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Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners

Drunken Master said:
Plus, we can't say for sure that alien doesn't represent the majority of aliens.
I'd say that 2 out of 3 aliens disagree with this statement.
I'm quite offended by this, Drunkie.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
This thread is getting surreal. Can we get back to abusing Iraqi prisoners?


Mar 8, 2004
..what I find it hard to belive is that any-one would be suprised. Hmm lets see, for the fairly well informed the story would go something like this.
1) After WW2 Iraqi elect Nationilistic Leader
2.) Ovetrthrown by the CIA
3.) Years later Saddam is brought into power, again the CIA's man, as proven by the fact that after his first asssassination attempt where he shoots himself in the leg, he hides out in Egypt, by this time a US client state.
4.)Apparrently Saddam and Uncle Sam have a tiff ( apparrently)
and after 10 years of sanctions and a couple of Wars and probably hundreds of thousands of Deaths Saddam is finally gone.
5.) One of the Yanks first acts after seizing the country is they try and privatise the Oil Industry ( which is of course against international law)
6)Iraquis dont like Americans
..any-one who thinks the Iraquis are just going to stand back and let the Americans take over their country I have a couple of bridges to sell you, this is just starting, and its only gonna keep getting bigger and bigger.
choc said:
..what I find it hard to belive is that any-one would be suprised. Hmm lets see, for the fairly well informed the story would go something like this.
1) After WW2 Iraqi elect Nationilistic Leader
2.) Ovetrthrown by the CIA
3.) Years later Saddam is brought into power, again the CIA's man, as proven by the fact that after his first asssassination attempt where he shoots himself in the leg, he hides out in Egypt, by this time a US client state.
4.)Apparrently Saddam and Uncle Sam have a tiff ( apparrently)
and after 10 years of sanctions and a couple of Wars and probably hundreds of thousands of Deaths Saddam is finally gone.
5.) One of the Yanks first acts after seizing the country is they try and privatise the Oil Industry ( which is of course against international law)
6)Iraquis dont like Americans
..any-one who thinks the Iraquis are just going to stand back and let the Americans take over their country I have a couple of bridges to sell you, this is just starting, and its only gonna keep getting bigger and bigger.
1) No, the British, under then colonial secretary Winston Churchill, set up a throne under King Faisal after World War I. His eldest brother was crowned King in Transjordan by the British. This king in Jordan at that time was also used to be the protector in holy city Mecca before world war I, until a "hoodlum" named bin Saud kicked him out of Arabia and renamed the area Saudi Arabia.

2) The Iraqi monarchy was overthrowned by secularists who were pro-Soviet. CIA had nothing to do with the coup in Iraq. The CIA did instigate a coup in Iran in 1953 to overthrow socialistic prime minister Mossadazeh (can't spell right!) who dared to nationalize the oil comapnies in Iran and bring back Pallavi, the Peacock throne to Tehran.

3) Saddam brought to power by bloodless coup and "asking" his cousin, the leader of Iraq at that time to step down. Iraq was always pro-Soviet and CIA was at that time still in Iran before 1979 Iranian Revolution. His assessination attempt in Egypt was instigated by anti-Baathists.

4) Saddam was at one time the United States own SOB during the Iran-Iraq war in the 80s. Remember my enemy's enemy is my friend. After the Americans got humiliated in Iran 1979 by the fanatical Ayatollahs. The Americans agitated Saddam to "seize the day" by attacking Iran.

The Americans, under Donald Rumsfield as the lead "salesman" help Saddam to kill as many Iranians as possible by giving them war surplus from Israel during the 73 wars, and chemicals weapons knowhow. At the same time, when the Iranians were losing big time and got corner. The Americans paid "ransom money" and sold American weapons and spared parts to Iran at astronomical price in exchange for freedom of the American hostages. The huge profits reaped from Iranian were used to finance the contras in Nicanagra. This was known as the contras affair.

Saddam became the American's pain of ass when he was broke and bullied the rich Kuwati brothers to "forgive" the debts and ask for more by "invading" Kuwait and threaten another "junior, rich brotherly state-the Saudi Arabia".

5) Yeah, you are right. The plan is the Americans want to privatize the oil industries in Iraq, so that they can set up joint ventures with Exxon Mobil, BP, Chervon, instead of Total, PetroChina and Lukos.

6) Iraqis don't like Americans in any case because

a) The "traditional" Arabs don't like anything western, especially the Americans.
b) The Iraqi Kurds don't like the Americans wholeheartedly because the Americans gave the chemical and biological knowhows and ingredients to Saddam, who in turn used the weapons to gas both the Iranians AND the Kurds. Plus, the Americans don't want to trigger the issue of Kurdistan, for fearing of angering Turkey, the only Muslim NATO member and stauch secular Muslim state.
c) The Sunni Iraqis hate the Americans because Saddam is a Sunni and most Sunnis enjoyed privilages in Saddam Iraq. They are not going to give up easily in a country where the Shite is the majority.
d) The Shite Iraqis hate the Americans because in 92, the Sr. encouraged them to revolt against Saddam, only got slaughtered big time by Saddam's Republican guards as the Americans stood by in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Now the Jr. did not want to let them set up Islamic state akin to Iran. Plus the Jr. suspects they are Iranian surrogate. The Americans learn the danger of the Iranian surrogate in South Lebanon.
Fundamentalism and extremism are the culprit.

