ßanning of cigarettes in Äll stores in Mississauga

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
The Oracle said:
I personally love the way that smokers love to deflect from the main issue.Their favourite aguments are usually the same old rhetoric are about how much taxes they pay,if they pick on us what's next or how many jobs will be lost because of promotional restraints. Stick to the main topic. Tobacco kills. Ever been to a cancer ward? It's not pretty. I don't want to see anyone suffer from that sort of death let alone all the complications that come with it. I don't care what the cost is if that's what we have to do to save society from themselves so be it.
Yes tobacco kills, we all know that, it is a fact and there are no smokers anywhere who will deny it. The fact remains, it is OUR choice as to whether we smoke or not. We have the option to quit at any time if we wish to, but believe it or not, some of us actually enjoy it.

Honestly, what really makes me laugh is that the government, and anti-smokers tend to focus on cigarettes. Granted, the vast majority of smokers are cigarette smokers. There are huge amounts of non-smokers who enjoy the occasional cigar as a treat. Even more who have home fireplaces, or enjoy a campfire. All of there produce cancer.

By the way, ever wondered how much the Government generates from us smokers?
That is correct over $4 billion!!!!

I think that is a valid arguement!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Hey A 1, that's just it, and save your breath, anti-smokers don't care about what else causes cancer, they've been brainwashed to focus on cigarettes and they put their hands over their ears and go "nananananananan I can't hear you" when you talk to them about the more lethal and dangerous activities that we humans do.....

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
tboy said:
Hey A 1, that's just it, and save your breath, anti-smokers don't care about what else causes cancer, they've been brainwashed to focus on cigarettes and they put their hands over their ears and go "nananananananan I can't hear you" when you talk to them about the more lethal and dangerous activities that we humans do.....
I agree. I'm done. Some people can't see the trees through the forest.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
I am all for smokers that want to kill themselves if they want. I don't think the government should cover the medical costs if it is determined that the person got lung cancer/emphysema by smoking.

a 1 player said:
Even more who have home fireplaces, or enjoy a campfire.
I am not really sure how many people have a camp fire or spark up the home fireplace everyday, so I am not really sure about the comparison.

(If you have a home fireplace for f*** sake vent it. :eek: )

I do remember my f***ard neighbor burning his 20+ year old deck in the backyard. He didn't understand what the health concerns were or the city by-laws for for the matter. (And yeah he is a smoker...)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Ok hunter, so I guess you would also say that anyone who eats red meat, drinks excessively, doesn't exercise, or works in a dusty environment should also have to pay their own health costs?

Of how about people that eat fast foods? Eating hamburger all your life will give you as much if not more health problems as smoking.....

Or how about not only do you get a gas guzzler tax but you get a health cost tax on inefficient vehicles due to the excessive amount of air pollution they create?

Or how about people who rock climb or use climbing walls? They should also pay their own heath costs if they should be injured while doing these activities.

Then why stop there? How about people who do recreational sports, like hockey? If you get injured playing hockey you should cover your own health costs because hey, no one is forcing you to play hockey......

here's a good one:

How about people who get STDs? They should have to pay all the health costs because no one forced them to have sex (not counting rape victims).

The point is: where do you stop? Which brings me to that age old saying:
when they came for the indians, I didn't care because I wasn't an indian
when they came for the jews, I didn't care because I wasn't jewish
when they came for the african americans, I didn't care cuz I am white.
when they came for me, there was no one left to protest.....


It's been good to know ya
tboy said:
Ok hunter, so I guess you would also say that anyone who eats red meat, drinks excessively, doesn't exercise, or works in a dusty environment should also have to pay their own health costs?

Of how about people that eat fast foods? Eating hamburger all your life will give you as much if not more health problems as smoking.....

Or how about not only do you get a gas guzzler tax but you get a health cost tax on inefficient vehicles due to the excessive amount of air pollution they create?

Or how about people who rock climb or use climbing walls? They should also pay their own heath costs if they should be injured while doing these activities.

Then why stop there? How about people who do recreational sports, like hockey? If you get injured playing hockey you should cover your own health costs because hey, no one is forcing you to play hockey......

here's a good one:

How about people who get STDs? They should have to pay all the health costs because no one forced them to have sex (not counting rape victims).

The point is: where do you stop? Which brings me to that age old saying:
when they came for the indians, I didn't care because I wasn't an indian
when they came for the jews, I didn't care because I wasn't jewish
when they came for the african americans, I didn't care cuz I am white.
when they came for me, there was no one left to protest.....
All very very good points have been brought up. I just hope that those who are in agreement and do not want to see anything further become of this at the cost of many do write in with thier opinions. That everyone is not just sitting on thier hands and waiting to see what will become of this in the end because who knows what else will happen. For sure the government will want to pull thier resources and get the money elsewhere.


