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A-hole highway drivers...


Well-known member
May 25, 2002
For those of you that feel it's your God given right to drive in the passing lane because after all "I'm doing the speed limit"...

Here is the highway traffic act for Ontario:

147. (1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway.


rant now ends....


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Did you like my spare tire cover?:D


New member
Sep 10, 2001
Esco! said:
Ontario is the worst for this.
In Quebec most people get out of the way
In Quebec most drivers are diving their little "fart carts" at 150km/hr up your ass flashing their lights for you to get in the right lane.

By the way I had a motor cycle with a passenger pass me on the 40 just west of Montreal. The passenger was female and was topless--nice pair of tatas. "Vive le Quebec topless!" Is Quebec feminine or masculine?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I feel your pain dude, it is like they don't even bother to know the written and unwritten rules of the road.....

The worst is when you finally can pass them on the right, they speed up so it either makes it difficult to pass, or you can't.

I have been planning on getting a bumper sticker that says: if I pass you on the right, YOU are driving in the wrong lane!


New member
Sep 10, 2001
Quest4Less said:
For those of you that feel it's your God given right to drive in the passing lane because after all "I'm doing the speed limit"...

Here is the highway traffic act for Ontario:

147. (1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway.


rant now ends....
Seems to me the most important part of your post people are ignoring, "after all I'm doing the speed limit"... and "less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall"

They use the word normal to mean anything up to and including the speed limit, not in excess of the speed limit. For example at rush hour the normal speed might be 60 even though the posted speed limit is 100. In that case you can stay in your lane.

You above reference is never an excuse to speed or ride someone's bumper.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, you're wrong about that buddy. The far left lane is for PASSING and to pass another vehicle, you have to exceed their speed limit. When passing a slower moving vehicle it is permissable to exceed the speed limit.

For that matter, and it doesn't matter WHAT speed I wish to travel at, you shouldn't be in that lane UNLESS YOU ARE PASSING. there is actually a law on the books (HTA) called the gridlock law that states you cannot be in that lane unless you are doing the speed limit or better.

In any case, if you're in that lane, and someone wants by, MOVE THE FUCK OVER. That is the END of the STORY. It is only ignorance and pigheadedness that someone would stay in front of someone when you KNOW they want by...

BTW: why am I riding your bumper? CAUSE YOU WON'T MOVE OVER. If you'd move over, I wouldn't ride your bumper...capice?


New member
Sep 10, 2001
tboy said:
Well, you're wrong about that buddy. The far left lane is for PASSING and to pass another vehicle, you have to exceed their speed limit. When passing a slower moving vehicle it is permissable to exceed the speed limit.

For that matter, and it doesn't matter WHAT speed I wish to travel at, you shouldn't be in that lane UNLESS YOU ARE PASSING. there is actually a law on the books (HTA) called the gridlock law that states you cannot be in that lane unless you are doing the speed limit or better.

In any case, if you're in that lane, and someone wants by, MOVE THE FUCK OVER. That is the END of the STORY. It is only ignorance and pigheadedness that someone would stay in front of someone when you KNOW they want by...

BTW: why am I riding your bumper? CAUSE YOU WON'T MOVE OVER. If you'd move over, I wouldn't ride your bumper...capice?

Calm down. I don't think someone with your temper and stress level should be on the road. See a doctor and get blood pressure pills.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
tboy said:
Well, you're wrong about that buddy. The far left lane is for PASSING and to pass another vehicle, you have to exceed their speed limit. When passing a slower moving vehicle it is permissable to exceed the speed limit.
Not always, take for example the DVP. I try to get into the left or middle lane as soon as possible once I past Eglinton because I want to be in the proper lane heading north to the 404.

One of the biggest reasons for traffic jams are that people are not in their exit lanes as soon as possible, rather they wait until the last minute, crawl to almost a stop while waiting to switch lanes.

For that matter, and it doesn't matter WHAT speed I wish to travel at, you shouldn't be in that lane UNLESS YOU ARE PASSING. there is actually a law on the books (HTA) called the gridlock law that states you cannot be in that lane unless you are doing the speed limit or better.
Please quote the law, but then again you are missing the point "unless you are doing the speed limit". If you are doing the speed limit you do not have to move over, which I suspect is at least 90% of the cases. And I always thought gridlock laws were for those entering and blocking intersections. I am actually in favour of police shooting them on the spot :)

In any case, if you're in that lane, and someone wants by, MOVE THE FUCK OVER. That is the END of the STORY. It is only ignorance and pigheadedness that someone would stay in front of someone when you KNOW they want by...

BTW: why am I riding your bumper? CAUSE YOU WON'T MOVE OVER. If you'd move over, I wouldn't ride your bumper...capice?
I will never move over if it is a safety concern. If traffic is moving good I always move over. And to be honest, people who speed, ride bumbers, switch from lane to lane are the real assholes because somehow they think that their time is worth more than the safety on the road.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
dreamer said:
And to be honest, people who speed, ride bumbers, switch from lane to lane are the real assholes because somehow they think that their time is worth more than the safety on the road.
Not to mention the accidents they cause and lives they take!


