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ßanning of cigarettes in Äll stores in Mississauga


It's been good to know ya
Why because it may be I am being forced to? I could even see my grand-father that loved his occasionally pipe in the evenings screaming in his grave if his tobacco were not permitted to him. I even love my occasional glass of vodka and rum. What next all liquor stores closed because it is not good for our health and children should not have to walk past liquor stores or see people loading liquor into thier cars? There is many things that people do that is bad for them but is it still not an issue of our rights to choose?

Feel free to use the liquor store example if you wish to write in I should have used that in my debate when I mailed in.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Actually as a Smoker I do agree with shielding the power walls from kids but they are taking it WAY too far with not allowing someone to see into the cabinet or whatever when the clerk selects your brand.

As stated, what's next? Now we know they will never stop McDonalds because they are too powerful but so were the cigarette companies.

The liquor stores are one example, but how about beef? consuming beef on a regular basis (specially hamburger) is a proven cause of heart disease, obesity, etc etc. A great example is that teen who was obese who was suing McDonalds because they never warned her that if she ate 3 big mac meals a day, she'd get fat.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
tboy said:
A great example is that teen who was obese who was suing McDonalds because they never warned her that if she ate 3 big mac meals a day, she'd get fat.
I think Darwin will take care of her one way or another. A better example was the movie "Supersize Me".

It wouldn't hurt to put up some warnings at McDonald's about excess. Of course if you go into a McDonald's and look around, the health effects are fairly self evident. :p

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
To the smokers out there. Get over it. This is just the beginning. In the years to come I expect to see higher and higher taxes and a gradual raise of the legal age to purchase along with a restriction of where they can be sold. Smoking hasn't been cool for years and has absolutely no benefits to society.Good riddance.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
a 1 player said:
If need be I will grow tobacco myself. I used to work on a tobacco farm as one of my first jobs.

That being said, I am (usually) a pipe smoker, and over the past several years I have been accumulating tobacco in a tobacco cellar, (like a wine cellar). I now have about 40 lbs. preserved. Most people do not know, but tobacco ages much the same as wine does. After several years it becomes much more mellow and flavorful.

The WORST thing one can do to cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco is to store it in the fridge.
I love a nice Cavendish blend...........I add an ounce of vanilla and an ounce of brandy to a pound...........Let it age 30 more days and you have one very mellow yet flavorful smoke.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Smokers have been made social outcasts. I am surprised Ontario was not the first province to make it illegal to have tobacco product in view in a store.

Soon it will be illegal to smoke while driving with children in the vehicle. After that, it will be illegal to smoke in your own house, if children are living there. After that, it will be illegal to smoke in public. Enjoy smoking in your backyard!... before all that is available is blackmarket smokes.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Papi Chulo said:
Smokers have been made social outcasts. I am surprised Ontario was not the first province to make it illegal to have tobacco product in view in a store.

Soon it will be illegal to smoke while driving with children in the vehicle. After that, it will be illegal to smoke in your own house, if children are living there. After that, it will be illegal to smoke in public. Enjoy smoking in your backyard!... before all that is available is blackmarket smokes.

people who smoke with small children it the car should be flogged publicly


It's been good to know ya
Yup that is all that will be available is black market smokes allowing jobs for the illegal underworld but not for the average family owned business. Drugs still make it into the country and so will cigarettes.

I do not mind the hiding of the cigarettes and agree those with children should be more responsible ie... if driving a car you should be able to live without one till you pull over and get out of a car if there is children in a car. But if you are responsible there is far worse things out there that is never declined to children specifically today like McD's.

Somebody has not looked at the total picture of cause and effect. Those growing illegal drugs will now have a future in growing tobacco too and then in smuggling.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
The Oracle said:
To the smokers out there. Get over it. This is just the beginning. In the years to come I expect to see higher and higher taxes and a gradual raise of the legal age to purchase along with a restriction of where they can be sold. Smoking hasn't been cool for years and has absolutely no benefits to society.Good riddance.
Not to turn this into a pro/anti smoking debate but this guy is a perfect example of the lemming mentality that has been brainwashed by society.

Let me point out a couple of faux pas' in your post:
1) Smokers pay an enormous amount of tax. If they ban the sale of cigarettes, where do you think the government will go for the lost revenue? YOU and everyone else who wanted us to "quit". So, how would you like to have your income tax increase automatically by $1000.00 per year?
2) The government is hypocritical. They say "smoking is bad bad bad" yet (again) they reap millions of dollars in tax revenues from the sale of tobacco. They have made it politically incorrect to smoke. Now if they DO ban the sale of cigarettes, what do you think they will go after next? Alcohol? How many lives are ruined and how many people die from alcohol related accidents/drunk driving/drunken stunts?
3) Advertising Ban: This is just one example but there are thousands more. Anyone in and around Toronto remember the symphony of fire? that was sponsored by Benson and Hedges. When they banned tobacco advertising it was cancelled. How many thousands of jobs were lost due to that ban? I know my charter business shut down because I used to be able to make enough money taking people to watch it that it would support the business for the season. Everything else was gravy. Without those events, I couldn't stay in business.

As for the smoking in cars with kids. Yes it is bad. But do you know what's worse? Standing at any major intersection downtown during the day. There was a study done in the 80's about air quality. They found that people jogging at lunch hour at Yonge and Eg inhaled toxins equalling 4 packs of cigarettes for every hour they jogged. FOUR PACKS!!!

