I’ll propose a deal to the Islamic community. We’ll let 1000 mosques be built in Canada if they let 1 church or synagogue be built in Mecca. That seems fair.What about Muslims that were born in this country? They are Canadians and deserve all the rights that other Canadians deserve, that includes the right to built their mosque and pray at work if they choose to.
My belief is that given the chance they will act in the same way. The only way to find that out is to be the part of a minority non-muslim group in a muslim country. How many people here have? and of those, how many can disagree with me?berzerker said:btw Sarge, I do sympathize with you and your story. I think it's despicable that you and your family got such treatment. But I think the ire of the other terbites is because you're basically saying that the muslims in Canada are basically the same as the ones you experienced in Turkey.
Indonesia is the most populous (200+ million people) Muslim country and it has long enjoyed a reputation for religious tolerance and freedom.Cinema Face said:Even though it is the norm in the Islamic world, there are still those that still refuse to believe that it has anything to do with the religion. It has everything to do with the religion. The religion specifically tells its followers to treat non-Muslims that way. They are simply following the teachings of their prophet.
Almost every Islamic country is ruled by despots and the people suffer in economic, cultural and intellectual poverty. They are programmed to hate the kafurs and they blame their plight on them.
By no means am I questioning what you've experienced, but I don't believe every Muslim should be held accountable for the actions of those in Middle Eastern countries. There are a lot of Muslims (those born here, those from Islamic countries and those from non-Islamic countries) in Canada that respect the laws and just want to live in peace. They should be afforded the rights that all of us have.Sargeant StiffCock said:Brownie69, you don't want to know what I think about that![]()
Just being born here does not make you Canadian. How you behave throughout your life here determines that. If you embrace the country's ways, laws and even some of it's culture THEN you are a true Canadian.
If you're going to kill your daughter because she is just trying to fit in at school, if you are going to practice the same way of life in general, wear the same clothes etc. then what kind of Canadian are you?
Show me a muslim country that would give a fraction of the rights to a christian immigrant in their country that canada gives them and i'll shut up. I am sick and tired of hearing politically correct answers and comments here. If you haven't lived it you don't know shit.
I HAVE lived it.
dont kid yourself there, Turkey is smart and plays both sides of the conflict in the Middle East, one day sharing military exercises with Israel the next talking about how they commit atrocities against the Palestinians.Anderson said:As long as Turkey allows the Israelis planes to fly over their airspace , it makes me content.
Turkish/Israeli relations make me feel warm and fuzzy all over.
Indonesia is tolerant of other religions? Were they not the country who seemed unwilling to punish the bombers who blew up the (incidentally mostly Christian?) Austrailians by the hundreds, severely punish those who spit gum on thier streets. Telling Beyonce how to dress for her concert. They actually seem "intolerant" of everything, let alone religion.IMHO anywaykatsrin said:Indonesia is the most populous (200+ million people) Muslim country and it has long enjoyed a reputation for religious tolerance and freedom.
Ditto India (150+ million people) and Bangladesh (130+ million people).
It's kind of unfair to focus on the smaller Muslim countries, with tin pot dictators, and say that they are representative of all Muslim countries and all Muslim people.
Incidentally, there are dictatorships with "Christian" leaders. Some in Africa. And I seem to recall Bush (and various Christian religious leaders) have called Putin a good Christian. Yet now he is looking more and more like a despot or dictator every day.
No offense, but I don't buy that for a second. Your comparing Muslims of a different part of the world to Muslims that grew up in the West. I don't believe you can make an accurate inferrence here. There are many Muslims that grow up in this society that live shoulder and shoulder with non-muslims and they call each other friends, wish them happy holidays at christmas and help them in need. These people are good natured and respectful...Sargeant StiffCock said:My belief is that given the chance they will act in the same way. The only way to find that out is to be the part of a minority non-muslim group in a muslim country. How many people here have? and of those, how many can disagree with me?