Well-known member
May 25, 2002

dreamer said:
to be honest, people who speed, ride bumbers, switch from lane to lane are the real assholes because somehow they think that their time is worth more than the safety on the road.
Incorrect... people like YOU who refuse to get out of the way are the CAUSE of accidents. You force people who want by to go around you - increasing the likelyhood of a problem. Just move over and putter along at whatever speed you want - and I'll cruise by with no problem - and we'll both be happy.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Quest4Less said:
Incorrect... people like YOU who refuse to get out of the way are the CAUSE of accidents. You force people who want by to go around you - increasing the likelyhood of a problem. Just move over and putter along at whatever speed you want - and I'll cruise by with no problem - and we'll both be happy.
If you feel that it is your right to break the law by speeding... then I will also continue to break the law and drive the speed limit in the left lane.

If you choose to break the law again and pass on the right, then I choose to also break the law and drive with my high beams on.

If you want to take it further at the side of the road... I would be more than happy to introduce your face to my fist and stomp a mudhole in your ass.

I love being a dick


New member
Sep 10, 2001
Quest4Less said:
Incorrect... people like YOU who refuse to get out of the way are the CAUSE of accidents. You force people who want by to go around you - increasing the likelyhood of a problem. Just move over and putter along at whatever speed you want - and I'll cruise by with no problem - and we'll both be happy.
You have no idea what people LIKE me do or do not do.

Slow down, stick to the speed limit, leave room between you and other vehicles, be polite, and maybe you will get lucky and be able to smell the roses


New member
Sep 10, 2001
Short story, the other day a mini passed me going at least 140, switching lanes, obviously in a big hurry. She had a cell phone in one ear, one hand on the steering wheel and a kid strapped in a baby seat.

Makes you wonder.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
dreamer said:
And to be honest, people who speed, ride bumbers, switch from lane to lane are the real assholes because somehow they think that their time is worth more than the safety on the road.
100% well said. Aggressive drivers are assholes and, while I never stay in the fast lane nor drive under the speed limit, will slow down if someone tailgates me, just to piss the fuckers off.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Seem to remember that some guy made the news for being charged with driving the speed limit in the passing lane. Failing to give the right of way. He was convicted for driving too slow, then as a protest he drove the speed limit in the passing lane.

Found when I was driving a white Grand Prix there was never a problem as people would move out of the passing lane before I got even close to them. Guessing it looked like a cop car from a distance. Now still don't really have a problem as most competent drivers do pull over when it is convenient.

Have to laugh at people who seem in a panic about others ahead of them not moving over when there is an endless line of cars in the passing line when the highway is busy.

Something that really pisses me off is when drivers would race down to the end of the onramp’s merging lane and try to cut people off. There is an onramp for QEW east at Dixie where it looks like you are going into a concrete wall if you’re not in the left lane to enter the highway. Used to be my morning entertainment to play chicken with people who would race me down the stretch of road desperate to cut me off, only to find themselves staring at a wall.


New member
Jun 7, 2004
I would have to agree with the original poster here.

Do you people not remember in driving school, the first thing they teach you after a turn is to go in the right lane?

If I remember correctly, there are at least two lanes heading north on the 404 from the DVP. Why not just go into the middle lane and stick there?

Frankly, I usually go at 120-140 km/h on the 400 series of highways and often do 500-1000 kms during the weekends. While I think I am a faster-than-average driver, I would be content to go at that speed in a non-passing lane. Even at that speed, I try to avoid the passing lane because:

1) There are usually fewer cars in the passing lane, making it easier for a cop to pinpoint you with the radar from behind, and
2) Why would you ever want to subject yourself to harrassment or tailgating from behind by someone who may be doing 160-180? (Even though I am a fast driver, I would still consider someone like this an asshole. Just from a safety concern, you should avoid being in that dangerous situation.)

There is a reason why something like the autobahns exist safely in this world and you will definitely not find someone going at 100 in the fast lane.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Papi Chulo said:
If you feel that it is your right to break the law by speeding... then I will also continue to break the law and drive the speed limit in the left lane.

If you choose to break the law again and pass on the right, then I choose to also break the law and drive with my high beams on.

If you want to take it further at the side of the road... I would be more than happy to introduce your face to my fist and stomp a mudhole in your ass.

I love being a dick


People like you are far more dangerous than speeders, people who run red lights or don't move over when an emergency vehicle is coming.

I suppose you also think it is cool to slam on your brakes when someone is tailgating you? I hope you know, all those things you stated would have you lose your licence if anything ever happened and the police were involved. Don't believe me? There was a news article about this just about the time the new gridlock law came out and some fuckwad such as yourself did just that. Guess what? The courts found him guilty of dangerous driving and he lost his licence.

As for your introduction into your fist on the side of the road: remember, you should never bring a fist to a knife fight or a knife to a gunfight....

mmouse said:
100% well said. Aggressive drivers are assholes and, while I never stay in the fast lane nor drive under the speed limit, will slow down if someone tailgates me, just to piss the fuckers off.
And yet another example of what idiots are on the road. You are 100000 times WORSE than an agressive driver, why? Because he's not pissing on you in particular, he just wants to get where he's going faster. In your case, you're just an asshole waiting to be rammed and or run off the road.
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