The Porn Dude

415000 years of temperature change.....true or false?


Mar 12, 2004
Yes, but until 1950 or so anthropogenic forcings weren't the dominant factors.
So what were the dominant factors for the increase between 1910 thru 1945,...???



Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Yah it's something like that, which makes the next few hundred years very scary. I won't be here but the data is there....
As much as I hate to get into this in yet another thread, that's not actually what the data show.

The data show the "very scary" predictions have been spectacularly wrong. There is no evidence that the warming that occurred in the last two decades of the previous century was unprecedented or anthropogenic.



Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Just to be clear, we are not doing anything nor will we. Rich nations (which emit most Co2) are not willing to become poorer to cool the planet.
I hope you're right. In any event, nothing we do today will matter.

We have no idea how energy will be produced in the future and trying to predict the future is an exercise in futility. As Michael Crichton has said, the future is unknowable.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
As much as I hate to get into this in yet another thread, that's not actually what the data show.

The data show the "very scary" predictions have been spectacularly wrong. There is no evidence that the warming that occurred in the last two decades of the previous century was unprecedented or anthropogenic.
That chart has two problems.
First, you can't provide an original link to prove that it hasn't been tampered with by one of your lobbyist deniers.
Second, Hadcrut 4's latest readings for 2015 put the global anomaly at 0.809ºC, which makes even your dodgy chart look accurate.

You can't provide a link to this chart through the MET office, can you?
Because its not legit, is it?


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Here's a link to the latest HadCRUT numbers, which had been adjusted slightly since the graph that I posted had been produced:

The adjustments don't matter, though.

The adjustments are immaterial. The current HadCRUT4 data show the anomaly for 2014 (about 0.57 degrees C) was statistically the same as 2005 and 2010 and nowhere near the 0.85 degrees C that what was predicted. Even with the El Nino increase this year, the global temperature so far in 2015 -- about 0.68 degrees C -- is nowhere near the 0.85 degrees C that what was predicted.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Here's a link to the latest HadCRUT numbers, which had been adjusted slightly since the graph that I posted had been produced:

The adjustments don't matter, though.

Even with the adjustments, the anomaly for 2014 (about 0.57 degrees C) was statistically the same as 2005 and 2010 and nowhere near the 0.85 degrees C that what was predicted. Even with the El Nino increase this year, the global temperature so far in 2015 is nowhere near what was predicted.
Cherry picking dates again?

If you look through the data, available here on your site (my reference previously was directly through the MET office):

That shows an increase of about 0.4ºC from 2000-2015 (your cherry picked dates for your 21st century claim).
Now despite this 15 year period being too small a sample size to judge the IPCC predictions on, it still shows that both a) you are spectacularly wrong to claim there is no increase and b) you continue to use old sources and not check the legit sources which contradict your previous claims.

And at present, the global temp for 2015 is at 0.83ºC for NOAA, 0.80º for NASA (unless I reversed those, thats by memory) and 0.684ºC for CRU, which I believe uses a different baseline.

Global temp in 2015 is predicted to beat all records by a record amount, unless we have a volcano the size of Krakatau or similar catastrophic event in the next few weeks.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
And at present, the global temp for 2015 is at 0.83ºC for NOAA, 0.80º for NASA (unless I reversed those, thats by memory) and 0.684ºC for CRU, which I believe uses a different baseline.
HadCRUT most definitely uses a different baseline. It's the same baseline that was in the graph I cited.

Therefore, we can dismiss your NOAA and NASA numbers in our comparison with the CMIP5 predictions, as the baselines are entirely different.

Comparing apples to apples, the 0.68 degrees C anomaly so far for 2015 -- brought about by El Nino -- is nowhere near the 0.85 degrees C prediction.

The predictions have been spectacularly wrong.

It would be a shame if posters like Sophie were to be fooled by your lies. It does make me wonder, though, why the defenders of anthropogenic global warming feel the need to constantly lie. Can't you find any honest data to back your claims?


Mar 12, 2004
Quote Originally Posted by Frankfooter
Yes, but until 1950 or so anthropogenic forcings weren't the dominant factors.

So what were the dominant factors for the increase between 1910 thru 1945,...???

You are continuously making claims about your superior understanding, and knowledge of "global warming",...

Answer the question,...if you can't,...or don't have the guts,...then STFU.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
HadCRUT most definitely uses a different baseline. It's the same baseline that was in the graph I cited.

Therefore, we can dismiss your NOAA and NASA numbers in our comparison with the CMIP5 predictions, as the baselines are entirely different.

