can I say? Stepping on your lawn and kipnapping and sexually abusing a child are two very different things in my World. But hey, to each their own. Sincerely, Jon .


New member
Jan 17, 2004
High_Roller said:
So we let people dispense street justice?!

So next time, you step on my lawn, I shoot you dead. :(

As despicable as the pedophile is, and as satisfying as the video may seem, I don't believe in victims taking the law into their own hands.

Hardly a good comparisson. As a parent, I would have no problem doing the same if someone caused harm to my kids in this way.

Take it or leave it.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
As they would be...

acutus said:
If you think that makes sense...what can I say? Stepping on your lawn and kipnapping and sexually abusing a child are two very different things in my World. But hey, to each their own. Sincerely, Jon . any sane person's world.

The problem is when we find something we DON'T agree on what are "two different things"

Which is why we have laws and courts to arbitrate these things, versus leaving up to individuals to decide when and how justice should be administered. That why, in theory, we have ONE BRAND of justice versus yours, mine, and his.

If everyone made up their on laws, and associated punishments, we'd have chaos, don't you think?
Last edited:


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
High_Roller said:
So we let people dispense street justice?!

So next time, you step on my lawn, I shoot you dead. :(

As despicable as the pedophile is, and as satisfying as the video may seem, I don't believe in victims taking the law into their own hands.
Hmm that's a typical response by someone who believes our (and the US's) justice system and judges works right, all the time.

I don't support vigilante justice either but until our courts hand out sentences that protect the innocent, then stuff like this is not only necessary, but have my heartfelt support.

For eg: the recent situation with the kidnapped children out west....the perp was a known sex offender, a known REPEAT sex offender and had committed the same sort of crime everytime he was released.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Which isn't the same...

brat_man_7 said:
Hardly a good comparisson. As a parent, I would have no problem doing the same if someone caused harm to my kids in this way.

Take it or leave it. it being right.

Hell, I still haven't convinced myself that I shouldn't find the guy who hit and run rear ended my wife and kid the other day. My natural (all be it more basic) instincts are to find the guy and whup is ass, just because I feel like he has an ass whupping coming.

Doesn't make it right.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
High_Roller said:
So we let people dispense street justice?!

So next time, you step on my lawn, I shoot you dead. :(

As despicable as the pedophile is, and as satisfying as the video may seem, I don't believe in victims taking the law into their own hands.
As brat man said, I would not have to think twice about wanting to do something like this to somone who hurt my child. Thinking about it and actually doing it are two different things though. I don't know if I could actually follow through with it though for fear of doing so may take me away from my child for a long time which would only serve to make the pain worse.

Knowing that these bastards usually only get a couple of years in jail, and in some cases even less would certainly drive my will to follow through though.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

tboy said:
Hmm that's a typical response by someone who believes our (and the US's) justice system and judges works right, all the time.
...I KNOW it doesn't work right, for reasons we aren't going to get into in this thread.

But it works better than if we were to leave "justice" to be decided by individuals and vigilente mobs.

I guess having some historical perspective on these things helps...and also knowing for a fact that I cannot assume the "best" about people.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
MLAM said:
...I KNOW it doesn't work right, for reasons we aren't going to get into in this thread.

But it works better than if we were to leave "justice" to be decided by individuals and vigilente mobs.
It is a catch 22, if our judges actually sentenced people to jail terms or penalties that fit the crime, especially when it is cut and dried, then we wouldn't need any type of vigilante justice....

For eg: Paul Bernardo, why is that fuck even still alive????


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
MLAM said: any sane person's world.

The problem is when we find something we DON'T agree are "two different things"

Which is why we have laws and courts to arbitrate these things, versus leaving up to individuals to decide when and how justice should be administered. That why, in theory, we have ONE BRAND of justice versus yours, mine, and his.

If everyone made up their on laws, and associated punishments, we'd have chaos, don't you think?
In this case, we don't have 'the problem' of being confused about the relative Morality of stepping on someone's lawn and kidnapping and sexually abusing a child. One 'problem' that could be noted in this discussion is when the Courts fail to do their job when dealing with this kind of Evil and despicable crime. For example, lets say that tomorrow morning, someone with a hunting rifle put a bullet in to Karla Homolka's skull. I beleive that all of us would feel that the World is in some fundamental way a better place and that Justice was finally delivered to that individual. Sincerely, Jon .


