6 People shot, Possibly 2 dead


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Judas H said:
I balme the following:

The Beatles
Led Zeppelin
Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Ice Tea
Public Enemy
Ice Cube
Tupac Shakur
and Fiddy cent
I'd say the whole "gangsta" culture is to blame as well. Impressionable young minds look to Tupac and 50 Cent as role models and heroes. The lifestyle that they portray, complete with violence, drugs et. al. is synonomous with the dregs of society. I abhor it.


New member
Feb 6, 2005
You can't always blame the parents some of whom themselves have disorders.

Don't forget drugs.

Still I believe the root cause is white collar crime.

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
drlove said:
I'd say the whole "gangsta" culture is to blame as well. Impressionable young minds look to Tupac and 50 Cent as role models and heroes. The lifestyle that they portray, complete with violence, drugs et. al. is synonomous with the dregs of society. I abhorr it.
I was being sarcastic, people blamed Heavy Metal music before rap music ever came along, before Heavy Metal they were blaming the hippies.

It isn't music and it will never be music.

Parenting could be an issue, how can people parent when we are forced to have two income families. In the old days you didn't get divorced, a father wasn't only a father he was also a dad. Mothers stayed at home while fathers worked. You coud argue that it is the parents, but it will never be music.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Judas H said:
I was being sarcastic, people blamed Heavy Metal music before rap music ever came along, before Heavy Metal they were blaming the hippies.

It isn't music and it will never be music.

Parenting could be an issue, how can people parent when we are forced to have two income families. In the old days you didn't get divorced, a father wasn't only a father he was also a dad. Mothers stayed at home while fathers worked. You coud argue that it is the parents, but it will never be music.
My point was that if the children are not being taught right from wrong, or what is acceptable behavior and what is not from their parents, they will get their impressions from popular culture. I see it all the time - everyone from 12 to 25 (just using this as a for instance) wants to be a gangster. Give me a break! :rolleyes:


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
drlove said:
I'd say the whole "gangsta" culture is to blame as well.
BTW how do you know it was the brothers shooting up the place???
Could've been another Marc Lepine spree shooting for all we know


Active member
Oct 26, 2001
west end highpark area
i think the government should look on e-bay and see if they can find an old noose for sale and spend some of our tax money and buy it. hang the bastards and let them swing. no more bullshit protecting theese good boys.


New member
Nov 25, 2003
I blame Treehouse.

That channel makes parents lazy and warps young minds.


It is a shame what appers to be happening in Toronto. It is now becoming a trend and not an aberration, a blip or a minor issue. Dare I say it, dare I become reactive but this is getting a bit serious and it'd be nice if it stopped.

A friend of mine was shot to death two June's ago. People know who did it and why but gleaning that information for arrests is impossible. It's a dry well.

Does anyone have a well thought out plan to fix this, any ideas? Any?

What should our leaders and citizens be doing?

Please, if your contribution is a one sentence reaction at least consider expanding on it's strengths and value for the purposes of our edification.

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
doinker said:
i think the government should look on e-bay and see if they can find an old noose for sale and spend some of our tax money and buy it. hang the bastards and let them swing. no more bullshit protecting theese good boys.

Show these thugs they'll pay dearly if they want to fuck around.


Sep 16, 2002
tboy said:
I always say: you want to stop crime? Make the punishment FIT the crime...if you shoot and kill someone with a handgun? Take the very same handgun and put it to the perp's forehead and end the problem. If you wound someone with a handgun? same thing...shoot the perp in whatever area the victim was wounded in.....

Sooner or later these friggin idiots will learn that there are consequences for their actions.....

As for the comments about parenting? RIGHT ON DUDE!!! same penalties apply as above, if your no good, gun totin' gansta shoots someone, well, SUCKS TO BE YOU!!

