Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners


Jan 17, 2004
jwmorrice said:
Can anything else go wrong with the British and American efforts in Iraq? This latest news is pretty damn disgusting. For those who didn't see 60 Minutes, here's what it's about: http://www.theage.com.au/photogallery/2004/04/30/1083224564638.html

These dirtbags deserved this and worse.

Taking American soldiers and dismembering them, dragging them through the streets, and hanging them was a sign of how second-class human beings these Iraqi terrorists are.

Drop a nuclear bomb and be done with the trash of the world in the middle east is the best solution.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Color me confusfed, those pics look as if they might have been taken anywhere in the world. No uniforms are clearly seen. Pics look alot like someting ya might see in the ENQUIRER.

But hey if 60 minutes, the show that televised a murder, shows them, they must be true.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Insane actions in the face of insanity.

Lumix said:
Drop a nuclear bomb and be done with the trash of the world in the middle east is the best solution.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
papasmerf said:
Color me confusfed, those pics look as if they might have been taken anywhere in the world. No uniforms are clearly seen. Pics look alot like someting ya might see in the ENQUIRER.

But hey if 60 minutes, the show that televised a murder, shows them, they must be true.
Please. The soldiers have been identified, and confirmed as guards at Abu Ghraib prison by the military. After receiving complaints from other soldiers, the army conducted an investigation, culminating in a report by US Major General Taguba that is the basis for an article in The New Yorker which can be found here.


The abuses he documents are worse than those shown in the released photographs.

As far as who is in the prison, most are Iraqi civilians. The detainees range from a small number of "high value" suspects of the insurgency, to common criminals, to people picked up during random military sweeps and at highway checkpoints as "suspicious".


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
it is no wonder i support THE ART OF WAR as base rules for fighting.

to be quite honest I am not a big supporter of todays wars. Once it becomes civilized you loose the disdain that is the prelude to battles. Once long range weapons were introduced the combatents became estranged from the act itself. Makes it too easy to "pull the trigger". When wars were fought on the battlefield and you could smell your opponents life slipping from them; it was what many today call battles and war.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Re: Re: Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners

Lumix said:

Drop a nuclear bomb and be done with the trash of the world in the middle east is the best solution.
If you're willing to ride it on the way down ala Major Kong in Dr. Strangelove, I'm all for it. Just don't blame me if it turns out to be a dud.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W

I agrre they will and heads will roll for it.


My new Handle.....
Apr 28, 2002
Drunken Master said:
And the winner is - Snook.fr!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your prizes:

1) a gun-rack for your 1983 Ford half-ton,
2) several rusted vehicles for your front-yard,
3) a marriage licence for you and the cousin of your choice,
4) a brand new trailer,
5) several dogs to live under that trailer,

and the grand prize:

6) Coppertone's brand new "Sun-Burn Enhancing" Lotion, specifically designed for use on the neck!

I knew I could Do it !!!!
Now be a man and deliver it in Person... We'll have a little talk.


Jan 17, 2004
Winston said:
Oh, I don't share your jolly assessment. Sure, the grunts will get booted out of the military. But probably to run into a job offered by Lumix or someone who thinks like him.

But those that sanctioned or indirectly ordered the abuse will not be punished to the full extent of the law. At worst, their military career will end, either through lack of promotion, or being subtly suggested to take an honourable discharge now.
Winston, you are completely in fantasyland. What side are you on? Let me guess... you are a radical muslim fundamentalist or perhaps a sympathizer.

Bottom line - you are either with us or against us; there is no in-between.

If the civilized world continues to be passive, the terrorists will continue to take advantage and we will all have to think twice before going to the shopping mall or taking our kids to school.

Get a grip and understand what is happening in the world.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Lumix said:
Winston, you are completely in fantasyland. What side are you on? Let me guess... you are a radical muslim fundamentalist or perhaps a sympathizer.

Bottom line - you are either with us or against us; there is no in-between.

If the civilized world continues to be passive, the terrorists will continue to take advantage and we will all have to think twice before going to the shopping mall or taking our kids to school.

Get a grip and understand what is happening in the world.
Lumix is right. Anyone who disagress with Bush is a terrorist.

Not only should we nuke the whole of the middle east to solve the problem, anyone who disagrees with how Bush is handling the war ought to be rounded up and shot.

Oh - damn it. This will involve shooting alot of Americans. After all, 22% of Americans believe that Bush has made no difference when it comes to making America safe from terrorists. 20% actually think he's made America less safe. Only 37% think the war in Iraq was worth the cost. Only 50% think the war is part of the "war on terror." 44% disagree. Why, Bush's overall approval rating is only at 49%. And let's not forget that the majority of American voters didn't vote for Bush in the first place...

Gee, this is going to take alot of work - looks like we're going to have to kill approximately half the American population. But like you said, Lumix, if you aren't with Bush, you're a terrorist. Maybe we could set up camps with gas chambers of some sort - this would probably be right up your alley.

Oh, and Snook - if you intended to demonstrate how civilized you are by threatening me, it didn't work. Try again.


