Sargeant StiffCock said:
A whole fucking country of Muslims slaughtered 1.5 to 2 million people for the sake of religion. Not one person, not a group of people, the whole fucking country ganged-up on non-muslims. Is this registering at all? Children, women, didn't matter. So don't tell me how they are not all the same. Again, my immediate family was involved in this. I lived through the feeling of segregation all through my childhood. What hands-on experience do you have regarding this matter? What have you experienced that is even remotely close to what my family and I have gone through generation after generation? All you've done is read a few articles and now you are judging me because I am angry? Would YOU be a little angry if they chopped-off your father's head in front of you, raped your mom and sister and left you (a 5 year old child) for dead. Yeah typing a few clever words is easy you fucking idiot, let me see you live through that and come out of it without a little hatred.
We gave up everything we had worked for generations, came here and started again from nothing. Not a day on welfare not a day on unemployment. I've been working in this country ever since I was 12. I've paid my dues and keep doing so. You wouldn't have a fucking country if it wasn't for good hard working immigrants like my father and myself. So don't tell me to get out of it. It shows how much you care for your own country if you're willing to put up with all this garbage that's coming in but then again you don't have a fucking clue do you?
I don't want them killed, eliminated, slaughtered. I just don't want them here converting this country to a fucked-up place to live like they have done with their own countries. (Trust me it's best for us Christians). Is that too much to ask?
And the "Good Christian" Nazi's killed 6 million Jews because of their religion ... that makes Christians at least 3 times worst than Muslims ... right?
Look, Canada's culture is one of tolerance, if people like you were in charge of Canada when you showed up you would have been sent packing.
All those things that happened to you are your family "over there" ... leave it over there, that's what you expect of other "new comers", that's what we expect of you.
But, fine, if you are so sure that you are right in your bigoted beliefs, then why aren't you out there "doing the Lords work" and presenting you fucked up ideas in public?
Why aren't you out there sending "letters to the editor" to all the papers demanding the the inferior Muslims be kicked out of the country?
Some people are just all talk, but when it comes right down to it are really little cowards. When push comes to shove talk is all they really have .. so big man, here's your challenge: if you feel so justified and right in your hatred, then do something about it, get out there and show us how a brave bigot stands up for his righteous bigotry.
Better yet, since all the bad things that happened to you are "over there", take you hypocritical ass and move it back "over there" where you can partake in your vile vengeance as much as you think is necessary ... ahh, but let me guess, like the sorry little coward your kind always ends up being, it is far easier to bully someone else than to actually stand up to the real enemy.
You're no better than the people you claim destroyed your family ... you're a coward and bully, just like them.