Ahem ..penis size matters to women??


Unleash "The Animal"
Feb 23, 2005
frankcastle said:
BTW Batista I'm surprised I figured the roids would have affected you! And for the record you were the only one who has revealed his size does that could as bragging? :p

Good luck at wrestlemania..... I'm predicting that the same thing will happen to you as Benoit and Orton, they'll give you the belt and the first sign of trouble with ratings or complaints and the belt'll be back on HHH.
The juice was suppose to make me thick everywhere. but didn't work.I ended up taking GH (Growth Hormone) and I actually got very thick down there as well. My fans call me "The Animal" because of my physique, but my women call me "The Animal" for the real reason.LOL

As for Wrestlemania frankie, I will win the title no doubt. Hunter will try and get the belt back. but he'll have to climb a great big wall in order to do that.

PS- frankie I revealed my size but that doesn't count as bragging- others in this thread have said "women have told them their big"- i said i was AVERAGE there's a diff.- i tell facts not lies


Feb 13, 2004
LeatherDoll said:
I understand that, in addition to the difficulties you describe, lightheadedness and fainting are also a common side effect of an XL penis. All the blood flowing to the penis and sudden surges out after release cause havoc with the blood pressure!
Wow! The burdens that guys with big dicks have to bare.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
LeatherDoll said:
Ok [*]Placement is more important than either. list]


<Begin well deserved relentless fun-poking again, please>

Well I guess I'm lucky......mine is in the usual spot .

Guy asks a question that only women ( or gay men ) can answer and , so far, the male responses have out numbered the women by 10 to 1 . :eek:

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Most women will always tell you that size doesn't matter.

It's always fun to have a dinner party with 4 or 5 women and steer the conversation towards sex, the topic will always come up. The women will always nod their heads in agreement that size doesn't matter.

But then a strange thing happens as you pour some red wine into them.


One will admit that she had this experience once with a guy with a 9" cock and it was pretty good.

She gets this glassy look to her eyes as if fondly remembering, and one of the other women will pipe up, "yeah, my last boyfriend had a huge cock and I have to admit, I stuck it out in that relationship because I loved his penis."

More red wine.

First thing you know they are all cackling away about how they love huge cocks.

Ah alcohol, the great equalizer.


May 29, 2002
Size matters, but so does how it looks, its shape and of course; how you use it...

In any of the candid conversations I've had on the subject (i.e. not paying for it) I'm told that it matters.

I also don't think its in an SP's interest on this board to be candid; why alienate all those potential small-dicked customers or more importantly, all those normal-sized guys who are just plain insecure...


Dec 22, 2004
My little secret
Penis size myths and facts

Myth 1
"My penis is smaller than average."
Most men think they are smaller than average. They get this view from looking down on their flaccid penis in locker rooms, or from watching porn films where well endowed studs thrust away endlessly on the moaning female "stars" until they explode in a volcanic crescendo.
The truth is that if you look at your penis from the top in a locker room, or anywhere else for that matter, you are going to get a shortened view of it: to appreciate its true size, you need to see it sideways on in a mirror. It then suddenly looks longer! And if you watch porn films, you're not seeing average men - you're seeing a small number of men who have large penises in porn films. And, by the way, the reason they go on for so long during sex is that they are totally detached from their feelings, not seeing the women as women, but as sex objects, and they are also cut off from the process of arousal and excitement that makes sex so enjoyable. It may come as a surprise that a man can have a rock hard penis and not be aroused - but that's one of the mysteries of male sexuality.

Myth 2
"Women like a bigger penis."
No they don't. A few women may like a big penis, but most do not care about penis size. The problem here is the male thinking that bigger = better. This logic is based on the way men get sexual pleasure: the more friction, the better the sex. Therefore, a man may think that a bigger penis is going to give a woman more sensation. It seems like a logical connection. But women are not looking for physical sensation like this during sex. They are looking for emotional connection, a feeling of being loved, a sense of being special and cherished, and closeness and intimacy with their partner.
And what's the proof of this? Look on the women's "community" message boards on the internet and you just do not find penis size discussed as an issue. It's the men's advice boards and websites that major on penis size! Try it yourself if you want, by searching for "what women think about penis size" in, say Google, or Yahoo!. What you'll get is a plethora of penis enlargements sites telling you - indeed assuring you - that penis size really really does matter, and a few sensible websites aimed at men telling you that it doesn't. But what you just don't find are female oriented websites discussing the issue at length! What does that tell you? That it's just not an issue in women's consciousness, perhaps?