Jan 17, 2004
Drunken Master said:
Lumix is right. Anyone who disagress with Bush is a terrorist.

Not only should we nuke the whole of the middle east to solve the problem, anyone who disagrees with how Bush is handling the war ought to be rounded up and shot.

Oh - damn it. This will involve shooting alot of Americans. After all, 22% of Americans believe that Bush has made no difference when it comes to making America safe from terrorists. 20% actually think he's made America less safe. Only 37% think the war in Iraq was worth the cost. Only 50% think the war is part of the "war on terror." 44% disagree. Why, Bush's overall approval rating is only at 49%. And let's not forget that the majority of American voters didn't vote for Bush in the first place...

Gee, this is going to take alot of work - looks like we're going to have to kill approximately half the American population. But like you said, Lumix, if you aren't with Bush, you're a terrorist. Maybe we could set up camps with gas chambers of some sort - this would probably be right up your alley.

Oh, and Snook - if you intended to demonstrate how civilized you are by threatening me, it didn't work. Try again.
I suppose if a loved one of yours ever was killed by a terrorist attack you would think along the same lines?
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Lumix said:
I suppose if a loved one of yours ever was killed by a terrorist attack you would think along the same lines?
Yes, I would. I know this will be difficult for you to understand, but some of us don't think "revenge" and "kill all those bastards" is a reasonable basis for foreign policy, whatever our personal feelings might be.

Oh, and generally, ad hominem arguments are the last resort of someone who feels they can't respond rationally in a debate. You don't know me; you don't know how I'd react. Try responding with a considered argument, rather than spouting platitudes you probably read off the back of cereal box.


Jan 17, 2004
Drunken Master said:
Yes, I would. I know this will be difficult for you to understand, but some of us don't think "revenge" and "kill all those bastards" is a reasonable basis for foreign policy, whatever our personal feelings might be.

Oh, and generally, ad hominem arguments are the last resort of someone who feels they can't respond rationally in a debate. You don't know me; you don't know how I'd react. Try responding with a considered argument, rather than spouting platitudes you probably read off the back of cereal box.
Clearly, you are full of it.


missing 400 or so
Jan 27, 2002
Lumix said:
Bottom line - you are either with us or against us; there is no in-between.
Am I the only one who read that line and upon pondering what the US military has been caught doing lately, couldn't help saying "against" out loud? Sorry, but I want nothing to do with people who would condone genocide on a race (ie dropping a nuke on the Middle East) and I'm quite sure I'd be in the majority on that one (even among Americans).

If the civilized world continues to be passive, the terrorists will continue to take advantage and we will all have to think twice before going to the shopping mall or taking our kids to school.

Get a grip and understand what is happening in the world.
I think the point is that we *do* understand (and likely much better than you do).....see, this latest incident probably just increased the number of Arabs willing to die taking out the USA by a conservative factor of 10-20. When the war against terror is making it worse, it's time to pull the plug (or sever the cord).

And yes, some of us have lost loved ones in terrorist attacks but don't want that same vile horror to be visited on other innocent families as you suggest.



Jan 17, 2004
Seems like we've got a few yellow-bellies here. Take these bastards out or they will destroy our homes and our children.

Get your heads out of the sand. These terrorists mean business and it is important to knock them down to nothing real soon. As sad as it may be, the Americans have to take tougher measures. We have been way too passisve on this issue. There are several radical countries that must be contained - these people are not people, they are wild fanatics.

Or maybe you are from France?


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Lumix said:
what's your solution? go to IT and forget about it?
Why do you think your "idea" is a solution. A solution solves problems. Terrorist organisations and/or those who have the potential to become terrorists out of a sense of "vengeance" against Lumix are not limited within the confines of the Middle East.

I do know that my solution would not be to annihilate millions of innocent people, in order to kill off some terrorists, who are, in fact, a very small percentage of the population of the Middle East.

I assume your only concern in relation to the middle east is "the threat of terrorism". There is no easy solution, because the damage has already been done. Why do you think the USA in particular is despised by many in the Middle East. This may be a hard thing to grasp, but they see the US only through a small window. If the US had kept their greedy noses out of the Middle East they most likely would never have been a target. It has been said that we are all considered infidels, anyway. Oddly enough, for the most part, if not in all cases, it is only those countries who are noisy and piss people off who have been targeted. No doubt, there are extremists who are just looking for excuses to incite people and we just keep shipping them the pablum they need.

I was obviously delusional when I thought Sept 11th would be a wake up call. It seems many took it as, "good job guys, just keep on doing what you are doing" : (
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Lumix said:
Seems like we've got a few yellow-bellies here. Take these bastards out or they will destroy our homes and our children.

Get your heads out of the sand. These terrorists mean business and it is important to knock them down to nothing real soon. As sad as it may be, the Americans have to take tougher measures. We have been way too passisve on this issue. There are several radical countries that must be contained - these people are not people, they are wild fanatics.

Or maybe you are from France?
Yes, I hope that radical country USA is contained soon. I agree with you there. That Bush/Wolfowitz/Pearle gang are wild fanatics, not people.
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