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415000 years of temperature change.....true or false?


Jan 31, 2005
Particularly funny when he posts this while doing business in,... China,...

China is certainly generating greenhouse gas. They had a big military parade in Beijing a few days ago. In order to ensure a sunny day they ordered all cars off the road and all factories closed for a few days ahead of the parade, to reduce the pollution.

Around here the impact of human activity on the environment is obvious.

But deniers will continue to deny. Regardless of fact.


Nov 26, 2002
This is the problem, people keep bringing in baggage into debates about AGW and totally cluttering up everything.

CO2 is not a pollutant. You can not see CO2, the pollution you see in china is not CO2.

What is next, why not blame AGW for the dirty water in china?


Jan 31, 2005
This is the problem, people keep bringing in baggage into debates about AGW and totally cluttering up everything.

CO2 is not a pollutant. You can not see CO2, the pollution you see in china is not CO2.

What is next, why not blame AGW for the dirty water in china?
China producesa ton of pollution, and while it is true that the visible part is not the greenhouse gas, it is pretty well correlated. Very few sources of man made air pollution produce only one or the other.

China is a big producer because China is a big manufacturer, and most of those goods are being sold to Americans and Europeans.

A lot of countries have met their targets for greenhouse gas reduction by offshoring it. Instead of manufacturing stuff they import it.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Anyone who still doubts that the planet is warming, or that human activity contributes to that, is some kind of kook.
You pinko's left-wing alarmist can run around and scream the sky is chicken little!

Global warming is just a natural cycle and CO2 is food sources for CO2 is less then .04% for the atmosphere it does not contribute warming to the climate so little doubling or tripling this so little amount emission is like doubling or tripling of nothing is nothing. it Estimate total costs & spending world wide by forbes ... It 1 billion dollar a day is spend worldwide in this on this biggest global warming fraud of the century. That 365 billion dollar per year worldwide added up ! In 10 to 15 year we will have global cooling equalvelent to the mini-ice little age of Middle Age "Manauder Mininium" and when that happens I would like all you left wing pinkos kinkos like Al Gore and Obama and Kathylenn Wynn and all you alarmist to be answer for their crimes against humanity! The amount of money wasted !! And people will die from the globe cooling when certain countries aren't prepare for it and when crops start to fail when cooling comes and you have 9 billions in the planet to feed as opposed to 1billions to feed in the Middle Age! Look at history!!


Active member
Aug 30, 2009

- by ************ L. Gosselin
Browse: Home / 2015 / August / 31 / Danish Meteorological Institute Data Show GREENLAND ICE MASS BALANCE HAS GROWN IMPRESSIVELY Since 2014
Danish Meteorological Institute Data Show GREENLAND ICE MASS BALANCE HAS GROWN IMPRESSIVELY Since 2014
By P Gosselin on 31. August 2015
German climate science skeptic site wobleibtdieerderwaermung (wherestheglobalwarming) recently posted on the Arctic and Greenland, mentioning that the Arctic winter has already started there as temperatures above 80° north latitude dip below zero.


Chart above shows that a major swath of the Arctic, North Atlantic and North America has seen cold temperatures this year.

But there are some fascinating developments in the Arctic region this year: A huge area of North America and the North Atlantic, including Greenland, has been colder than normal so far this year. Remember, this area is supposed to be the canary in the coal mine. The German site writes:

The continuing cold weather in Greenland from September 1, 2014, to August 2015 has led to strongly growing sea ice, as the accumulated mass balance of the Danish Meteorological Weather Service impressively shows:”


The blue areas show ice growth, while the red areas show loss and are miniscule by comparison. The DMI: “Map of the accumulated surface mass balance (in mm water equivalent) from September 1st to now”. Source:

wobleibtdieglobaleerwaermung writes that “the massive growth of ice on its mainland is removing global sea water.” Just how much? The site continues:

In the 2014/2015 season the daily course and accumulated ice mas development on Greenland measured in gigatons since September 1, 2014 is showing a mass growth (lower chart) of around 200 gigatons, or 200 cubic kilometers.”

