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7 year old girl shooting her first Bambi!!


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013

Look, he's smiling! He must enjoy killing a defenceless animal.

Disgusting! Teaching kids to kill defenceless animals. And they're smiling, they must enjoy killing defenceless animals.

Why do they need to fish for? They can visit a fish farm and see the (unnatural) process of how factory farmed fish make it to supermarkets.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
I guess she drove the tractor by herself at age 5 and will have sex by age 8.... she's "farm tough"! IDIOCY
Another guy who had a boring childhood and who hasn't read anything I've posted.

I post facts. All the objectors just post their opinions and pass judgement on rural people's lifestyle.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
I guess she drove the tractor by herself at age 5 and will have sex by age 8.... she's "farm tough"! IDIOCY
Driving a tractor on a farm is one of the most dangerous occupations there is. Far far more dangerous than shooting a gun. A kid shooting under adult supervision is not dangerous at all, and that's why it's a legal activity.

As for sex at 8, I believe that the other person would be committing a criminal offense.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I guess she drove the tractor by herself at age 5 and will have sex by age 8.... she's "farm tough"! IDIOCY
Libtard logic. He's not even embarrassed to post that.


Mar 12, 2004
What you're saying is that most people who hunt are wackos because they don't really need to hunt to feed themselves.
Seems you have a problem reading.
Were did I say that some one who's sport is hunting, a wacko,...???
If you are accusing everybody who hunts as a sport, a wacko,...and their parents who probably brought them up this way, are wackos, my guest.

I did no such thing.

,... would surely cause other problems to society apart from having a lust for killing animals.
Again, have a problem with those who's sport is,..."having a lust for killing animals",...why is that,...???



Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
But you see, my whole point in this thread, is the "pleasure" hunters, and I will give you this,...some,... get with the "kill".

A "hunter" who drives out from Mississauga to go hunting , NOT doing it to benefit a wild animal, or because the hunter needs food.

I had initially a BB gun, then a 22, and had fired 4/10 over/under, and large caliber, don't remember the gauge, I think 303, and enjoyed it.

So please don't tell me I don't know anything about live stock, chickens, and shooting guns, been there, done that.

And as far as the OP, of coarse I have no way of knowing for sure, but I have to believe he was doing this not to teach his little girl were meat comes form, but for his enjoyment, to carry on his hobby.
Just as fathers have always done, as have I.


There is a certain perverse pleasure, but I still get it when I score a nice goal playing hockey and banging some hot chick, escort or's called human nature.

What's wrong with a guy from Mississauga going hunting...he needs meat, if he's an omnivore and if he wants fresh, organic, free range meat...where's he going to get it and know for certain that its's all I've stated...well FAST...he's going to harvest it himself...

What does it matter where he/she is from? If they want to harvest organic, free range meat, they have to do it themselves, no matter where they live.

Can I ask, what does shooting different guns have to do with knowing anything about livestock and chickens?

You just can't conceive that there are people who teach there kids about hunting from a young age and those who actually let their progeny harvest an animal....

And...what's wrong with teaching a youngster about hunting, no matter what the age? Does one have to be of indigenous decent in order for this to be ok?

If that's the case, you really need to check yourself, as you have issues with being discriminatory, no doubt, in other areas of your life too.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
We have no way of determining that all hunters do not enjoy the kill,...and thus, you can not assume the father in the OP, did not get his kicks from killing something.

I have to think, that in most cases, the underlying drive in hunting, is the kill, it is surely Not the need to feed the family, or teach a little girl were meat comes from.
But you see, my whole point in this thread, is the "pleasure" hunters, and I will give you this,...some,... get with the "kill".

A "hunter" who drives out from Mississauga to go hunting , NOT doing it to benefit a wild animal, or because the hunter needs food.

And as far as the OP, of coarse I have no way of knowing for sure, but I have to believe he was doing this not to teach his little girl were meat comes form, but for his enjoyment, to carry on his hobby.

So you start by saying "some" hunters derive pleasure from the kill..... that's just your opinion. There's no fact to it. Provide a link with proof and I'll gladly support your claim. Of the people I know who hunt if they bring up hunting the stories are usually about ones that got away, strange things they saw in the woods, or lamenting that they made a bad shot and it was a slow death (e.g. gut shot). While far from scientific (I admit) I have never met a hunter who reveled in the blood, guts, gore or made light of painful deaths.

Then in the next thought you say "most" hunters do it for the kill..... well which is it? Some implies 50% or lower, most implies more than 50%. Again, no proof. I think a good number of people teach it to carry on the tradition and also as a life skill. I would say that for the adults that I know some do it for the social aspect and happy to share a few beers with a friend and coming home with a deer is secondary. Again I admit these are just my observations but I honestly think reasons like tradition and teaching life skills ranks higher than "pleasure for the kill"

Are hunters from Missisauga a significant portion of the hunter population? Even if they were, living in the suburbs doesn't exclude you from having the same mind set as a rural hunter. Chances are you grew up with it and moved to the burbs. I'd say hunting is very much a passed down hobby. Few people take it up out of the blue..... I will grant you that for people who pick it up on their own there MIGHT be more pleasure killers in that sub category.