Comparing apples to apples, the 0.68 degrees C anomaly so far for 2015 -- brought about by El Nino -- is nowhere near the 0.85 degrees C prediction.
You are hopeless.

Hadcrut4 uses 1961-1990 as their baseline period, whereas NASA/NOAA use the average of the 20th century as baseline.

By the way, have you found the original source for that chart you claim is from the MET yet?
Until you do, I'm calling bullshit on it, since its come through at least two iterations and is likely to be a decade or so older, knowing your sources.
Until you find a source from the MET office for that chart, its officially considered fake, since you've lied about two studies and continue to lie about temperature changes in the 21st century.

Got it?


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Until you do, I'm calling bullshit on it, since its come through at least two iterations and is likely to be a decade or so older....
I've provided you with the sources before -- they can all be found at the bottom of the graph.

The graph appeared in the National Post. The sources are the Met Office and KNMI Climate Explorer.

As for a "decade or so older" ... I hate to break this to you, but 2014 was just last year. :frusty:


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
By the way, I can produce other graphs -- including graphs from the IPCC -- that confirm the IPCC's predictions were spectacularly wrong.


University of Alabama in Huntsville:

In fact, in Chapter 9 of the IPCC's AR5 report in 2013, the IPCC confirmed that only three of the 114 model projections were correct (those were the three that projected stagnant temperatures). The remaining 111 got it wrong. See Page 769:

Now, it's Frankfooter's turn.

Produce a graph that compares current temperatures compare with the predictions.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
By the way, I can produce other graphs -- including graphs from the IPCC -- that confirm the IPCC's predictions were spectacularly wrong.


That's an older chart, sourced from a skeptical science article that exposes the chart as from a leaked draft from the IPCC.
Its not a legit chart, its not a published chart.
You know that and you keep using it.

And note that it even proves that the IPCC's predictions are right on the money in the chart on the right, since the 2015 temp of 0.83ºC is at the top of the red bar, and last year's 0.68ºC is smack dab in the middle. Fucking accurate predictions, thanks for confirming that the IPCC is really quite good.

The present temp puts us at the high end of the predictions in the chart on the left, but still quite good.

University of Alabama in Huntsville:

That's a faked chart, from your dodgy lobbyist Watt.
It combines surface temp predictions with atmospheric readings, an out and out fake combing apples and oranges.
You keep using it despite this being pointed out to you, which means you are either really stupid or really dishonest.

Now, it's Frankfooter's turn.

Produce a graph that compares current temperatures compare with the predictions.
Not until you can come up with a real chart, not the two faked charts you posted here.

That's two faked charts to go with your two studies you lied about.
Everything you claim is a lie, it appears.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
And note that it even proves that the IPCC's predictions are right on the money in the chart on the right, since the 2015 temp of 0.83ºC is at the top of the red bar, and last year's 0.68ºC is smack dab in the middle.

The HadCRUT data being used in the graph put 2014 at 0.56 degrees C., right at the bottom of the graph. Even the 0.68 degrees temperature so far for this year -- an El Nino year -- is still far below the 0.85 prediction based on the CMIP-5 averages and still at the bottom portion of the graph.

In fact, your own NASA graph shows you're full of crap.

According to you, 2014 was 0.12 degrees C warmer than 2010. However, your NASA graph shows 2014 was only 0.03 degrees warmer than 2010.

You see, when you stick with the same data set, you keep getting the same answer -- the IPCC's predictions were spectacularly wrong.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
That's a faked chart, from your dodgy lobbyist Watt.
It combines surface temp predictions with atmospheric readings, an out and out fake combing apples and oranges.
Nonsense. The link to the image came from Watts but the chart itself was produced by the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

And the current evidence shows the lower troposphere readings are more reliable than the surface temperatures you're using.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

The HadCRUT data being used in the graph put 2014 at 0.56 degrees C., right at the bottom of the graph. Even the 0.68 degrees temperature so far for this year -- an El Nino year -- is still far below the 0.85 prediction based on the CMIP-5 averages and still at the bottom portion of the graph.
HadCRUT uses a different baseline, 1961-1990, if memory serves me correct.
Comparing it to CMIP-5 projections is comparing apples to oranges.
Try again.

In fact, your own NASA graph shows you're full of crap.

According to you, 2014 was 0.12 degrees C warmer than 2010. However, your NASA graph shows 2014 was only 0.03 degrees warmer than 2010.
You are making things up.
I never said such a thing.
That is just yet another lie.

Do you ever stop lying?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Nonsense. The link to the image came from Watts but the chart itself was produced by the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
I think its bullshit, as everything from Watts is.
Prove it by providing a link to the original document or admit its bullshit.
You lied about everything else.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
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