50k Investment


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Sydney, Toronto, Puerto Plata
...Now the stock has bottomed out at .46 cents and has probably begun a new cyclical uptrend as they are about to start mine construction. Shares will easily hit $10 or more during the next few years unless something unexpected happens which can happen to any company. like I said, every stock in the sector has been hammered regardless of company fundamentals.
Usually (99.9% of the time) when someone asks me for specific recommendations I won't do it because I really think everyone should make their own decisions and I know many of them will just blindly take any suggestion I make and get long without doing any independent research of their own. That said, why not at least name some names and I will do a couple of hours of research on what you like and who knows you might be on to something :) It might be fun, I haven't even looked at anything under the 10 handle in many years.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
I love these types of threads cause everyone acts like they "know" hahah

Reality is that if anyone here had a clue you'd be a millionaire.

OP take the money and walk into a casino.

You want 50/50 go pick red or black on the roulette table. Feeling a little more risky go for 1st 2nd or 3rd row etc...

Or if you really have balls put it all on one number for a possibility to win 35 x $50,000

Atleast this way you see what happens instantly and if you win you walk away with your cash, tax free!


Jan 5, 2011
lol what makes you think they are going to tighten? theyve been doing the opposite, unemployment is creeping up, economy is slowing. If the fed were to raise rates, it would bankrupt the u.s. govt interest on the huge debt would skyrocket, its impossible for them to raise rates. In 1980 when volcker raised rates the u.s. debt was denominated in long bonds, today its denominated in short term T bills that the treasury rolls over. all the fed is doing is monetizing the deficit enabling congress to spend like drunken sailors
I don't want to go back and fourth with you friend, you clearly don't follow the fixed income market..... blab on... it's nice someone listens to you on this board eh...?

To the OP this is why you should contact an investment professional.

Best of luck!



New member
Sep 6, 2012
I don't want to go back and fourth with you friend, you clearly don't follow the fixed income market..... blab on... it's nice someone listens to you on this board eh...?

Best of luck!

He probably tries, but obviously doesn't understand it, neither does he seem to fully understand Rick Rule's article which I quoted above.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Question for you?
Do you know what proportion of total return for the stock market is due to dividends over the long run ?
Well, in addition to being an insufferable braggart, irresponsible and uncompromising it appears msog87 is also chickenshit as he avoids the hard questions.
My guess is he has read some rag newsletters for a couple years, had some dumb-ass luck and now thinks he is the second coming of Warren Buffet.
His narrative is almost a cut and paste from so many of these heavily marketed newsletter. (if the author has a sure fire method, why is he publishing rather than playing the market ?)
If mso87 had the sound investment knowledge he portrays he would know making a risky recommendation to a novice investor is not appropriate.

Not to worry, the market tends to humble arrogant know-it-alls like msog87 (2013-1987= 26 years old ?) at some point
Since he is avoiding dividends in favour of trying to grow his capital and appears oblivious to risk, the humbling is likely to happen sooner , rather than latter


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Sydney, Toronto, Puerto Plata
Since he is avoiding dividends in favour of trying to grow his capital and appears oblivious to risk, the humbling is likely to happen sooner , rather than latter
Odd thing is the reckless "know it all" speculators are almost always right, just their timing is almost always absolutely wrong :) and if they do happen to hit a home run early on, well that just makes them more dangerous (to themselves).

The harsh statistics is that most traders fail. Something like 90 - 95% new individual retail traders absolutely go bust and blow up their account. While I didn't do quite that bad, I'm the first to admit that my first attempt at earning a living this way was a failure. Not to ever be a quitter I learned from my mistakes and came back a couple of years later, that was many years ago now, oh if I only knew then what I know now. So since that time I do make my living this way with no fear as I will never take risks that can take me out again and even keep enough capital in reserve (never to be put at risk) it will provide for me as long as I will live.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
His investment recommendations are more over-enthusiastic than crazy.
I too believe big money is to be made in energy, precious metals and commodities in
general in the coming years. His recommendation of the stock of Wildcat Silver is ...
I believe that silver bullion is (going to be) the best investment.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
There is no such thing as the best investment unless you have a crystal ball.

I too believe there is a good chance that the price of silver will resume its
upward trend very soon. But I also believe there are other investment strategies
that doesn't include silver and still provide handsome return.


Jan 5, 2011
you say gold is risky bc the fed could tighten, I just explained to you why the fed can't tighten. You are giving people advice and you don;t know what youre talking about. all the fed has been doing is getting looser and looser, and you think they will soon begin to tighten with rising unemployment and an economy teetering on recession?
No comment....



New member
Feb 2, 2010
why the XTR its only 5%
you could just buy a basket of 10 stocks that have a 5% or better div yield and no MER.
and yes there is lots of 5-10% stable-ish stocks out there


Sep 20, 2010
You can safely ignore 99.9% of the investment advice found here or provided by the MSM. If you can do it on your own, open a discount brokerage account, put together a sensible asset allocation plan, buy index funds and or ETFs and stick to it. If you need help, look for a fee only planner to do it for you.



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
You can safely ignore 99.9% of the investment advice found here or provided by the MSM. If you can do it on your own, open a discount brokerage account, put together a sensible asset allocation plan, buy index funds and or ETFs and stick to it. If you need help, look for a fee only planner to do it for you.
This single post must belong to that 0.1% of investment advice not
to be ignored.


Sep 20, 2010
good luck getting rich. if you bought an index fund a decade ago what return would you be sitting on? index funds are good for SECULAR BULL MARKETS IN STOCK INDICES. you guys don't even know the basics, you dont buy index funds in a secular bear market.
lol - Do yourself a favour and learn a bit about indexing and efficient markets. There is a mountain of academic evidence that refutes your suggestion. Did you bother to watch the video? I suspect not.

If you think you can time the markets, be my guest, you might get lucky and win big but I'm talking about investing not speculating. Most people never learn the difference between the two.

The sooner you can stop the delusion that you can somehow tell the future the better off you will be.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
lol - Do yourself a favour and learn a bit about indexing and efficient markets. There is a mountain of academic evidence that refutes your suggestion.
LOL....Msog doesn't understand any of that stuff....let alone don't expect him to read and understand any academic evidence!

Talking of basics does this sound to you like someone who passed Grade 11 economics ?:
you say gold is risky bc the fed could tighten, I just explained to you why the fed can't tighten. You are giving people advice and you don;t know what youre talking about. all the fed has been doing is getting looser and looser, and you think they will soon begin to tighten with rising unemployment and an economy teetering on recession?


Sep 20, 2010
Look at a fuckin chart. whats so complicated? there isnt some magical formula we are in a secular bear market for stock markets period. you have to be a stock picker in this environment if you want to buy and hold. from 1980-1999 commodites were in the bear market and stock markets were bull, this is the opposite now.
lol - watch the video please


Sep 20, 2010
that being said, if central banks ramp up the printing presses stocks will rise alot more but not in real terms only nominally
You don't need to make predictions to become a successful investor. In fact, any strategy based on predictions is unlikely to be successful in the long term.

Common sense and emotional discipline are necessary.


Active member
Oct 31, 2003
Look at some real estate investments for a portion of your investment. Some you need to qualify for however. Look at opportunities through Fortress Capital, Walton Group and Centurion apartment REIT.
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