You can send in private or personal.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
tboy said:
There was a study done in the 80's about air quality. They found that people jogging at lunch hour at Yonge and Eg inhaled toxins equalling 4 packs of cigarettes for every hour they jogged. FOUR PACKS!!!
They did the study again last summer and found that jogging for 10 minutes in the downtown core was equivalent to smoking six packs.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
tboy said:
Hey A 1, that's just it, and save your breath, anti-smokers don't care about what else causes cancer, they've been brainwashed to focus on cigarettes and they put their hands over their ears and go "nananananananan I can't hear you" when you talk to them about the more lethal and dangerous activities that we humans do.....
Anti gunners are the same. Whatever makes the sheeple feel good. It doesn't matter to Miller that there have only been 7 murders in the last decade by legal gun owners. "If it saves one life!" It's worth 2 billion dollars of tax payer money.

It would cost 2B to potentially save 7 lives over the next 10 years. How many MRI's is that.....DAVID?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Really, what the hell does this law do to affect smokers rights anyways? All that it means is that they will not be looking at shelves full of smokes before asking for the exact same brand and size that they always order. It's not like most people browse through them as if it was wine.

Before this, you would walk up and ask the cashier for your brand.
After this law, you will walk up and ask the cashier for your brand.

I can see why people are so pissed off.:confused:

The most logical comparison would not be Mickey D's but porn mags. Have rules forcing nudie rags to be on the to shelf caused their end?


It's been good to know ya
basketcase said:
Really, what the hell does this law do to affect smokers rights anyways? All that it means is that they will not be looking at shelves full of smokes before asking for the exact same brand and size that they always order. It's not like most people browse through them as if it was wine.

Before this, you would walk up and ask the cashier for your brand.
After this law, you will walk up and ask the cashier for your brand.

I can see why people are so pissed off.:confused:

The most logical comparison would not be Mickey D's but porn mags. Have rules forcing nudie rags to be on the to shelf caused their end?
It is not that they are hidden it is what may follow and that is what we want to put an end to before it happens.

They may ban cigarettes in all of Ontario this is just possibly the beginning of what is to come.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
tboy said:
Ok hunter, so I guess you would also say that anyone who eats red meat, drinks excessively, doesn't exercise, or works in a dusty environment should also have to pay their own health costs?
People got to eat... People don't have to smoke.

tboy said:
Or how about not only do you get a gas guzzler tax but you get a health cost tax on inefficient vehicles due to the excessive amount of air pollution they create?

tboy said:
Or how about people who rock climb or use climbing walls? They should also pay their own heath costs if they should be injured while doing these activities.
Yes. And the dumb asses that climb in areas and get stranded and have to be rescued.

tboy said:
Then why stop there? How about people who do recreational sports, like hockey? If you get injured playing hockey you should cover your own health costs because hey, no one is forcing you to play hockey......

tboy said:
How about people who get STDs? They should have to pay all the health costs because no one forced them to have sex (not counting rape victims).

tbpy said:
The point is: where do you stop? Which brings me to that age old saying:
when they came for the indians, I didn't care because I wasn't an indian
when they came for the jews, I didn't care because I wasn't jewish
when they came for the african americans, I didn't care cuz I am white.
when they came for me, there was no one left to protest.....
They funny thing is you cry for smokers rights but you are the police state guy. You have mentioned a number of times how the cops should have the absolute power. :rolleyes:


Buff and I got's da stuff
Aug 16, 2003
basketcase said:
Really, what the hell does this law do to affect smokers rights anyways? All that it means is that they will not be looking at shelves full of smokes before asking for the exact same brand and size that they always order. It's not like most people browse through them as if it was wine.

Before this, you would walk up and ask the cashier for your brand.
After this law, you will walk up and ask the cashier for your brand.

I can see why people are so pissed off.:confused:

The most logical comparison would not be Mickey D's but porn mags. Have rules forcing nudie rags to be on the to shelf caused their end?
Because the next step is telling stores to stop selling them all together and when that happens, people will buy their tobacco from criminals.


Buff and I got's da stuff
Aug 16, 2003
hunter001 said:
People got to eat... People don't have to smoke.


Yes. And the dumb asses that climb in areas and get stranded and have to be rescued.