Myth 3
"A big penis is better for a woman."
Actually, it isn't. If anything, women prefer a thick penis to a long one. This research was done at an American college by asking fifty sexually active women what they preferred: and they said they preferred thickness to length. But although the results were statistically significant, they were not hugely so. It isn't a matter of great importance to women. Original reference here.
Julia Bourland is a sex columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle and author of The Go-Girl Guide: Surviving Your 20s With Savvy, Soul, and Style. Here's what she says in her advice for women:
"Many Shapes and Sizes:
In candid discussions with girlfriends, we've come to the unanimous conclusion that length is a far less critical component to the size factor than width. In fact, an extra long penis is even questionably desirable since it's apt to penetrate too deeply and pain the delicate cervix. When we're in the mood for love, the last thing we want is a faux pap smear poke.
An extra short penis on the other hand is still able to reach one's vital spot (the G-spot is just an inch or so back along the front wall of the vagina.) So if you're the type to enjoy G-spot pleasure - and not all women are - then a short penis will do no wrong. Unless it's short and thin. Then it may not have enough girth to trigger your arousal.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you are not satisfied by your partner's penis size (and since men are extremely sensitive about the only body part they can't buff up by lifting weights), you will want to get creative about your sex positions. A short, thin penis may feel more substantial while engaging in variations of doggy style, which allows for deeper penetration. Using different positions and alternating with a vibrator now and then may increase the pleasure for both of you since many men find that the most satisfying sex is that which arouses their partner. Two other aspects of good sex that men can control matter as well - friction and awareness. For many women the key erogenous zone, the clitoris, is rarely dependent on the penis for orgasmic release. If your mate has the right rhythm, a marathon level of endurance and a keen awareness of all of your erogenous zones, the pleasure will come - regardless of length or width."



Dec 22, 2004
My little secret
Myth 4
"I'm more of a man if I have a big penis."
In all the years I've worked with men, I have never seen any evidence that masculinity is connected to penis size. I know that a sense of self esteem might come through being able to walk around the locker room or the changing room with an enormous penis swinging in front of you - but that doesn't mean you're more of a man if your cock is huge. It's a social construct that penis size equals masculinity. The truth is this: penis size has no relationship whatsoever to those masculine values worth cultivating - the ones that make you a real man: the ability to father a child, either biologically or socially, the strength of character to be a model citizen or a good leader, the personal depth to be a creative force both personally and in the community, and a powerful and emotionally aware male in your relationships, the dedication to be a mentor to adolescent boys, and the determination to think with power and clarity and get what you want out of life. If you had to choose between a big cock and those values, what would you choose? And, out of interest, which do you think would be more likely to attract women?

Myth 5
"A big penis helps you make love for longer."
No it doesn't. The length of time for which you can make love depends on many things, but penis size is not one of them. Men who experience premature ejaculation come in all shapes and sizes. I know this because I have spent a long time counseling men with PE. The cure for premature ejaculation is greater self confidence, a better relationship with your spouse or partner, eliminating fear and guilt from sexual relationships, and open and honest communication. It's not having a big penis, or falling for the line peddled by the penis enlargement sites about how a big penis can make you last all night. If you want to know how to deal with premature ejaculation, go here.

Myth 6
"I can't satisfy a woman unless I have a big penis."
No woman would ever agree with that. Only a minority of women orgasm through vaginal intercourse - and if they do, it's because the penis is stimulating their G spot. (A penis in the vagina doesn't stimulate the clitoris.) And guess where the G spot is found? About two inches inside the vagina on the upper wall. Now, is your penis two inches long? Yes? It is? Oh, good! So, if you want to, you can give a woman a vaginal orgasm. Most couples never realize this, because they don't know how vaginal orgasms are produced. You can read about it here, or if you don't want to bother, you and she can be quite satisfied with clitoral orgasms: these come from stimulating her clitoris with your tongue, your fingers, a vibrator, or the tip of your penis, rubbing outside her vagina on her vulva and clitoris. Here is an email on an internet discussion board from a woman:
"My husband has a penis about 5 inches long and not thick. But I can assure you, he can absolutely drive me crazy with it - and for hours! I guess desire and technique are more necessary and appreciated for a small man? As you know, the clitoral area, the labiae minorae, and the vulva are delectably excitable. So, the smaller penis may be better able to stimulate that area. He teases me there with just the tip of his penis. WOW! Talk about multiple orgasms! So, if you're a man who doesn't have the largest of penises, please don't feel too bad about it - you can still do it for a woman!"

