Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners

Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Is it me, or do some of these pictures look like a shitty modern dance production?

And would anyone like to take bets on how long it's going to take some smacktard to say "Well, given what these guys did to us on 9-11, they deserve everything they get...."


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
There's no excuse for that kind of treatment.
The American military must deal with the military prison guards swiftly and publicly to convince the Iraqi people that whole US armed forces was not in on it.
So much for winning their hearts and minds.
I would say could things get any worse; but I'm sure they could a lot worse. The question is will the situation in Iraq fall further apart for the Americans?


New member
Jan 15, 2004
Total disgrace to the uniform. There are/will be tremendous ramifications from these dim witted acts commited by a few loonies from the guard. And the poor grunts trying hard to stay alive and do the right thing, will suffer from it all when the angry Arab retribution rolls their way! Disgusting.......


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
Winston said:
Just another example of "do as I say, not as I do" that the American's are famous for.
Oh come on, the soldiers responsible will be put on trial and punished. This is obviously a breach of the ethics of the military and will be dealt with accordingly. Its not as if this is policy...


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
You can't make blanket assumptions over a group because of the actions of a few. I'll be critical if they aren't punished but so far they have been suspended and will be court marshalled.

Lets' face it, it isn't the first time soldiers have committed crimes (US of others) in an occupying country and it won't be the last. A lotof soldiers are "grunts" and not exactly the most civil and intelligent of people.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
It matters little that we in the West can say this is not policy, an isolated incident perpetrated by a few who will be punished. Far more important is how this will play out with the Iraqi people, and how many will believe that the complete humiliation, or even torture, of Iraqi prisoners is routine.
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My new Handle.....
Apr 28, 2002
I say they deserved every Bit of it!!!!
Anyone related to Terrorist actions should be Tortured to death!

I think the Videos were kinda soft... the Soldiers were kinda Merciful compared to what these Terrorist suckers did


missing 400 or so
Jan 27, 2002
The most amusing thing I've read so far in relation to this whole story was the rationalization that it happened because the soldiers in question "didn't have full training about the Geneva Coventions". It makes you think that they are trying to say there is actually some circumstance where such things are normal treatment by the US military?

The fact that superior officers have been removed and that apparently the Pentagon (and presumably Bush) knew back when it happened in January makes this a much larger problem than they are admitting in the press. And to think if they came clean immediately when it happened hat it would've been halfway forgivable....but the fact that it seems they were trying to cover it up makes it many times worse.



missing 400 or so
Jan 27, 2002
Winston said:
Terrorists? What terrorists? There is NO link between Iraq and 9/11.
Sure there is....the 9/11 terrorists were trained to fly in the US and the US supplied Saddam with his mustard gas. How much more of a connection do you need?!?!?




New member
Jan 18, 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Anyone who dares look white people in the eye and does not immediately convert to second-class Christian status is a terrorist. That's the American Heritage Dictionary definition anyway.

Of course, the Americans and British (and "civilised countries" in general) are concerned because the Iraqis, etc. might actually get off their bums, and start meting out justice. It is unlikely that this is the impetus they need to realise that on the moral level, they can now act with absolute impunity. A few more such incidents, such as more massacres in Iraq and Palestine would really be the ticket. Pity about the lack of backbone that Cheney and co. showed on Syria and Iran. I hope they're coming to their senses, and now know they need to handle the larger problem all at once. Regardless, maybe more people will start realising that this isn't just teabags, whiskey and democracy for goats.

I love the tribal ways in some parts of the world. Two, three, four generations later, they still settle scores, anywhere, anyway. The Vietnamese attitude is sickening. Forgive and forget? Sheesh. Revenge kind of cuts through all the political double-talk. I mean that's old school. Makes for interesting times, that's for sure.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Snook.fr said:
I say they deserved every Bit of it!!!!
Anyone related to Terrorist actions should be Tortured to death!

I think the Videos were kinda soft... the Soldiers were kinda Merciful compared to what these Terrorist suckers did
And the winner is - Snook.fr!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your prizes:

1) a gun-rack for your 1983 Ford half-ton,
2) several rusted vehicles for your front-yard,
3) a marriage licence for you and the cousin of your choice,
4) a brand new trailer,
5) several dogs to live under that trailer,

and the grand prize:

6) Coppertone's brand new "Sun-Burn Enhancing" Lotion, specifically designed for use on the neck!



Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
sweet guy said:
All I can say is when in Rome do the Romans do.
Considering how this has been going for Team Bush, it's more like stepping into deep do-do.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
sweet guy said:
All I can say is when in Rome do the Romans do.
When in Fallujah, do as the Fallujans do.

Yeah, beat them to death, burn the bodies, drag them through the streets and then hang the bodies in public. Or do you drag them first and then burn them. I always forget the proper sequence. But I do remember that thousands should be watching the proceedings and cheering and firing guns while smiling for the video cameras.
shack said:
When in Fallujah, do as the Fallujans do.

Yeah, beat them to death, burn the bodies, drag them through the streets and then hang the bodies in public. Or do you drag them first and then burn them. I always forget the proper sequence. But I do remember that thousands should be watching the proceedings and cheering and firing guns while smiling for the video cameras.
How about some Americans say making the place as parking lots, like those in the Suburbs Wal-Marts?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
sweet guy said:
No, Team Bush are bunches of "bullies wannabe"/"chickenhawks".

His "other" father does not order him to be a true bully. They sure do have maschismo.
Well, you've got me there, mainly because I have no idea what you're talking about. Unless you are suggesting that George W. is not really in control of his own team, in which case, there's a good chance you're right.
Asterix said:
Well, you've got me there, mainly because I have no idea what you're talking about. Unless you are suggesting that George W. is not really in control of his own team, in which case, there's a good chance you're right.
Yes, the Dubya, (Jr. in the Middle East) is just a figure head. Karl Rove and Dick Cheney are the brains.

As far as the chickenhawks and bullies wannabes stuff are concerns, it just happens to be Team Bush members are bunches of think loud, talk loud, talk tough, act "wussy" people. Even those "wise guys" at the CIA aren't that "streets smart"- main streets outside North America that is.

America needs more agents to think out of the box and fast to turn the tables and put the fights in the terrorists territories. Also, the American deterrence is eroding since the terrorists didn't feel the Americans awesome hard and soft powers personally.
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