The problem is that you zeroed in on a few rationales for hunting that people have suggested such as learning where food comes from, feeding the family but you are completely ignoring other reasons and then attributing the main reason for hunting is the kill.

Sport, tradition, teaching life skills, spending time with other people, feeding your family (all hunters I know pay to have the meat butchered and frozen) far down the list is pleasure from killing. IF pleasure from killing was the main goal there are far easier and cheaper ways to get your kicks that deer hunting.


Mar 12, 2004
So you start by saying "some" hunters derive pleasure from the kill..... that's just your opinion. There's no fact to it. Provide a link with proof and I'll gladly support your claim. Of the people I know who hunt if they bring up hunting the stories are usually about ones that got away, strange things they saw in the woods, or lamenting that they made a bad shot and it was a slow death (e.g. gut shot). While far from scientific (I admit) I have never met a hunter who reveled in the blood, guts, gore or made light of painful deaths..
Yes it is my opinion,...what is yours,...obviously you have NONE.

And as far as the one that got away,...what condition was it in,...???

Then in the next thought you say "most" hunters do it for the kill..... well which is it? Some implies 50% or lower, most implies more than 50%. Again, no proof. I think a good number of people teach it to carry on the tradition and also as a life skill. I would say that for the adults that I know some do it for the social aspect and happy to share a few beers with a friend and coming home with a deer is secondary. Again I admit these are just my observations but I honestly think reasons like tradition and teaching life skills ranks higher than "pleasure for the kill".
So you agree, some do it for the "pleasure for the kill".

I did NOT say,... "most" hunters do it for the kill"

Are hunters from Missisauga a significant portion of the hunter population? Even if they were, living in the suburbs doesn't exclude you from having the same mind set as a rural hunter. Chances are you grew up with it and moved to the burbs. I'd say hunting is very much a passed down hobby. Few people take it up out of the blue..... I will grant you that for people who pick it up on their own there MIGHT be more pleasure killers in that sub category..
The hunter from Mississauga was an example, really need to get off that shit you are smoking.

The problem is that you zeroed in on a few rationales for hunting that people have suggested such as learning where food comes from, feeding the family but you are completely ignoring other reasons and then attributing the main reason for hunting is the kill..
Yes,...that is what one does when they debate,...but I guess difficult for some to understand.

Sport, tradition, teaching life skills, spending time with other people, feeding your family (all hunters I know pay to have the meat butchered and frozen) far down the list is pleasure from killing. IF pleasure from killing was the main goal there are far easier and cheaper ways to get your kicks that deer hunting.
Again,... with the NEED to feed the family, you realise how ridiculous that sounds,...???
,..."far down the list is pleasure from killing",...none the less,...still on the list for some..

IF pleasure from killing was the main goal there are far easier and cheaper ways to get your kicks that deer hunting.
,..."IF pleasure from killing was the main goal there",...but none the less,...on the list, for some, as I have said.

Question,...have you ever shot and killed an unaware defenceless animal,...???



Mar 12, 2004
Fuji talking to himself again.



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Yes it is my opinion,...what is yours,...obviously you have NONE.

And as far as the one that got away,...what condition was it in,...???

So you agree, some do it for the "pleasure for the kill".

I did NOT say,... "most" hunters do it for the kill"


The hunter from Mississauga was an example, really need to get off that shit you are smoking.


Yes,...that is what one does when they debate,...but I guess difficult for some to understand.


Again,... with the NEED to feed the family, you realise how ridiculous that sounds,...???
,..."far down the list is pleasure from killing",...none the less,...still on the list for some..


,..."IF pleasure from killing was the main goal there",...but none the less,...on the list, for some, as I have said.

Question,...have you ever shot and killed an unaware defenceless animal,...???

yes you did i quoted you as saying most do it for the kill

for somebody who often talks sbout how i am able to argue without name calling your post is laden with rude comments.....grow up

do you know families that do not eat? what difference is it if the meat comes from a store or the woods? why is the deer considered different from a cow.

as for the one thst got away..... it was fine..... you do know that hunters miss right?

how do you feel about fishing? what is an appropriate age to fish?

you agree that pleasure of kill is far down the list..... so why do you make it the main point of your argument?

the problem is that you love to argue and you have presented your flawed opinion based on incorrect assumptions and even though you are painted into a corner you still persist.

Most hunters don't do it for pleasure so lets not assume they are passing down pleasure of killing to kids.

Also lets give kids credit...... kids are exposed to many things by their parents and surprisingly they dont always share the same views. It is patronizing to think that this kid or kids in general are mindless sponges that will be brainwashed.

You asked what is my opinion? Nothing wrong with teachin g a 7 year old to hunt if it is done responsibly.