The Penis Website: Scroll down past the ads.

Facts about Penis Size

P.S. Just because we are SPs, MPAs & dancers doesn't mean that'll we will lie about everything and anything just to keep business. Some might lie, most won't. Like in ANY other business in this world you have both liars and non-liars.
I could care less whether or not I lose business over this. A question was asked and I gave MY HONEST opinion.
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New member
Jan 13, 2005
penis size

girls always say that penis size doesnt matter
but they prefer big dicks
when its not tight its not good
u got to have a big girth and play with the
first 1/3 entry of the vagina
all the nerves r there and the g spot too
if u can find an sp who find your size ''perfect''
for her then u r in good shape...


Dec 22, 2004
My little secret
Sheik said:
AS I've said before, its not the size, its what you do with it that counts.
I'd like to know how these guys that disagree about size mattering would know this unless they are bi, gay or have a vagina.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
lest we forget.....

mass123 said:
Not if your good with your hands and mouth. Also, I think the vagina has no nerve endings at the back, pleasure comes from the clitoris and stretching of the vaginal walls.
What about the (in)famous G-Spot? I found it in my SO, and it drives her wild! :D


Horny and Broke
Feb 15, 2004
I'm in a bad mood today so forgive me if this sounds harsh.

I have very close female friends that tell me things honestly and here is the beef that I have heard.

Anybody who asks if size matters has a small dick.

Any woman when asked face to face if size matters will lie to you, say it doesn't and will laugh behind your back for asking. If you believe them, they will laugh at you again for being so foolish.

Size does matter. Anything under 5" is unacceptable, anything over 10" is uncomfortable. (I'm averaging here)

Width does matter. Needle dicks do nothing for girls unless she's into anal then you might have an advantage. It is rare that a dick is too thick.

Technique is important. If you have the minimum 5", what you do with it can make up the difference. BUT they prefer a bigger dick with better technique.

Your girlfriend/wife has had bigger. They're not with you because of your dick, they're just willing to overlook the dick thing because you're a nice guy.

If you think you're small, then you are small. Don't try to rationalize it with stupid excuses, just improve your technique. Live with it, it's not the end of the world.

And yes, I have a small dick.

And one other thing. If you ARE the guy with the big thick dick.. oh why bother it's just gonna get edited by the moderators anyways...


Nov 28, 2004
thanks for all the tips everyone especially from alluring. Your tips give me confidence and self-esteem. I will put into practice. Now I just have to make an appointment with a hot sp girl.


Dec 22, 2004
My little secret
Picard said:
thanks for all the tips everyone especially from alluring. Your tips give me confidence and self-esteem. I will put into practice. Now I just have to make an appointment with a hot sp girl.
You're welcome. Have fun.

Sheik said:
Comes with practise and listening. I was fortunate enough to meet an incredible older woman when I was younger. She taught me everything I needed to know about pleasuring women. Women are suckers for guys that can make them feel good inside, regardless of whether they are a bad boy, nice guy, gay, bi or straight.
Very well put. YES we are suckers for guys that make us feel good inside, regardless of anything else. IMO.
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Horny and Broke
Feb 15, 2004
Cute In A Kilt said:
I totally disagree I've had boyfriends from 3" 1/2 inches to 12 inches and wouldn't you know the small dude always made me cum. As for anal, sorry on that part, I'm a total size queen but nothing a toy can't take care of. I personally believe that guys "dick size" is like chicks "looking fat", it matters more the to person wondering then anyone else. "no dear you don't look fat in those jeans but your dick looks huge, happy now" LOL

I've met many a guy with big boys and you know what??? They think that they just have to lay there and let the girl be in awe of it, they don't think sex is a participatory sport since it's so big, they don't need to do anything, no foreplay nothing. So I'd take a guy that will have a good hard make out instead of one that lies there like a meat puppet. I size matters wayyyyyy more if your a Gay top LMAO, from what I've seen gay men are wayyyyy more obessesed with that stuff LOL
Peace woman. Can't argue with a woman's point of view on women's preferences, but I'm gonna try anyways. I guess the important thing to remember is that evey woman has different limits and different preferences. I'm just recalling from my personal experiences. Here are a few.