The chart:

Top: The total daily contribution to the surface mass balance from the entire ice sheet (blue line, Gt/day). Bottom: The accumulated surface mass balance from September 1st to now (blue line, Gt) and the season 2011-12 (red) which had very high summer melt in Greenland. For comparison, the mean curve from the period 1990-2013 is shown (dark grey). The same calendar day in each of the 24 years (in the period 1990-2013) will have its own value. These differences from year to year are illustrated by the light grey band. For each calendar day, however, the lowest and highest values of the 24 years have been left out. Quelle:

The total daily contribution to the surface mass balance from the entire ice sheet (blue line, Gt/day). Bottom: accumulated surface mass balance from September 1st to now (blue line, Gt) and the season 2011-12 (red) which had very high summer melt in Greenland. For comparison, the mean curve from the period 1990-2013 is shown (dark grey). The same calendar day in each of the 24 years (in the period 1990-2013) will have its own value. These differences from year to year are illustrated by the light grey band. For each calendar day, however, the lowest and highest values of the 24 years have been left out. Source:





- See more at:


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
PA, that is a load of hooey from an ignorant source, meant for ignorant people.
This three post#104,105, 106 i posted have been published in a peer review climate journal!

It a peer review journal ! The sources is not hooey.. Your the naive ignorant person!

You alarmist go run around and Around and screams the sky is falling chicken little!

PS All you alarmist should be jailed for wasting billions of taxpayer dollar.. Whereas the money the wasted could be put to good use like in cancer research or helping feeding the homeless!

PPS Anyone taken basic biology knows CO2 is not a pollutants is a valuable food sources for plants!
Plants breath in CO2 and exhale O2. I will give you credit on your"fuji" prediction on Canada recession you predicted last year for this year and this minor so called recession is over now! Do yourself a favour keep and open mind and google and research on the fraud and hoax of global warming aka climate changes .
The key made me realize when you alarmist start to rebrand global warming to climate changes got by curiosity i started to do my own research and it made me realized how wrong the global warming theory / hypothesis is! This hypothesis is a failed hypothesis they need abandon this hypothesis !!! The observed data to dont matched their computer model and fail to able to explain the pulse in the warming and the middle little ice age,

Go google climategate!!
Last edited:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You pinko's left-wing alarmist can run around and scream the sky is chicken little!
And you conspiracy theorists don't notice that the sky isn't falling, its the oceans that are rising.
Sea levels worldwide have risen an average of nearly eight centimeters (three inches) since 1992 because of warming waters and melting ice, a panel of NASA scientists said on Wednesday, Aug 27, according to the Gurdian.

8cm in a bit over 2 decades is a massive amount of water.

Unless you think that's a conspiracy, or that its all natural and totally fine.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Still using the old models, eh?
All your arguments run on old data, old models, old info all filtered through dubious sites.
This is coming from a guy who is plotting the wrong numbers on a 2013 graph that was using the CMIP3 model run.

Show us a graph that correctly plots the current temperatures against the CMIP5 average and you'll prove my point -- the predictions continue to be spectacularly wrong.

(By the way, your HadCRUT4 update was announced in July. The most recent and updated HadCRUT4 numbers released on Aug. 27 show the current anomaly for 2015 to be 0.68 degrees C.)


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
This three post#104,105, 106 i posted have been published in a peer review climate journal!

It a peer review journal ! The sources is not hooey.. Your the naive ignorant person!

You alarmist go run around and Around and screams the sky is falling chicken little!
You didn't notice this one, did you?
A large chunk of ice about the size of Manhattan broke off from a glacier in Greenland and scientists are deeply worried about this calving event. Satellite images showed scientists that a five-square-mile chunk of ice broke off from the fastest moving glacier in Greenland for a period of two days.

And here, for your edification is a chart showing ice loss in Greenland's glaciers.
(though I expect you and moviefan will both try to claim that its a flat line...)


Mar 12, 2004
Here, for your edification is a chart showing ice loss in Greenland's glaciers.
(though I expect you and moviefan will both try to claim that its a flat line...)
Good graph to confirm the "pause" in the so called "global warming" scam.

This would have been be easy for the UNEMPLOYABLES to "predict", it repeated regularly throughout recorded history,...but that would definitely put an damper on their chances of being continually employed,...wouldn't it.



