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    I can attest to how good Naples espresso is. The best espresso I've had anywhere.
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    Name of My new bar

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    Vodka in a crystal skull

    i'm just trying to figure out if the marketing behind this product is a big joke or for real. "Filtered through diamonds and no one can explain why but people who have tasted the vodka have noticed a difference. PERHAPS, A GREATER PURITY OF SPIRIT" Great purity of spirit. Puhahhahaha...
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    Jose Feliciano - Flight of The Bumble Bee - Guitar

    I'd like to counter with a "newer" version:
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    Any photography experts out there?

    So in doing a little research, I've found that a 50mm lens is the closest lens you can get that approximates the human eye. I've used a polarizing filter as well and they're great... So will a 50mm let me accomplish what I'm looking for?
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    Any photography experts out there?

    Hi everyone, I'm a photography novice and am looking for some advice. Ever see the show Departures? Amazing show about two/three guys traveling the world. The photography/cinematography in the show is unbelievable. Simply beautiful shots -...
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    Enbridge Gas - Tankless water Heater

    They're great. All over Europe. But it's still more expensive to rent or buy than traditional water heater / tank systems.
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    For The Young'uns

    Sure. The senior citizens invented all those things. What are we "young'uns" gonna do for the next generation? How's this sound? Save the planet from the massive amount of destruction caused by our grandparents and parents generation.
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    bed bugs and toronto hotels

    Bedbugs are serious sobs. They were brought over to Toronto from Europe and I know that hotels in Toronto have been quietly dealing with the problem for about a year now. Don't worry, the health inspectors are involved. It's really not the fault of the hotels either - it's just the nature of...
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    Cash Crisis Threat to Auschwitz!

    Although I'm not sure that you haven't been there.............. I'd say go there first. Watching it and actually being there, being told stories and imagining are two totally different things.
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    Watching Bloomberg today and all the women were Chinese!

    heck, they all look the same to me! LOL (and before anyone starts calling me a racist, I'm ASIAN)
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    Best job in the world

    It's also one great way to get a lot of free advertising for tourism down there. Whoever created this campaign...great idea. Worldwide exposure on the cheap.
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    Who's the most over-rated guitarist?

    I'm gonna make this as brief as possible........I can understand why some ppl here would think Jimi, Eddie, etc are played out and are given too much credit for their playing abilities. But for all you critics out there, you have to look at what these players brought to the table WHEN THEY FIRST...
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    Who is the best guitarist

    The Trio - McLaughlin, DiMeola and Lucia = yes...amazing. I wish I could see them live...... CapnCrunch, Bonnie Raitt is really impressive. If you wanna check out another incredible slide player..... and this adds one more to the list: Derek Trucks. He can literally make his instrument...
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    Who is the best guitarist

    Tommy2Bit - think of phrasing as the musical interpretation of the way you speak. You can say a lot with a bunch of notes, it's just the way you play them together - you can be very expressive by phrasing things creatively. This may sound nuts, but sometimes when i'm playing or when I'm...
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    Who is the best guitarist

    Oh yeah. One more for you. Marc Ford formerly of the Black Crowes. This is one UNDERRATED, UNDERappreciated musician. Everything this guy plays, his phrasing, is perfect.
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    Best Bassist?

    Jaco Pastorius.
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    Who is the best guitarist

    I agree with Hiding on this one. John Mayer is a PHENOMENAL player and his only downfall is he's a pop sellout. But as player, he's exceptionally talented. Eric Clapton is always cited as a great player and I'm not saying he's not. He's just really boring and repetitive. ALL of his solos sound...
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    Who is the best guitarist

    As a person who's been playing guitar for over half his life, I'd like to weigh in. My top picks: Stevie Ray Vaughan - music just flowed out of this guy. If there was ever a reincarnation of Jimi, it was this guy. But to needinit, SRV didn't committ suicide, rather he died in a helicopter...
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    Every time I eat

    This is getting really corney.
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