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14 students, 1 teacher dead after shooting at Texas elementary school: Gov. Abbott


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I'm done with out of country work. Back in good old TO.
Its gotten a lot worse due to the pandemic. Homelessness is rampant. People are a lot less friendly. Seem more wary. Maybe being up here for a few years clarified the differences.

The divisions on many levels are more profound. Economic, political, geographical, racial, all of it. And in more combination.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You can believe that if you want and rant limitlessly about it, but there will be another mass shooting in Canada, despite the laws.
Wait, is the argument now that Canada has anywhere near the same number of mass shootings as the US? Or is the argument that we can't stop all crime so we shouldn't just bother with laws?

There's definitely a problem in the U.S. No question about it. But the reality is you can't do much about it.
Except mandatory background checks and denying/removing guns from people accused of violent crimes or mental health issues related to violence. Then there's laws that do things to limit access to certain gun types who's risk outweighs the usefulness.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
113 is not fear that forces you to acquire a firearm, it's good sense...
:rolleyes: Sort of a circular logic there.

Of course social supports and access to medical/mental health care like in Canada would help relieve many of those issues. But that's not a good talking point.
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Aug 23, 2001
There are parts of the world I would choose to tour armed. America isn't one of them.

All those videos of fat, dumb motherfucker dudes lining up at the food counter at MacDonald's in the States doing open carry. What are they afraid of? - The hamburgers? Or the chicken MacNuggets?

Why is it that the best armed Republican guys are blowing $15,000 on AR's and gun accessories just to drive over to the mall? Are they afraid that the extra stretchy "mature fit" fat man jeans are going to shoot at them?

I'm a crack dealer in the projects, then I'm probably carrying as much firepower as I can stuff in my pants because my life span is probably about 2 years and significantly shorter if I don't have a couple of guns on me. So it's a wise choice. I'm a Republican voting fart-brain and I have no reason to carry. Seriously, I don't.

And that's why the little cartoon of the wolf that you posted is so pretentiously stupid.

Because the real danger of having absolutely no gun control - which is what TX pretty much has these days - is not that someone might challenge you to a gunfight in the parking lot of the hardware store, but that some sociopathic 18 year old can now get a gun as well and kill your 9 year old daughter.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
There's more fear on an NYC subway than there is in the state of Texas.
As the armed and trained police have since admitted that the 19 officers who stood outside the classroom while kids were shot and bled out, despite multiple ongoing 911 calls from kids inside, that they were too afraid to go in both out of fear of getting shot and fear of their chain of command, I'd say you are quite wrong.

And before anyone says the police have the right not to go in they fucking don't. That is the specific job they signed up for. And recieved specific training for. If they couldn't do it, fine, then resign and let someone who can have the job.

And all the lies, about the school resource officer confronting the shooter when he wasn't there, and attempts to cover up the incompetence and cowardice until the Border Patrol team showed, told the guy in charge to go fuck himself, and saved the rest of the kids, prove my point again. Scared of consequences.

Too many scared people caused more kids to be shot, bleed out, and die. Thats the facts.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Israel is surrounded by over 200mm hostiles. Do they live in fear? Yes, they openly carry guns in their everyday life. How many school shootings in the past 44 years? Almost none.
The 200mil hostiles surrounding the US are other armed Americans.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I didn't. You don't buy insurance because you're afraid, you buy it because it is a prudent thing to do against the fortune reversals. It's as simple as that especially in the country with crime rates like in America.
Could it be that car accidents are a far more frequent thing than mass shootings, even in the US?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
To paraphrase one of our members (the one who keeps saying he grew up in the hood and he is still alive):

"I've been to the U.S. many times and I'm still alive." What's this "fear" in the U.S. that some folks speak of? Of course, it's always wise to be prudent even here on the TTC or getting into your car in Brampton.

You want fear, go to Brazil and/or Mexico.
You're so scared you need a gun to go to Brampton?


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Answers like this, meaning that you have no answer to a simple question, reinforce the fact that you are clearly being out-debated. Having a solid retort to bc's question, as opposed your "d'uh, I don't know" would work toward advancing your narrative..
I do have a solid retort.