I've been with a group of girls giggling about a guy that was good looking but only 4". The two girls in the group that had been with him said that he was good in bed and made them cum but they always ended up feeling like something was missing. None of the other girls wanted to go out with him.

I have a girlfriend that dumped a guy because his dick was too small. Really great guy that could win a gold medal if cunilingus was an olympic event. She just couldn't handle how small he was because she would end up using toys afterwards to compensate for the unsatisfied sex. I don't know how small because it was never discussed.

I have a friend with a 13" dick. He can't wear underwear because his dick stick out even when it's flaccid. He has trouble finding women that can handle his size. He has been dumped more than once because they couldn't handle his size. He had to take one of his dates to the Emergency Room because she started bleeding after they had sex. (she dumped him too)

I love anally sensitive women and have been with more than a few. They enjoy it until their asshole is stretched too much then it just gets painful. The women I've been with enjoy the comfortable penetration in combination with some really hard pounding/clitorical stimulation combos.

I do agree with you if you are trying to say that the size of ones dick has influence on their sexual behavior. Big dicked guys are probably like really good looking women. Most of the good looking women I've been with (not that there were many) just lie there and expect to be serviced. But there have been a couple of good looking women that are enthusiatic about sex and they were some of the most memorable.

As for the Gay comment? Gay guys are just like everybody else, most care about size, some don't. If anything, they are more open about their feelings and opinions than the average straght guy.

Yes, I agree that technique is more important than size, but answer this question honestly.

If there are two very similar guys

1. 9" thick dick with great technique
2. 3.5" thin dick with great technique

Which do you prefer? This may give an honest answer to the question "Does size matter?" Afterall the question wasn't "What makes a guy good in bed"

On another point. If we all believed that size didn't matter, small guys like me wouldn't try so hard.


More Than U Want Me to Be
Well, personally, ...

auto doctor said:
Now I'm starting to think that anyone who posts on this thread has a small pee pee. Or does not have one at all...??
... I have a number of them ... they all sit nicely in their drawer all cleaned and ready for use - strong, perpetually hard, and silent - until I or you want them! Trustworthy as they are, they will never be able to replace a live partner - these are toys, adjuncts, and enhancers - the only true strong, silent type we really like!

But, since the really pointed advice from the women seemed to disappear in the mix - let me repeat:
  • Stamina, inventiveness/creativity, and a sense of humour trump [penis size][*]If you are relying strictly on your cock and your thrusting abilities to please a woman, you are in serious trouble.[*]Try involving some body parts that are a little less volatile, susceptible to the influences of your (sub)conscious and physical prowess, and robust in the face of exhaustion - like hands, fingers, tongues, toys, etc*

And, here's an idea -- why not ask the woman you are with what drives her wild - there will be as many answers as there are women!

Finally, as I have mentioned a million times - if you are still feeling insecure or unsure about your abilities -- take a course (Good For Her ), then practice - an sp is a fine choice for gaining experience since her time is dedicated entirely to you and she will gladly show you "the ropes" (No, wait, that's ME!)

*how about sliding in a finger along with your penis? How about fingers and cunnilingus? How about a drastically different position? Fantasies? Role play/costuming? Whispers? Teasing? Different sensations? Different temperatures? .....

p.s. CIAK - those blue gloves are mine are waiting for both of us!


New member
Jan 13, 2005
about me

i have a 9'' dick and a 3.5 '' too ( the diameter) with greeeeaaaat technique
does it matter ???


Horny and Broke
Feb 15, 2004
hobby11 said:
i have a 9'' dick and a 3.5 '' too ( the diameter) with greeeeaaaat technique
does it matter ???
Better than a 3.5" dick that is 9" thick.

I think one of my ex-girlfriends knows you.....


Dec 22, 2004
My little secret
hobby11 said:
i have a 9'' dick and a 3.5 '' too ( the diameter) with greeeeaaaat technique
does it matter ???
Even though this question doesn't seem to be directed at me I'll answer it.

I'd take the 3.5" .... personally for me the 9" would hurt (not alot but enough to make me choose smaller).


Oct 29, 2004
What if ....

What if there was penis augmentation (like breast augmentation) surgery ... would you do it??

My guess is most guys would do it ..... even if they fall into the average category.

Also, has anyone tried the "growth" products? Did it work??
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