As for prison time? Shit, what are the perps afraid of? 10 yrs at club fed with barbecues and hot tubs?
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Yeah, this will work. I mean, look at the countries that already practice this form of justice. The Middle East, Pakistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran-all really model societies where bringing up children is safe and the streets are quiet. Not much chance of being shot or blown up by a car bomb in any of those countries. Let's follow their lead.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Bad parenting plays a part, but the real root of the problem is economics. Reduce poverty and you'll reduce crime. Give young, poor blacks economic opportunities and they'll be far less likely to engage in high risk, highly dangerous activities like drug dealing and gang violence.

A part of me says "Kill 'em all, let god sort 'em out", but that's just an emotional response to a tragic situation. Locking them up, increasing jail sentences, instituting the death penalty, blaming the parents, caning the perps; none of that will change anything. It's all after-the-fact, reactionary responses. To end the cycle, you need to break the chain at the source: economic opportunity and standards of living. But that's a much bigger endeavour than anyone wants to take on. It's much easier to look for someone to blame.

It's obvious there's a HUGE problem in the black community and it needs to be fixed--even if large elements of the black community itself won't admit it. Until longterm solutions can be put into effect, the only thing I can think of is a dramatic show of force by the police in any and all areas where violent crime rears its ugly head. If that looks like an occupying force in black communities, so be it. Enough is enough.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Let them do hard time....I always hear how they play video games, watch movies, and lift weights. That's NOT doing time.
They don't want to work...just participate in criminal activity to earn a living!!!:mad:
And....the thing about young blacks not being given the oppurtunity, that's a bunch of crap...go out and prove yourself like alot of others have. Go out and look for the opportunity, don't wait for it to be given to you. There are alot of young white's that are unemployed too, so don't use the race issue.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Keebler Elf said:
Bad parenting plays a part, but the real root of the problem is economics. Reduce poverty and you'll reduce crime. Give young, poor blacks economic opportunities and they'll be far less likely to engage in high risk, highly dangerous activities like drug dealing and gang violence.

A part of me says "Kill 'em all, let god sort 'em out", but that's just an emotional response to a tragic situation. Locking them up, increasing jail sentences, instituting the death penalty, blaming the parents, caning the perps; none of that will change anything. It's all after-the-fact, reactionary responses. To end the cycle, you need to break the chain at the source: economic opportunity and standards of living. But that's a much bigger endeavour than anyone wants to take on. It's much easier to look for someone to blame.

It's obvious there's a HUGE problem in the black community and it needs to be fixed--even if large elements of the black community itself won't admit it. Until longterm solutions can be put into effect, the only thing I can think of is a dramatic show of force by the police in any and all areas where violent crime rears its ugly head. If that looks like an occupying force in black communities, so be it. Enough is enough.
I agree, but even then, the marketing machince of idiots like 50Cent, will always overpower whatever the youth are given - in terms of opportunity.
My jaw sorta dropped after seeing a commercial for his box office movie bomb, whatever it's called. A scene on the commercial was him bragging to his dad "I'm a gang banger, and I love it", or something stupid like that.

Sandra Carnegie-Douglas recently said, a lot of the gun crimes were black on black and involved guns. Gotta find that quote/article.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
yoniluvrca said:
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Yeah, this will work. I mean, look at the countries that already practice this form of justice. The Middle East, Pakistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran-all really model societies where bringing up children is safe and the streets are quiet. Not much chance of being shot or blown up by a car bomb in any of those countries. Let's follow their lead.

Well, car bombing etc is politics, not street crime....same as terrorism, it is about politics, not crime....

But using your example, they caned that young american punk in thailand (?) and I bet HE never had anything to do with drugs ever again.....btw, they cut off the hands of thieves, bet they don't get many thefts......

Anyhow, my parents (both worked while I was growing up) taught me right from wrong, punished me for breaking the rules, so now I DON'T BREAK THE RULES......end of FUCKING story.....You can't expect teachers, polics, government, the courts to parent your child, the responsibility is the PARENTS!!!!