They funny thing is you cry for smokers rights but you don't think kids should have any. :rolleyes:
Might as well abolish health care all togeather. What good is it health care if you can only use it when your healthy?

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
hunter001 said:
They funny thing is you cry for smokers rights but you don't think kids should have any.
I think the term 'Right' is misunderstood.

There can only be one type of Right, and it must apply to all people equally and on an individual level. There are only individual rights, group rights are not in fact a right at all. To give a certain group of people a right that others do not have, is to take away a right from another group. This is really a very basic concept that most people, politicians included choose to ignore.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
BuffNaked said:
Might as well abolish health care all togeather. What good is it health care if you can only use it when your healthy?
Well it could off set the cost of no tobacco tax. :rolleyes:


Buff and I got's da stuff
Aug 16, 2003
a 1 player said:
I think the term 'Right' is misunderstood.

There can only be one type of Right, and it must apply to all people equally and on an individual level. There are only individual rights, group rights are not in fact a right at all. To give a certain group of people a right that others do not have, is to take away a right from another group. This is really a very basic concept that most people, politicians included choose to ignore.
Bolded for truth


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
A couple of things hunter:
1) Don't you fricken DARE put words in my mouth, I have NEVER lobbied to give police absolute power..NEVER
2)People have to eat: but they DON'T have to eat foods that are bad for them so NO HEALTH COVERAGE (according to you) for people who eat unhealthy foods
3) People who get injured and need to be rescued do NOT pay the costs of the men and materials expended to rescue them and they DON'T pay for their health costs
4) So, according to you, no one who drinks, smokes, eats red meat, plays sports, works in an unhealthy environment (ie: miners) gets health coverage.
Who is left? YOU?

So, if it were up to YOU no one would get health coverage....thank GOD you're not in any position of power......

But then again, if you drink, smoke, eat meat, play sports and hobby, you don't get health coverage either.......

Hey, I got it, MOVE TO THE STATES! You'll fit right in.......


Senior Member
The Oracle said:
I personally love the way that smokers love to deflect from the main issue.Their favourite aguments are usually the same old rhetoric are about how much taxes they pay,if they pick on us what's next or how many jobs will be lost because of promotional restraints. Stick to the main topic. Tobacco kills. Ever been to a cancer ward? It's not pretty. I don't want to see anyone suffer from that sort of death let alone all the complications that come with it. I don't care what the cost is if that's what we have to do to save society from themselves so be it.
So who the fuck put you in charge of what other people do. Mind your own business asshole. Stick to what affects you personally and let other people choose their own destiny, even if it kills them. That's the beauty of being free. Not having fuck wads like you tell others whats good for them.
Stay to your own little world and leave other people free to live the way they want.

Thats the point my friend. Or tell us what your lifestyle choices are so we can decide what you can and can't do.

Do you get it now ??????


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Jade4u said:
I don't know, maybe not for now. I did not like what I was told or the way the wording in the star article sounded when it said, But soon those "power walls," as they are called, will come tumbling down. Or at the very least, they'll be shrouded from public view.

Maybe it is best to voice opinions before it becomes too late and this right is taken away completly.
Too late. The Fiberals will do what they want, not what the public wants, right or wrong, and all for the wrong reasons. It is just another example of trying to gain public sentiment for the Fioberal Party. They will do it to fats and other 'bad habits' in due time.

As for doing it for the children, this is a lame excuse, as the children will get them one way or another. There was somne talk about banning the sale of bottled water in schools and banning advertisements for fast foods, as well. By the way, remember that Prohibition didn't work in the USA, as an example.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
tboy said:
Yes I have been to a cancer ward and I also love how anti-smokers assume that everyone in a cancer ward is there as a result of smoking or being exposed to second hand smoke.

I also love how anti-smokers don't realize that by having the government brain wash them into being "anti-smoking" they miss the bigger more lethal problem: air pollution by other means.

I can guarantee you that if everyone on the planet stopped smoking tomorrow, and anyone ever exposed to cigarette smoke died the day after, more and more people would continue to die of lung cancer etc because until we stop polluting the air with internal combustion engines, people won't stop dying.

I know you will balk at this but anyways:
Put 10 smokers in a sealed garage. Have them smoke constantly for 1 hour. They will come out green, but alive. Put 10 people in a sealed garage with a compact car running, and get the body bags because they will all be dead in 30 minutes.

What does that tell you? I know I know, that cigarettes are more toxic than cars.......

But oh, we HAVE to stop all smokers everywhere because it is THE biggest killer of people.....lol, man, are you brain washed!!!
tboy, I agree with you!
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