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7 year old girl shooting her first Bambi!!


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2011
Hunting and fishing are excellent family activities. Unlike your kids who will presumably grow up smoking drugs in a mall parking lot she's engaged in family activities and will grow up with rich experiences in a supportive environment.

Things like hunting, fishing, skiing, etc, demonstrate a good family with working relationships. They're out in the woods doing stuff together, not parking their kids in front of a Nintendo. It's excellent.
Finally, I agree with you on something. Hunting, fishing, shooting sports are all outdoor activities that should be mandatory for all Canadians, so that the stupidity of many city dwellers won't be manifested on us rural people.

Master Baiter

Active member
Dec 20, 2001
More vids of her shooting skills, Olympic class.

Wow! Pops did good in teaching and ingraining into her awesome trigger finger control. Soon as she releases the shot, she takes her finger off the boom-stick when she turns to talk to dad. Good on her! Maybe she'll get into IDPA or IPSC in the future and be the next ambassador for the sport like Jesse Duff, Lena Miculek etc. :)

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
Is that sheep gif real or fake.


Mar 12, 2004
So what's the difference?

Family activity, outdoors, mountain vs woods..
Hey kids, what you say we go skiing in the snow ?


Hey kids, what you say we get dressed in camo, and go hide in the bush, and we can use daddies big gun with a scope on it, then when we see a deer walking around, he won't even know we are here, then we can kill it.
Maybe we will even be able to shoot a pig, or a cow, or a chicken, if you shoot their head off, they run around like crazy, so funny.
And maybe next time, we can go shooting fish in a barrel.

Yep fuji, difference



Jan 31, 2005
Hey kids, what you say we go skiing in the snow ?


Hey kids, what you say we get dressed in camo, and go hide in the bush, and we can use daddies big gun with a scope on it, then when we see a deer walking around, he won't even know we are here, then we can kill it.
All excellent family activities they get people outdoors.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Hey kids, what you say we go skiing in the snow ?


Hey kids, what you say we get dressed in camo, and go hide in the bush, and we can use daddies big gun with a scope on it, then when we see a deer walking around, he won't even know we are here, then we can kill it.
Maybe we will even be able to shoot a pig, or a cow, or a chicken, if you shoot their head off, they run around like crazy, so funny.
And maybe next time, we can go shooting fish in a barrel.

Yep fuji, difference

My nephew got a very nice wild Turkey this year.

Sad that you said all of that sarcastically but it's actually true, shows how clueless you are.


Mar 26, 2002
You can also tell she had been well instructed by the fact that she kept her finger well away from the trigger until she was actually ready to shoot.


Mar 12, 2004
My nephew got a very nice wild Turkey this year.

Sad that you said all of that sarcastically but it's actually true, shows how clueless you are.
Yep, to watch out for those turkeys,...dangerous suckers,...and all those pigs,...get me an AR-15, for those beasts.

Debating with you on this subject,..."And maybe next time, we can go shooting fish in a barrel", easy.



Mar 12, 2004
All excellent family activities they get people outdoors.
"Maybe we will even be able to shoot a pig, or a cow, or a chicken, if you shoot their head off, they run around like crazy, so funny.
And maybe next time, we can go shooting fish in a barrel".

Yep fuji,...sounds like something right up your alley,...



Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Yep, to watch out for those turkeys,...dangerous suckers,...and all those pigs,...get me an AR-15, for those beasts.

Debating with you on this subject,..."And maybe next time, we can go shooting fish in a barrel", easy.

What's the matter with shooting a turkey? Kid's going to eat it. You think that thousands of turkeys just happen to die of old age right around Thanksgiving and Christmas and then are immediately flash frozen? Someone's got to kill that animal so you can celebrate the holidays.

Do you know anything about what you oppose?

Those "pigs" are wreaking havoc on the environment. They're so bad, that the state of Texas has almost no restrictions on how to hunt them. It's pretty much 24/7/365 days a year open season on them using whatever method you can erraticate them, including helicopters, night vision and automatic firearms. They are dangerous. They are not indigenous. Their population is out of control. They spread disease. They are costing the economy tens of millions of dollars. Landowners want them dead. The government wants them dead. What's the problem here?

Educate yourself and look at this video to see what they've done to this guys land in Oklahoma who has lost 3,000 bushels of soy and 2 to 300 watermelon a night. A semi auto is what you need to shoot fast to get as many as you can so that the soy eating vegetarians can have their food and feel good about not killing an animal.

It's also not just an American problem. The government of Saskatchewan lifted restrictions on hog hunting this year and wants them destroyed. No hunting license required.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Not from the deer's perspective or the ISIS member I'm sure.

So how many laps around the pool in this argument ? ~ 5 per page and this is the 5th page. Did anyone change their minds ?

For some, helping your 7 year old daughter shoot a deer is a heart warming, tear jerking moment of pride and joy - for us that find it inappropriate - the distance isn't going to be bridged in a debate.

For me the validity of hunting has nothing to do with it.
So then am I to assume you are vegan? Cause if not you are paying people to slaughter animals that are not kept in the greatest conditions nor do they have any sort of life. At least the deer was free ranged and had the bad luck of being shot. The deer has a chance. The animal on a farm is guaranteed to die.

How young is too young? Because it seems to me the problem here is the age.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Hey kids, what you say we go skiing in the snow ?


Hey kids, what you say we get dressed in camo, and go hide in the bush, and we can use daddies big gun with a scope on it, then when we see a deer walking around, he won't even know we are here, then we can kill it.
Maybe we will even be able to shoot a pig, or a cow, or a chicken, if you shoot their head off, they run around like crazy, so funny.
And maybe next time, we can go shooting fish in a barrel.