I'll answer you since you don't know and unlike basketcase, he refuses to do any research and you don't have a track record of that.

AR15's are extremely popular for hog hunting, in the 5.56/223 caliber as well as other calibers like 300 Blackout which the AR15 can be easily converted to as all you need to do is switch the upper. 5.56 is still sufficient in most cases because you can get up to a 77 grain bullet in that caliber that gives you plenty of knock down power vs the original 55 gr that they used in Vietnam. It is not as common in North America to have a separate upper because guns are cheap here, but in Europe and other parts of the world, it is because only the receiver that contains the firing mechanism that is considered the gun. In addition to being very good eating, hogs are very destructive and the government, both American and Canadian wants them eradicated as they cause an estimated $1.5 billion annually worth of damage.

The reason for using semi automatic is because hogs are herd animals, so having the ability to follow up quickly means you have the ability to take down a large number of them. Very beneficial when you are trying to eradicate them.

Using an AR-15 for Hunting - AT3 Tactical

The AR15 is also very good for hunting prairie dogs, which are prolific and are also very damaging. It is not unheard of to shoot over 1,000 of them on one property on a weekend. Farmers love it when hunters get rid of these because not only are they bad for crops, their holes cause injury to horses and livestock like diary.

What makes the AR15 good for hunting vs other types of semi autos is because the direct impingement action with the buffer results in smoother recoil, so faster follow up shots.

Those are the facts.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
You're repeating your arguments and they're flawed. Despite there being rape laws in Canada, there will be more rapes. That doesn't mean laws against rape are ineffective in controlling it. It means that contraventions to all laws are inevitably going to occur.

The answer is not to say "Hell, 20 new rape cases last week in Toronto alone! That law is useless. Time to scrap it and let men rape whenever they want to because it's all about "Liberty"! And let's talk about mental health counseling for rapists as a solution, not the criminal justice system."

Are mass murderers "sick"?... Sure. It's non normative social behaviour, so by definition a "sickness". But all countries contain angry sociopaths, some of whom might be amenable to treatment and some of those treatable might also come to the attention of the authorities in a situation where they can be required to accept treatment. That's a lot of "ifs and maybes". Generally sociopathy is considered untreatable.

But it's not about practicality. The goal for people like you is to come up with arguments that desperately and at all costs avoid accepting that gun control is a valid and necessary legal goal. And today's buzz phrase is that "it's a mental health problem, not a gun control propblem". That's like other bullshit slogans like "arm the teachers!" No one seriously thinks it's a solution. It's just a way of deflecting criticism of the lack of gun control by spinning some useless bullshit.

If mental health is the problem, why do US sociopaths mass murder and Dutch sociopaths not?.... Oh that's because there's gun control in Holland and fuck all gun control in the USA.
No for a lot of reasons. Holland was not settled by the gun like the United States. Learn about the history of the gun in the U.S.

The current laws are sufficient. Murder is Murder no matter the mechanism of injury, but the laws are ineffective. Why? Because of how they are enforced. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled gross intoxication is a valid defense against criminal charges. In addition, they have ruled that 25 years without parole is inhumane.

One day you should go down to the courthouse and find out how many Stay of Proceedings there are on solid cases.

So go ahead. Make more rules. Charge everyone and their mother. Rules and charges are no good unless there are convictions and some consequences, other than parole.

If I were you I wouldn't stress about gun deaths. Most of them are suicides and the numbers are tiny compared to other mechanisms of injury in Canada.

About 7,000 people a year die from drug overdose in Canada and about 1,700 a year in car accidents.

Death is always around you. It shouldn't prevent you from living your life.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Israelis want to live in peace and not have to carry weapons but tough to do when one is surrounded by over 200mm hostiles.
Israel just celebrated 'flag day' with a mob of tens of thousands of Israeli Jews marching through the streets yelling 'death to arabs', attacking civilians and journalists, destroying property and all backed by the police and army, who gave them free reign through Jerusalem.

There are enough Israel threads already here, so if you want to continue this conversation take it there and we can talk more.

Amnesty, HRW, B'tselem and the UN have all issued reports saying Israel is apartheid.
That is why the people they call 'settlers', who are colonizing Palestine, are all so heavily armed.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
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