No, I'm correct. You seem to be confusing various things.wumpscut said:Indonesia is tolerant of other religions? Were they not the country who seemed unwilling to punish the bombers who blew up the (incidentally mostly Christian?) Austrailians by the hundreds, severely punish those who spit gum on thier streets. Telling Beyonce how to dress for her concert. They actually seem "intolerant" of everything, let alone religion.IMHO anyway
Given the chance, most people of any religion, nationality, race, upbringing, etc will go with what the crowd says.Sargeant StiffCock said:My belief is that given the chance they will act in the same way. The only way to find that out is to be the part of a minority non-muslim group in a muslim country. How many people here have? and of those, how many can disagree with me?
berzerker said:I might be wrong...but wasn't the whole region very disputed back in the 12th or 13th century by Christians and Otomans? (Histoy lessons not paying off right now...)
All this hatred might be triggered from what Christians might have done centuries ago.
That's how people like Hitler and Muhammad and every other phycopathic meglomaniac operates. They get otherwise good people to do bad things.berzerker said:Given the chance, most people of any religion, nationality, race, upbringing, etc will go with what the crowd says.
Look at the Nazi regime, the majority of Germany supported the third reich, and I'm talking ordinary citizens. How about the psychological experiment turning ordinary college students into brutal prison guards? What about America in the 50s when discriminating "niggers" was a common thing between regular white folks?
Extremism in all its forms is bad, expecially religious extremism. There is one key difference between Christian and Muslim extremists. The minority of Muslim fundamentalists are supported by the majority of peaceful, moderate Muslims. The fanantics can't operate in a vacuum. The whole Islamic community supports it either directly or indirectly by their indiference and denial.berzerker said:All I'm saying is, muslim extremist are not any different than christian extremist...or any kind of extremists.
Islamic terrorism has always been there for the last 1400 years. The last few hundred years, it was dormant because they lacked the means. Now, with over 1 billion dollars going into the Persian gulf each day, they now have the means.berzerker said:That there is a radical terrorist increase in recent times associated with Islam, it's true.
Um, your facts are a little off. Muhammad died in 632 A.D.Cinema Face said:Here’s your history lesson.
Turkey was once the center of the Byzantine empire, a spin off of the Roman empire, their capital was Constantinople which is modern day Istanbul.
In 631 AD, Muhammad, having captured much of the Arabian peninsula needed another victim. He turned against the Byzantine Christians. He revealed the 5th Surah in which he justified turning the Christians into the enemy of Islam. There is no evidence that the Christians ever bothered the Muslims.
The Muslims begin an unprovoked siege of the Byzantine empire. The war lasted until 1453 when they finally captured Constantinople. While there were moments during that 800 year period where the Christians did not act exemplary and the Muslims did act with restraint, it was generally the Muslims who were the aggressors.
Muhammad declared the Christians as the enemy of Islam and that’s why they are. That’s the source of the hatred.
Well done.... you have shown me I was wrong about the bombers and about the chewing gum. We will have to agree to disagree on Malasia's govt conrol of performers wardrobe... I still feel that shows intolerance. But you would find me biased anyway, I can't think of any muslim countries that I consider "tolerant" as I understand it.katsrin said:No, I'm correct. You seem to be confusing various things.
Indonesia's president has called for the execution of the Bali bombers:
The U.S. and other nations have publicly said they were satisfied with the "speed and efficiency with which the Indonesian police and courts dealt with the bombing's primary suspects". Some sentences handed out were not as harsh as all would have liked, but it's not like criminals in America and Canada have never gotten off with lighter sentences than the prosecution wanted (e., think of Connie Black).
Didn't various venues in North America tell Madonna how to dress, some years back? Let's not even get into Janet Jackson and America's Nipplegate, even though most countries happily show nipples on prime time tv.
As for the gum, I think you are confusing Indonesia for Singapore.
Perhaps not if the person behind the counter is acculturated into Western Society. Otherwise all I can say is like lambs to the slaughter.train said:The fact that Turks were racist where you grew up does not mean the Muslim behind the counter in Toronto is.