As for oppurtunities for the "poor and disenfrachised"...they had/have the same oppurtunities that I did.....free education, access to more technology than I did, more access to information than I did.....using family wealth as an excuse is just plain old bullshit.....If your family is poor, you try harder at school, get a scholarship, or just plain WORK hard, you don't need a million dollars to be a good citizen....you just need personal honor and integrity...

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
tboy said:
As for oppurtunities for the "poor and disenfrachised"...they had/have the same oppurtunities that I did.....free education, access to more technology than I did, more access to information than I did.....using family wealth as an excuse is just plain old bullshit.....If your family is poor, you try harder at school, get a scholarship, or just plain WORK hard, you don't need a million dollars to be a good citizen....you just need personal honor and integrity...

Well said.


Jan 18, 2004
Past the point of reason now...

For some it's the issue of no jobs, but that would just help a few. Long term employement comes at a price that many are not willing to pay. Have to stay in school, get good grades, and give up looking, dressing like thugs. If I can hire you and make money on the process, I couldn't give a rats ass what race, creed, colour or religion you are as long as you're here to do your job and to work smart.

But for others.

Why work for $10 or $15 dollar an hour to start, when the role models they see are thieves, drug dealers and pimps who will make more in a day then they would in a week or a month. You know you're child doesn't have a job but they'll come home with new clothes, cell phone, MP3 player, etc., and you don't question it because you know you didn't buy it and you don't want to have to admit that your kid is a crook. You can't possibly believe that one of their friends gave them it, when they don't have a job also, and there parents (often a single mom with other children) could afford to be handing out presents.

So you turn a blind eye, and junior just gets more and more involved in crime, then one day he's dead or in police custody for shooting someone else. Then you blame the Police or Society for your failings. BULLSHIT.

My dad worked Construction, he worked for the City cleaning out the Garbage Incenerators, he finaly got a job as a School Janitor and did that until he retired. My Mom was a Cafeteria worker who ultimately ended up managing the cafeteria at a Secondary School until she retired.

They raised 2 kids, my first bike was second hand. We had food on the table, clothes on our back and a roof over our head. But just enough, and they taught us to RESPECT our elders, RESPECT other peoples propety and do no harm. A lot of my cousins grew up in Regent Park, and they did not turn to a life of crime because their parents cared what they did, who they were with.

You want to solve this mess we're in now. Simple, hunt down, lock up or shoot the role models they have now. Round up the little cooks and their parents and force them to make restitution of their childs mistakes. Remember the old saying that "Ignorance of the law is no excuse", well there a laws to living in a polite society, when you children run around like animals, then you treat them and their family as their children would treat society. As they show us the barel of a gun, so should we.

Why should you go around in fear. Things would change if certain members of the black community learned to dread their door being smashed in and EVERYONE being draged away in the middle of the night never to be heard of again.

The British had an effective way of controling unrest in Ireland for generations, and that's how they did it.

This may be harsh, but its past the point of reason.


Aug 27, 2005
So now this thread turns into an editorial about social economic short falls in this city? Hmmmm....open the gates open the gates....:D


New member
Nov 25, 2003
So tboy and rusty, your solution is basically "get a life"?

Problem solved, "stop being a jack ass"?

"Grow Up", there we have no more issues!

"Study hard, stay in skool, don't be no fool." Mista T says be kewl.

Gentlemen, please try to offer a solution or the building blocks towards a solution. You are both bright enough and this board large enough that a reasonable, multi faceted, actionable plan could be developed.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
It's all about not enough MPA in the GTA! As well, Celin Dion is to blame with all her love songs that suppresses the stress and hatreds of peoples, causing these suppressed hatreds to accumulate to the point of a huge violent explosion.

Seriously, the educational system was messed up during the Mike Harris era, causing kids to drop out of schools and join gangs. The way to solve this whole problem is to keep kids in schools as long as possible (eg: more after school activities) As well, more undercover cops are needed to monitor gun trafficking.

A more strict law regarding violence would work too.
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