Yep fuji, difference

You are assuming that the hunter is taking pleasure in the gorey details of the death.

But hunters choose ammo so as to not be inhumane..... that's why they won't use a 22 to hunt deer..... you theoretically could kill one but it will be a slower painful death.

Unlike domestic animals, wild animals get to live a better life AND they stand a decent chance of not being killed.

Is it any better if the animal dies by a pack of wolves? I'd argue being shot is better than torn apart by a group of wild animals.


Mar 12, 2004
You are assuming that the hunter is taking pleasure in the gorey details of the death.
But you see, my whole point in this thread, is the "pleasure" hunters, and I will give you this,...some,... get with the "kill".

A "hunter" who drives out from Mississauga to go hunting , NOT doing it to benefit a wild animal, or because the hunter needs food.

I had initially a BB gun, then a 22, and had fired 4/10 over/under, and large caliber, don't remember the gauge, I think 303, and enjoyed it.

So please don't tell me I don't know anything about live stock, chickens, and shooting guns, been there, done that.

And as far as the OP, of coarse I have no way of knowing for sure, but I have to believe he was doing this not to teach his little girl were meat comes form, but for his enjoyment, to carry on his hobby.
Just as fathers have always done, as have I.



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
But you see, my whole point in this thread, is the "pleasure" hunters, and I will give you this,...some,... get with the "kill".

A "hunter" who drives out from Mississauga to go hunting , NOT doing it to benefit a wild animal, or because the hunter needs food.

I had initially a BB gun, then a 22, and had fired 4/10 over/under, and large caliber, don't remember the gauge, I think 303, and enjoyed it.

So please don't tell me I don't know anything about live stock, chickens, and shooting guns, been there, done that.

And as far as the OP, of coarse I have no way of knowing for sure, but I have to believe he was doing this not to teach his little girl were meat comes form, but for his enjoyment, to carry on his hobby.
Just as fathers have always done, as have I.

Right but you assume the parent has a perverse attraction to the hobby.

That is like assuming a hockey parent teaches their kid to be a goon and celebrate fighting.

Kids learn to gamble, drink, hunt, sex before they are deemed legal to do it. They key is proper parenting and it is not reasonable to assume the father is a blood thirsty gun nut who revels in animal torture.
.And at no point did i question your gun experience or knowledge.


Mar 12, 2004
Right but you assume the parent has a perverse attraction to the hobby.

That is like assuming a hockey parent teaches their kid to be a goon and celebrate fighting.

Kids learn to gamble, drink, hunt, sex before they are deemed legal to do it. They key is proper parenting and it is not reasonable to assume the father is a blood thirsty gun nut who revels in animal torture.
.And at no point did i question your gun experience or knowledge.
We have no way of determining that all hunters do not enjoy the kill,...and thus, you can not assume the father in the OP, did not get his kicks from killing something.

I have to think, that in most cases, the underlying drive in hunting, is the kill, it is surely Not the need to feed the family, or teach a little girl were meat comes from.

If the guy in the OP really wanted to educate the little girl on were meat comes from, take her to a slaughter house.

Anyway dude,...we are never going to agree on this subject,...but what I can agree with you on, you did not lower yourself to low-class childish insults, not to mention any names, no need, they know who they are.



Active member
Jan 19, 2004
We have no way of determining that all hunters do not enjoy the kill,...and thus, you can not assume the father in the OP, did not get his kicks from killing something.

I have to think, that in most cases, the underlying drive in hunting, is the kill, it is surely Not the need to feed the family, or teach a little girl were meat comes from.

If the guy in the OP really wanted to educate the little girl on were meat comes from, take her to a slaughter house.

Anyway dude,...we are never going to agree on this subject,...but what I can agree with you on, you did not lower yourself to low-class childish insults, not to mention any names, no need, they know who they are.

What you're saying is that most people who hunt are wackos because they don't really need to hunt to feed themselves. I don't think you appreciate the extent of this 'problem'. There are 2 million firearms licensees in Canada and most of them got a firearms license in order to hunt. That's a lot of wackos out there, including 400,000 wackos from Quebec. A wacko, by definition someone who is unbalanced and unpredictable, would surely cause other problems to society apart from having a lust for killing animals. But that is not the case, as the 2 million Canadian firearms licensees are 3 times less likely to commit any crime than the rest of society. In fact, if you're not licensed, you are statistically 3 times more likely to break the law (any law) than the guy next door who legally owns guns.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
What you're saying is that most people who hunt are wackos because they don't really need to hunt to feed themselves. I don't think you appreciate the extent of this 'problem'. There are 2 million firearms licensees in Canada and most of them got a firearms license in order to hunt. That's a lot of wackos out there, including 400,000 wackos from Quebec. A wacko, by definition someone who is unbalanced and unpredictable, would surely cause other problems to society apart from having a lust for killing animals. But that is not the case, as the 2 million Canadian firearms licensees are 3 times less likely to commit any crime than the rest of society. In fact, if you're not licensed, you are statistically 3 times more likely to break the law (any law) than the guy next door who legally owns guns.
Totally agree there are literally millions of law abiding gun owners in canada who would beg to differ that the focus is on a gruesome kill.

What fast is saying is that he cant know the motivations of the father but he can certainly make one up.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
You a vegetarian? If not you're a hypocrite who has someone do the dirty work for you.

You also should try getting out of the city once and a while. If you did, you'd realize that Canada and large parts of the U.S. are mostly rural. What do you think people do out there? Whether you realize it or not, you are the minority with your views.
I guess she drove the tractor by herself at age 5 and will have sex by age 8.... she's "farm tough"! IDIOCY
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