It doesn't matter whether such extremism based on Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Shikism and yes Buddhism. The philosophy may be different but the common point is all those "heinous, terror" actions are "sanctioned" in the name of the almighty, whatever the name is. The actions are always justified by the means.

Plus, it doesn't have to be based on Religion. Remember Communism, Fascism and Nazism? They shared the same fundamatlistic and extreme traits, except there's no "almighty figure"/Godless to "justify" and "sanction" their actions. To a certain extent, the Baathists are akin to the Fascists.

BTW, the only difference between the Christian fundamentalists and Islamic fundamentalists will be the male Christian fundamentalists are usually clean shaven.


le roi des cons
Jul 21, 2003
What is the current American "fundamentalism or extremism" based on? I believe the correct word is imperialism - I want the oil, and the country, and I'll lie, steal, and kill whomever I want to get it. And anyone who stands in my way, or even dares voice a contrary position, will be labelled a terrorist and will feel my wrath. Hey , based on that, add "McCarthyism" to the list of US "isms". Maybe history will view that the wrong side won the Cold War after all. Meanwhile, back in the States, all that is heard is the ringing of the cash register at Haliburton and the rythmic chant of Go Lakers.


le roi des cons
Jul 21, 2003
and btw Lumix, you are my hero. I wish I could be so morally lame as to not give a rats arse about the world outside the USA or its citizens. Then again, the way that the USA is racking up enemies around the world, the USA is soon to be the ONLY safe place for Americans. You would think terrorism wasn"t invented till 9\11 or something? Or how about Timothy McVeigh? Or are American terrorists called something else besides terrorists? And as for the treatment of prisoners, can anyone who knows the American psyche believe this is really an isolated incident? Or that the powers really want to stop this kind of thing? I say they IN NO WAY want to stop this kind of thing, only stop the publicity. I'll bet none of this is going on with the Guantanamo Bay prisoners where many have been held for years now without counsel or charges. Right Lumix?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I will not defend abusing prisioners. Once you determined to it is necseeary to take a prisioner, during war, you are obligated to treat them well as long as they live. Give them the same respect you would hope to receive as a prisioner with them. Don't give into the abuses you susect them of.


Mar 8, 2004
..well,thanks for your version of events, you may in fact be right I am not a full time Historian. However Saddam was CIA 's man, my reference for this is http://www.sftt.org/ or his sister site, you want proof go search, only the most decorated Soldier in US History. the bottom line is we both agree on this. The Iraquis hate the US, period. This Bullshit this asshole Bush & Co are trying to sell that the majority of Iraquis want the US to stay is excatly what happened in Vietnam, American fighting and dyeing in a War suppossedly to help the South Vietnamese, who mostly wanted them gone as well. I really dont know how many times Bush has to be caught in a lie before some of you people catch in that this guy is a liar. I now understand how some people felt about Nixon, I just dont like Bush, I think he is dangerous. He is so sure his vision for the world is right,this guy admits into his forties he was a drunk !, now after "finding Christ" he has the Moral clarity to change the world. Give me a break . He is not qualified to make it for me let alone Billions of people.


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004

choc said:
... to make it for me let alone Billions of people.
A skull and bones before any other. That way of thinking is the pervasive mentality in politics! Those who seek power seek it for immediate selfish self-centered self-interest for themselves and their cronies. Do you think Bush gives a rat's ass about you or billions of others? Wake up! [That was rhetorical. hehehe]

Oh right I am a conspiracy theorist. For those who do not want to believe it can not be true! Well stick with your worldview that every Muslim wants every non-Muslim destroyed, and we are on a mission of "survival" and to "SAVE THE WORLD"! "GOOD versus EVIL". "If you are not with us you are against us" ... blah ... blah ... blah ... Political spin ... propaganda is alive and well!

Wash wash wash ... wash that brain, yeah!
Wash wash wash ... wash that brain, yeah!
Wash wash wash ... wash that brain, yeah!

BTW FYI John Kerry is a skull and bones man too.


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
Dont forget about ...

Or the conceited self-stroking wanna be handsome “lady killas” who have an attitude. :p oh right that was ... “had”. Pardon? So he head fakes him ...

I loved the "two old oars in the boat" one. hahaha

Johnnyboy a little research might help you differentiate between fact and fiction. Conspiracy theorist! :p


Mar 8, 2004
..people laugh at Skull & Bones Stuff, but the fact that it suprises some people that small groups of men get togerther and run things makes me laugh. That's just the way it it, you could probably fit into one of those Big Hotels in Vegas all the men in the United States who really run it, own it, lock stock and barrel . The rest of us are just peasants to be manipiulated into doing whatever they decide. Yes they are both Skull & Bones, and its my contention that Kenneddy was the last real President. The rest have been front men.This is about Oil , simple as that, think of it like a drug that is beeing fought over by a bunch of addicts. As it starts running out and India and China really get going, then it will be plain for all to see, it may even be that what the US is doing has to be done, or not, of course we will never know, because we, the peasants, will never be involved in the debate. those decisions will be made behind close doors, far from our prying eyes.


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
choc said:
... and its my contention that Kenneddy was the last real President. The rest have been front men. ...
Kennedy was the front man for his father and his father was a front man for the mob. There are strings to each and every one.
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