You should re read what i posted and then look at your responses.... i point out that you ignore more common reasons for hunting and highlighted a rare reason pleasure for killing..... and you chalk that up to debating. Debating poorly i guess....

Anyways you admit these are just your opinions so due to your inability to follow logic or present a consistent line of reasoning..... don't bother responding.

Yes i have hunted. The fact that you even bother asking this and keep taking about defenseless animals is laughable. I guess the burger you ate had a fighting chance. A deer in the wild has a far better chance than a cow on the farm.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
....the problem is that you love to argue and you have presented your flawed opinion based on incorrect assumptions and even though you are painted into a corner you still persist. ....

Yeah, I notice the same thing about FAST. Loves to argue for the sake of arguing. Takes a contrarian stand, based solely on his emotions and prejudice, fills in assumptions then, despite facts coming to light that disprove his original contrarian statements continues to paint himself into corner after corner.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Most hunters don't do it for pleasure so lets not assume they are passing down pleasure of killing to kids.
Unless you have stats, I would dispute that.

Even during times where hunting was necessary to feed the family, men have always hunted for pleasure. Look at how the buffalo/bison almost became extinct with hunters riding in trains and just shooting into herds of buffalo for the fun of it and leaving the carcasses. Obviously, people hunting for survival is much less necessary nowadays, so I'd say a higher percentage currently is done for pleasure than ever before. Fox hunts, deer hunts, elephants, tigers, lions (and bears, oh my!), African safaris. Men looove hunting for pleasure.

Do you have stats to back up your claim?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Unless you have stats, I would dispute that.

Even during times where hunting was necessary to feed the family, men have always hunted for pleasure. Look at how the buffalo/bison almost became extinct with hunters riding in trains and just shooting into herds of buffalo for the fun of it and leaving the carcasses. Obviously, people hunting for survival is much less necessary nowadays, so I'd say a higher percentage currently is done for pleasure than ever before. Fox hunts, deer hunts, elephants, tigers, lions (and bears, oh my!), African safaris. Men looove hunting for pleasure.

Do you have stats to back up your claim?

best i found was a survey from field and stream where 86% of kills were eaten

no doubt the things you said happened but what percentage of men back then did this? safaris are for the extremely wealthy.

anyways if i find better stats i will post


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
PETA cliams that killing for fun is sociopathic behaviour. If true it is estimated 4% of people are sociopaths.
Another stat i found estimated 7% of americans hunt.
So unless all sociopaths hunt we can assume 57% or less people hunt for the pleasure of killing.

Anyways tough stats to find and this doesnt mean much if killing for pleasure is not sociopathic.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
We have to be careful to not make hunting about just two things survival or fun. I think for the modern hunter there are lots of reasons.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
best i found was a survey from field and stream where 86% of kills were eaten
That does not mean that they were hunted out of necessity. Eating them was part of the entertainment.

no doubt the things you said happened but what percentage of men back then did this? safaris are for the extremely wealthy.
But it still goes to show that they are doing the hunting for strictly entertainment. If more people could afford it, they would also do it and do it just for pleasure, not necessity.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
I would counter that hunting is done for entertainment, as the majority do it for the love of hunting and not for the thrill of the kill. There is that slim minority in every community that is there for that thrill, but in the case of the people that I know, this is not the case. The love of hunting is a love of the outdoors. Myself and my hunting companions all love the outdoors and sharing that love is what it's all about. While we all come from different professional backgrounds, we have one common bond and we share that and conversation usually revolves around this. It is true that we celebrate the harvest of any animal that we hunt, it is not like a touchdown celebration, but more of being congratulated and a somber thanks for the success of the harvest. I said in an earlier post that one does get a certain pleasure, not unlike scoring a nice goal in hockey, but don't misunderstand me, it's the combination of things coming together, knowing you did everything right and just like missing that goal, if it didn't go right, you would be disappointed.

I would also counter the need for hunting, as many think that in this day and age that there is no need to do so. With grocery stores well stocked, restaurants and specialty food stores to get all that we need. In this day and age there are those who question the food we get, the sources that it originates from, with our food being scientifically modified, our meats full of growth hormones and antibiotics. I personally like knowing that my supply of meat is truly free range and has no chemicals or antibiotics in it.
It is truly organic in nature, from field, to table and I do take a perverse pleasure in knowing that.

cunning linguist

Well-known member
Oct 13, 2009
That does not mean that they were hunted out of necessity. Eating them was part of the entertainment.

But it still goes to show that they are doing the hunting for strictly entertainment. If more people could afford it, they would also do it and do it just for pleasure, not necessity.
When you eat a lavish meal at a fancy restaurant, you don't do it out of necessity, you do it for pleasure.

An animal still died for your "entertainment" you hypocrite.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Hunting Mamals - Fishing - Home Rodent Eradication - stepping on an ant

Where do you draw the line?
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