Apr 7, 2005
Anyone ever hurts one of my daughters and I rip his nuts off and bash his head in a la Bruce Willis in Sin City. No police. No courts. No lawyers. No problem. No regrets. Period.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

tboy said:
For eg: Paul Bernardo, why is that fuck even still alive????
...the citizen's of Canada have decided that Capital Punishment should not be a part of their society / justice system.

Whether you agree or not - the people have spoken.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I wouldn't....

acutus said:
In this case, we don't have 'the problem' of being confused about the relative Morality of stepping on someone's lawn and kidnapping and sexually abusing a child. One 'problem' that could be noted in this discussion is when the Courts fail to do their job when dealing with this kind of Evil and despicable crime. For example, lets say that tomorrow morning, someone with a hunting rifle put a bullet in Karla Homolka's skull. I beleive that all of us would feel that the World is in some fundamental way a better place and that Justice was finally delivered to that individual. Sincerely, Jon .
...for the reasons I have given before, here in this thread, and in threads devoted to her.

She did her time. If you have a problem with the time she did (and for the record, I do), take it up with the persons responsible and the justice system as a whole, lest you find that one day there goes other sit in judgement of whether you were punished enough.

I used this example before - say you are in an auto accident where you were CLEARLY at fault...and someone's wife and child dies. That grieving father / husband might want YOUR head served to him on a platter. Does he have a right to take it?

You don't think the crimes are comparable? Of course they aren't. You think the grieving father / husband gives a shit? All he knows is that your stupid ass was yaking on your cell phone while driving 30 km/h over the limit, and now his kid and wife are dead. And you know what? I bet he could find more than a few people who would agree with him...because speeding and talking on a cell phone while driving are "EVIL".

This is why vigilante justice is wrong. Because we ALL have our own idea of what justice is.


Apr 7, 2005
MLAM said:
...the citizen's of Canada have decided that Capital Punishment should not be a part of their society / justice system.

Whether you agree or not - the people have spoken.
Actually the "people" did not speak at all. The DEATH PENALTY in Canada was abolished by a minority Liberal government in 1976 led by Pierre Trudeau with the help of non-liberal Quebec MP's. The majority of people in Canada were actually against the bill. In many newspaper and TV public polls at the time it was almost 60/40 to keep the existing law.

"The sentence of death existed in Canada for murder until 1961 when legislation was introduced to reclassify murder into capital and non-capital offences. A capital murder involved a planned or deliberate murder, murder during violent crimes, or the murder of a police officer or prison guard. Only capital murder carried the sentence of death. In 1967, a moratorium was placed on use of the death penalty, except for murders of police and corrections officers. On 14 July 1976, bill C-84 was passed by a narrow margin of seven votes in a free vote in Parliament, resulting in the abolition of the death penalty, except for certain offences under the National Defence Act. In 1987, the House of Commons held another free vote, but MPs favoured maintaining, by another slim margin, abolition of the death penalty (139 to 128 with 11 absentees). In 1998, Parliament removed the death penalty for National Defence crimes."

Go figure. We are not ALL whining, suckling, liberal cattle. Some of us actually want capitol punishment back. Maybe in a few years.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
MLAM said:
...for the reasons I have given before, here in this thread, and in threads devoted to her.

She did her time. If you have a problem with the time she did (and for the record, I do), take it up with the persons reasponsible and the justice system as a whole, less you find that one day there goes other sit in judgement of whether you were punished enough.

I used this example before - say you are in an auto accident where you were CLEARLY at fault...and someone's wife and child dies. That griving father / husband might want YOUR life served to him on a platter. Does he have a right to take it?

You don't think the crimes are comparable? Of course they aren't. You think the grieving father / husband gives a shit? All he knows is that your stupid ass was yanking on your cell phone while driving 30 km/h over the limit, and now his kid and wife are dead. And you know what? I beat he could find more than a few people who would agree with him...because speeding and talking on a cell phone while driving are EVIL.

This is why vigilante justice is wrong. Because we ALL have our own idea of what justice is.
An accident or carelessness is not the same thing at all as a premeditated crime of violence; particularly one that is truly Evil, such as Paedophilia. In my view, we all know in our hearts what is right and wrong. It is of course the pratical applications of attempting to ensure that there is Justice for All in our Society. Sincerely, Jon .
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