Garden of Eden Escorts

6 People shot, Possibly 2 dead


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field

pfff Jane & Woolner was my hangout spot (basketball summers at my buddies house)
I went to Rockcliffe.....knew a bunch of peeps that lived on woolner!

I'd like to see you concentrate on education without a proper breakfast, clothing, notebooks, binders, etc. Are you a total retard or just like acting like one? This makes me laugh. Honor and integrity don't pay the bills.
Dude, you have NO idea who you're talking to. If you read my posts you'd have discovered that I grew up in one of those poor households until I was about 15 when my mother went back to work. It wasn't until then that we had spare anything. Now I'm not saying I was as bad off as some, but I certainly had it a hell of a lot worse then some....

And that is a good point, whoever made it about the thousands of other low income families whose kids DON'T get into trouble. Yes we SHOULD applaud them for, umm, errr, doing their JOB???

As for oppurtunities: NO EFFIN way sunshine, I made my way in the world....I got my first job when I was 12, I needed money for books binders pens etc so I went out and GOT a job...I didn't STEAL anythng to get the I knew of many in my neighbourhood who were constantly breaking into places for money and was always invited along. I always said no thanks..why? BECAUSE MY PARENTS TAUGHT ME RIGHT FROM WRONG!

btw: I'm not saying I was an angel, but when I did get into trouble? My parents threw the book at me and punished me for my digressions. What that taught me was that if I break the rules, there are consequences. That is something that needs to be taught today.

As for stopping anyone who looks like a gangsta? I don't care if you're a guido driving a cadillac or a "hood" driving a souped up rice burner, if you look like trouble, you can be stopped. If you haven't noticed the police do that now for another social problem.....anyone heard of the RIDE program? DOH. Set up something like this in high crime areas and I bet dollars to donuts gun crimes will be reduced....

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Keebler Elf said:
The United States had the highest incarceration rate of citizens in the world. It's also the most violent nation in the western world.

Stricter jail terms may make you feel better, but it does nothing to prevent violence.

As an interesting side note, from the Toronto Star:

There have been 78 murders in Toronto this year, including a record 52 by gunfire. The city set a record for murders in 1991, with 88.

So violent crime isn't at an all-time high.
Yeah, but, that's nothing to be proud of.

As far as the US situation goes, we are headed that way by the looks of things.

I am all for throwing these guys in jail and throwing away the key. I don't care about the American Statistics because as far as I am concened, that's one less punk on the street to worry about.

Do a crime with a gun, automatic life sentence with no chance of parole.

Get caught with a hand gun walking down the street, automatic 10 years.

I don't care.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
makavelli said:
Sorry for sounding like a Red Neck but if you fix the immigration problems you'll fix the "majority" of the violent crimes at the same time.
It is too late to "fix" the immigration problem as the gun play now is being done by people likely born and raised in Canada, people who passed through the Canadian school systems and there is enough of those criminals to keep the violence and murder going. There is no simple answer to this problem as Canada is a very liberal liberal country, so nothing will really change. In a free and liberal society like Canada, the government and law enforcement do not have the power or resources to stop the gun play. The Canada-US border security is a joke, drugs, illegal alliens, and obviously guns are moved across with ease, the penalty for illegal gun possession is a joke, so I don't expect much to change. Maybe redneck vigilantism will rise up if people think that law enforcement is powerless to protect them, but then they would be breaking the law too.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I saw in the paper one of the guys who committed this crime (the one in the BMW) is under 18.

That means he can't be touched and will be out on the street in a couple of months.

The other guy might get a couple of years.

That's our judicial system folks.

Martin and Miller are running around with their heads up their collective asses. Martin talks about banning handguns. (I wonder if either of those two assholes who did this would have turned in their handguns if they were banned? Somehow I doubt it. Talk about stupid.)

Miller blames the USA for guns being smuggled across the boarder. Typical bleeding heart NDP bullshit. Blame the USA. Don't blame the guy pulling the trigger, no, he is a victim of society after all. He was so poor, he could only afford a used BMW. That made him angry, so he had to go out and shoot some innocent woman down at the Eaton Centre.

Neither of them (Miller and Martin) have the balls to address the root causes of gun violence. And no, poverty is not a root cause of violence in society. You want to end poverty, there is a very simple solution, go to school, learn a trade, get a job, work hard.

It's as simple as that.

Oh, and I love the idea of building a max security prison up the artic somewhere. Keep the cells at about 50 F too as far as I am concerned.


Feb 23, 2005
BigHarv said:
I hope the Feds will build a super prison up on some Arctic island with nothing to eat but Seal blubber that will hopefully act as a deterrent to those sun loving Jamaican gang bangers. This news makes we sick!!!
How long will this GO ON!!!