Active member
Aug 30, 2009

Published on Aug 29, 2015
Astrophysicist Prof Shaviv outlines where the IPCC have gone wrong.
This new science discovered by Shaviv, Veizer and Svensmark, means that the high sensitivities to CO2 in the computer models can be ruled out.
Lecture recorded on the 10th April, 2014 in Germany.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Follow the $$$$. It all about $$$$$ grant, research $$$$, job security!

Al Gore become first carbon billionaire!
Your math is really sucky.

For some reason you think there is more money in climate change research then in the fossil fuel industry.
If you are following the money and think that the IPCC (where authors aren't paid) is the ticket to the big money, then you are a fool.

For instance, I'd challenge you to find anything similar to this, funding climate researchers.
Secretive donors gave US climate denial groups $125m over three years

That's just the US over 3 years.

With a nose for money like yours, you must be really poor.
No wonder you don't do any reviews here.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Your math is really sucky.

For some reason you think there is more money in climate change research then in the fossil fuel industry.
If you are following the money and think that the IPCC (where authors aren't paid) is the ticket to the big money, then you are a fool.

For instance, I'd challenge you to find anything similar to this, funding climate researchers.

That's just the US over 3 years.

With a nose for money like yours, you must be really poor.
No wonder you don't do any reviews here.
If you look at my friends lists I fucked every sp in my list. Plus if you look further in my history of my posting i posted a few review also. Generally i dont like to post review..i just prefer to fuck the sp & mp.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Your math is really sucky.

For some reason you think there is more money in climate change research then in the fossil fuel industry.
If you are following the money and think that the IPCC (where authors aren't paid) is the ticket to the big money, then you are a fool.

For instance, I'd challenge you to find anything similar to this, funding climate researchers.

That's just the US over 3 years.

With a nose for money like yours, you must be really poor.
No wonder you don't do any reviews here.
People like you so against the fossil fuel industry.. You probably would prefer we do away with car,plane, etc and go back to horse & buggy!!

Here is your idiot & idol Al Gore .. Following the money,

Your the fool..just look at Al Gore 1 billion dollar carbon man!!

Former US Vice President and Global Warming advocate, Al Gore, has become the world’s first ‘carbon billionaire’ after landing a major carbon deal with Chinese coal mining company Haerwusu, one of the top ten coal mining companies in the world.

Al Gore and his partner David Blood, both principals at Generation Investment Management (GIM) have landed the most lucrative carbon deal to date, reaching an estimated $12 billion dollars in carbon shares, estimate experts, although official numbers have not yet been disclosed.

Haerwusu that has often been criticized by Amnesty International and other human rights groups for the poor working conditions of their employees is believed to have sealed the carbon deal to “improve its international image” in an attempt to facilitate commerce with Europe and America, believe specialists.

Al Gore has officially become one of the richest men on earth by landing this $12 billion dollars carbon deal
The former vice-president announced the news to share holders earlier this week during a press conference at GIM headquarters, in London,
“I am proud to say that this is just the beginning” he told share holders, visibly enchanted by the recent deal.

“I told the world 20 years ago that the ice caps would be melted by now. Although we are lucky this has not happened yet, we have been at the forefront of the Global Warming movement all along and today we are reaping what we have sown” he admitted with great pride.

“When a system of carbon taxes and carbon trade is setup all over the world in the near future, GIM will be at the epicenter of this green revolution, and believe me, this is just the beginning” he acknowledged prophetically.

The $12 billion dollar deal signed for a period of 10 years with the Haerwusu company could encourage other companies to join in the global carbon trade, a great thing for GIM share holders who’s profits are estimated by experts to sky rocket in the next years.p

Alarming cost of cost of climate changed hysteria


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
For instance, I'd challenge you to find anything similar to this, funding climate researchers.

That's just the US over 3 years.
Are you kidding. A mere $125 million over three years in the U.S.?

That's only $40 million a year. In the climate field, that's chicken feed.

The U.S. government spent more than $30 billion on climate research from 1989 to 2009.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
People like you so against the fossil fuel industry.. You probably would prefer we do away with car,plane, etc and go back to horse & buggy!!

Here is your idiot & idol Al Gore .. Following the money,

Your the fool..just look at Al Gore 1 billion dollar carbon man!!
Al Gore is a politician, we are talking about scientists here.

Are you now trying to claim that Al Gore tricked the world's climatologists into faking studies so Gore could get rich?
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