Ban the personally owned automobile and you'd see lung cancer and lung related illnesses drop by you think they will ignore those numbers forever?


Buff and I got's da stuff
Aug 16, 2003
STASH said:
Don't worry'll be able to buy just aren't allowed to see them before you pay or while paying.

There is even restrictions on how long they can be exposed while the poor clerk searches for your order. Your not supposed to see them while he/she gets fucked is that.
What are they supposed to do....waive a magic wand ????
That's so fucked. It's like buying weed off a new dealer. He hands you a bag and you hand him the money and hope for the best. Don't kid yourself guys. Soon tobacco will be illegal to sell at all.


Senior Member
You see one of the biggest problems we have is that most people forgot to mind their own business. People do not respect other peoples freedom of choice.
A private vehicle driving along is just that private. Others should not have any say as to what goes on in there.
This is the basic problem with this stinking society. People seem to think they should have a say in others daily business and carring on's. They get on there high horse and figure that they should have say in how others should live.
If you one of those people I would like to tell you I hate your guts. I hope you busy body's interfering in others freedoms die a early painful death. Because people like that are whats ruining this world everywhere

Mind your own business and lives.

So remember you do good busy bodied stick your nose into things that don't concern you.

Mind your own business and live YOUR own little pathetic live silently

Freedom first


Senior Member
papasmerf said:

people who smoke with small children it the car should be flogged publicly
Well if it's not your car or not your children.
Then what business is it of yours ?????

Just answer that ? Where exactly does this affect you in your life

Slippery slope to have someone tell you how to live.
Your not in any danger from their actions.
So go about running your life and leave others alone.
For the record I don't smoke...never have.

But I do respect the freedom of the people who died to give it to us.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
The Oracle said:
To the smokers out there. Get over it. This is just the beginning. In the years to come I expect to see higher and higher taxes and a gradual raise of the legal age to purchase along with a restriction of where they can be sold. Smoking hasn't been cool for years and has absolutely no benefits to society.Good riddance.
I suspect there are more than a few Mohawks that are salivating at that prospect.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
tboy said:
Not to turn this into a pro/anti smoking debate but this guy is a perfect example of the lemming mentality that has been brainwashed by society.

Let me point out a couple of faux pas' in your post:
1) Smokers pay an enormous amount of tax. If they ban the sale of cigarettes, where do you think the government will go for the lost revenue? YOU and everyone else who wanted us to "quit". So, how would you like to have your income tax increase automatically by $1000.00 per year?
2) The government is hypocritical. They say "smoking is bad bad bad" yet (again) they reap millions of dollars in tax revenues from the sale of tobacco. They have made it politically incorrect to smoke. Now if they DO ban the sale of cigarettes, what do you think they will go after next? Alcohol? How many lives are ruined and how many people die from alcohol related accidents/drunk driving/drunken stunts?
3) Advertising Ban: This is just one example but there are thousands more. Anyone in and around Toronto remember the symphony of fire? that was sponsored by Benson and Hedges. When they banned tobacco advertising it was cancelled. How many thousands of jobs were lost due to that ban? I know my charter business shut down because I used to be able to make enough money taking people to watch it that it would support the business for the season. Everything else was gravy. Without those events, I couldn't stay in business.

As for the smoking in cars with kids. Yes it is bad. But do you know what's worse? Standing at any major intersection downtown during the day. There was a study done in the 80's about air quality. They found that people jogging at lunch hour at Yonge and Eg inhaled toxins equalling 4 packs of cigarettes for every hour they jogged. FOUR PACKS!!!

Ban the personally owned automobile and you'd see lung cancer and lung related illnesses drop by you think they will ignore those numbers forever?
I personally love the way that smokers love to deflect from the main issue.Their favourite aguments are usually the same old rhetoric are about how much taxes they pay,if they pick on us what's next or how many jobs will be lost because of promotional restraints. Stick to the main topic. Tobacco kills. Ever been to a cancer ward? It's not pretty. I don't want to see anyone suffer from that sort of death let alone all the complications that come with it. I don't care what the cost is if that's what we have to do to save society from themselves so be it.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yes I have been to a cancer ward and I also love how anti-smokers assume that everyone in a cancer ward is there as a result of smoking or being exposed to second hand smoke.

I also love how anti-smokers don't realize that by having the government brain wash them into being "anti-smoking" they miss the bigger more lethal problem: air pollution by other means.

I can guarantee you that if everyone on the planet stopped smoking tomorrow, and anyone ever exposed to cigarette smoke died the day after, more and more people would continue to die of lung cancer etc because until we stop polluting the air with internal combustion engines, people won't stop dying.

I know you will balk at this but anyways:
Put 10 smokers in a sealed garage. Have them smoke constantly for 1 hour. They will come out green, but alive. Put 10 people in a sealed garage with a compact car running, and get the body bags because they will all be dead in 30 minutes.

What does that tell you? I know I know, that cigarettes are more toxic than cars.......

But oh, we HAVE to stop all smokers everywhere because it is THE biggest killer of, man, are you brain washed!!!


It's been good to know ya
There is many third world countries that people live under dictatorship. Where even what they watch on tv is screened if that is suitable for them to see.
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