So you know the nationality of the people now? You saw their passports or something?


james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
franky66 said:
So you know the nationality of the people now? You saw their passports or something?

Ok, they may not be Jamaican.

But let's just say that the pictures of the backs of their down turned heads reveal them not be of Viking ancestry. And they probably aren't Russians, or Fins, or Brits either.

Without getting into their heritage, I would bet that they wouldn't enjoy a life sentence in the artic.


Feb 23, 2005
james t kirk said:
Ok, they may not be Jamaican.

But let's just say that the pictures of the backs of their down turned heads reveal them not be of Viking ancestry. And they probably aren't Russians, or Fins, or Brits either.

Without getting into their heritage, I would bet that they wouldn't enjoy a life sentence in the artic.
so because they arent white they must be Jamaican. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite.

I wonder if people actually travel and see what people actually look like in different countries.

On another note, its funny how people are Canadian when they do one thing and Jamaican when they do another. Bailey and Michael Lee Chin(the billionaire and one of the 4 richest men in Canada) arent Jamaican but Ben Johnson is even though Bailey came to Canada at age 14 and Lee Chin at age 19 or so while Ben was 9 when he came here.

IN any event these culprits could all be BORN and BRED in Canada for all we know.


New member
Dec 3, 2005
Why they don't show the suspects faces?? Police in Toronto know where the problem come from however they don't do anything because of racial "profiling"???

We all know blacks are the ones involved in these shootings and thanks to the lieberal justice system those bastards will be on the street in a few days, what a shame!!!!!

Show the bastards faces!! put them in jail for life!!!!!! we don't need that scum in our city.

Mudd Stuffin

Active member
If its gang members killing gang members, let them go ahead and do so. In fact I say give them all a designated plot of land and shove em all in there. Last punk standing wins. Its a shame innocent folks have to get caught in the crossfire.
Who else to blame:
I also blame our video-game society for desensitizing these kids to such violent acts.

As well, why is it Hollywood continues to glamorize the whole drug culture. Not saying we have to swwep it under the rug, but they should not continually show them in totally unnecessary situations.


New member
Aug 15, 2005
Cinema Face said:
We need more basketball courts :rolleyes:

i agree ..
well here we go again with all the nasties talking about punishment and people having to accept consequences for their actions etc., etc., ad naseum.
Like, Corrections Canada doesn't exist?
Call me misguided, but the last time I checked we had a fine assortment of unpleasant prisons chock full of people doing time for their nasty crimes.
I think we should all give the justice system and penitentiary service three cheers. They doin' fine.
Oh, and I can explain why these people were out on the street and free to commit their crimes. See, in most countries, you commit the crime FIRST, and THEN you go to jail.
Pretty simple really.

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
souljax33 said:
We all know blacks are the ones involved in these shootings
How do you blame all black people? There is a lot more criminals out there that aren't black, what about the Tamils or Vietnamese, how about the Russians?


New member
Dec 3, 2005
Judas H said:
How do you blame all black people? There is a lot more criminals out there that aren't black, what about the Tamils or Vietnamese, how about the Russians?
Just take a look at the latest shootings in Toronto, are they Tamils, Vietnamese or Russian??

Who are they??

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
souljax33 said:
Just take a look at the latest shootings in Toronto, are they Tamils, Vietnamese or Russian??

Who are they??
OK then,

So what should we do about the two white people that have killed either their neighbour or killed their significant other and them cut the bodies up and hid them in several locations.

This is obviously a white crime, what should we do about the whites?


Feb 23, 2005
Judas H said:
OK then,

So what should we do about the two white people that have killed either their neighbour or killed their significant other and them cut the bodies up and hid them in several locations.

This is obviously a white crime, what should we do about the whites?
throw in a few child molestations and such and once again ask him the question and see if he answers.

Let them know race doesnt matter when people are losing their lives. Thats the last thing that should matter. Helping the innocents is all that should matter.


It's been good to know ya
I just think this is really sad, here we have some innocent shoppers out doing some Boxing Day shopping. A family out with thier daughter a day after Christmas and non suspecting of any harm coming to thier daughter.

We have young kids with guns. I wonder how these kids got these guns to begin with if there was any adult help in obtaining these guns. Were these guns that were locked in a cabinet in thier parents homes or were these illegally obtained guns? Either way you look at it is is illegal for these kids to have these guns and they were most likely stolen from someplace. I hope the police catch them all quickly and that they are dealt with severely because a life is a life.


Rookie TERB going Pro
Dec 16, 2005
I was in the H&M when all this took place...

someone ran in and yelled out that there was a shooting outside, so everyone (the majority at least) went outside to see what was going on. It's just scary to think because I went to Fooklocker that day, but I originally wanted to shop the strip after shopping at Eatons. Boy am I glad I went before.

My prayers and thoughts go out to the families of the victims
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts