Plot the following data from your source on that same chart and you'll see how 'spectacularly wrong' your claims are.
2013 - 0.499
2014 - 0.567
2015 - 0.684
Seems to me that your no no change claims are pretty wrong. I guess that's what happens when you back the 9%.
Let's put aside the hilarious suggestion that the researchers in
2012 were including the
2015 El Nino in their answers.
Surely, even you (and Frankfooter) can count to five.
The IPCC graph you're using is from 2013 and it used the CMIP3 generation of the models ( Reports/AR5 - WG1/Chapter 01/Fig1-04.jpg). It confirmed in 2013 that the IPCC's predictions were spectacularly wrong.
However, the current generation of models is CMIP
5, not CMIP
3. If you're going to plot current temperatures against the predictions, you have to use the current CMIP5 generation of the models.
For your information, the CMIP5 generation predicted a temperature anomaly of about 0.85 degrees Celsius for this year. Even with El Nino factored in, I'm afraid your current temperature anomaly of 0.684 C is nowhere near 0.85 C.
And the 2014 temperature anomaly of 0.567 degrees C is even further off. In fact, the 2014 anomaly is statistically the same as 2005 (the reported difference is only about 2/100ths of a degree).
The HadCRUT4 data confirm that temperatures in the 21st century have been stagnant and the predictions were spectacularly wrong -- and that more than 70% of your so-called "experts" gave the wrong answer to the question about the projections.