Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners


New member
Aug 20, 2003
ocean976124 said:
I really don't think the hearts and minds of the Moslem world care to be won by the US. They celebrate the downing of the US's Black Hawk helicopter in Somolia despite the fact the the US was there to protect Muslims from the warlords. We went into Serbia to prevent the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims and they claim Serbia is a victim of US aggression.

I agree , sometimes Americans can never be right. If we believe the majority of Iraquis wanted Saddam out then the U.S. should be praised. If not then the U.S should never haven gotten involved which is what I always believed. Let them decide their own fate. It's a complicated issue but I believe there are a lot of Muslims who would hate americans no matter what they do.
9/11 occured before anything in Iraq, imagine thousands leave for work say goodbye to their wifes mom kids and never return.
Thease were innocent office workers and now we deplore the treatment of prisoners. It isn't right to treat prisoners this way but trust me American prisoners would suffer worse. I could post a 100 more words on this subject but right now I don't have the time.


Mar 8, 2004
..I disagree, Kennedy was obviously effected by his Dad, but that is a different thing, a front man is someone who Knows he has no power , he is just a shill for what others tell him to do or say, Kennedy scared the Power Elites, remember it was Eishenhower who warned the American people about the US military Industrial complex, then the next President who refusses to provide air cover for the Bay of Pigs invasion, gets his head blown off.


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
choc said:
... then the next President who refusses to provide air cover for the Bay of Pigs invasion, gets his head blown off.
He just bit the hand that fed him after daddy had a stroke and was no longer there to "handle" him. Just goes to show, if you cut your strings, you will not last long.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Not that it's terribly important, but no, you're wrong bbk. Joe Kennedy suffered his first massive stroke in December 1961, while Jack was still in office.


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
tompeepin said:
Just goes to show, if you cut your strings, you will not last long.
BBK that was in reference to JFK not lasting long and not his father not lasting long.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
bbking said:
What others do never justifies in-humane treatment by anyone.

Let me ask you a question if your 9 yr old daughter was kidnapped and they caught the suspect while she was still alive but hidden would you condone any form of torture to make him reveal her wherabouts.

A lot of people seem to know how we should not respond to terrorism but the question is how do we respond .

I don't know if I have an answer but I can see why some people say nuke them. Now I'm not saying that I believe this but you can't pussfoot around with terrorists.
Sometimes I think you can't win a war on terror not the way civilzed society wages it. The terrorists have no rules , keep in mind they are killing their own people now as well as Americans.
They have no morals and should be treated accordingly.


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
bbking said:
I found it discusting that you would link JFK's death to the fact his father was ill.
:D Not directly because his father was ill, but because JFK failed to toe the line and became a liability for his real handlers.

bbking said:
- what I was trying to point out that JFK was not in his fathers pocket as tompeepin would have you believe . Joe's illness didn't slow him down totaly until early 68.
Without his father who would have known about JFK and what would he have become? Joseph Jr. was the one really meant to be his father's man, alas for Joseph Sr. he had to settle for JFK. Yeah JFK was a real "noble" stand up guy. Too funny!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I think as it has been suggested, many times here, Never judge an entire country y the actions of a few of its citizens.........
bbking said:
Nothing you have said here is at shows that you are nothing more than a fool.
You've just figured that out now???
When he's not a peeping Tom he watches too many Oliver Stone movies.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Quick note on JFK

bbking said:
JFK not only was a war hero, but also and an award winning author.
As noted, this thread is about the abuse of Iraqi prisoners and not JFK, so I'll be very brief. On the matter of JFK being an award-winning author, see http://www.straightdope.com/columns/031107.html. I haven't come across anything else on the matter of authorship.



Mar 8, 2004
..the bottom line is the majority of American people will not support such tactics, a good portion yes, but not the majority and as per Sun Tzu the first thing a nation needs to win a War is the support of its people, at best right now its 50 %, its simply not enough as Korea and Vietnam showed.


Mar 8, 2004
.. I will add however that no President did more for Blacks in the States then Kennedy, at time of Segregation he would promote Blacks in the Deep South to jobs like Post Master General. Kennedy was reckless but I think because through his Dad he saw how corrupt the world was he seemed to have a soft spot for the underpriviliged as did his brother Bobby.Oswell was nothing but a patsy, at the time the Soviets could not even hit the mainland States with Nukes except by Sub, and if not the Soviets nobody else in the world would have had the guts to knock off Kennedy,the States would have removed a good part of the country off the map. Same with the Mob they would have been round up and shot.

P.s-on the Buffalo news tonight it should new recruits being trained in riot controls, the assumption of course is they were being trained for overseas, I dont think the new riot police are going anywhere.


Mar 8, 2004
..I could be wrong but I think this guy asks the same question whenever any-one even questions our right to bomb Iraq back to the stone age or questions the Patriot act exct. Personally I think it is an idiotic question, you can always make up hypothetical situations to suit your purposes, its called useing fear and its what Bush and his cronies are doing right now.
Re: More abuse revelations:

Winston said:
Well, it now seems that some 35 documented cases of abuses are being or have been investigated by the US military police. Two deaths of prisoners have now been labeled as "homicides" with several more deaths under investigation .

Apparently there have been foreign "investigators" (ie the Mossad) doing some of the torture.

So much for the "couple of rotten apples" idea. It seems that this problem is widespread.
You're anti-Israel, arent you Winston. The Mossad, give me a break. How do you know this??? Were you there yourself???
You probably think Israel was behing 9/11, dont you??
You FREAK!!!!!

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
"jerk off"?


LMAO! You guys need to get some better insults. Or a life, your choice.
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