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  1. K

    RIP Andrew "Test" Martin

    Only 33 years old, too young...RIP
  2. K

    To Hell with Euro 2008

    he is young and with a LOT of money...wouldn't you be doing the same thing. I know i would be and more hehehe.
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    U.S. Olympic Basketball Team

    i think it will be a fun dream team to watch
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    Sean Avery Heading To The Free Agent Market, Where Will He Go?

    TSN reports that Avery is going to test the market because Avery feels that Sather's and Rangers are putting a low value to what he brings to the team. First I am not a Avery fan, I think he has good skill set and brings good intensity to every game he plays. But everything else besides that I...
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    J.P. Riccardi is an asshole!!!

    I agree! JP has always in my opinion made very questionable decision with the team, he really never saids the right things at the time to cool off pressure for the team, and the things he has been saying of recent shows what a dumb ass he really is. JP will be fired by the end of the season...
  6. K

    awards night predictions...

    I was listening to Fan 590 while my way home and Jim Kelly said his "many informants" told him that the NHL store had leaks to who won all of the awards. From the list 21pro put together, the only difference was Babcock wins the coach of the year, I think it was Jason Pominville for the bying. I...
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    2000 Needles in the Head

    i don't know if i should be impressed or scared
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    The Mitchell Report

    i love Bud... "so ya, thanks Mitch for the hard work and I will get right on top of your recommendation as soon as I talk to the MLBPA in the "NEAR" future" lol joker!!!
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    Why am I not surprised...Bobby Petrino leaves Falcons

    Man I feel bad for Arthur Blank, the amount of shit he had to go through this year is ridiculous. I hope they can find a stable, established NFL coach and in 3-5 years after hopefully good draft picks get a good team rolling. But then again this is a team that has had I think 10 or 15 winning...
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    Serves them right!! I HATE Notre Dame!!!

    i can't believe that a team that had lots of upside last year could just colapse so bad. I watched the last game against MSU and wow that O-line is bad. I mean WOW...
  11. K

    Bears Getting Smoked

    switching Grossman for Griese, I know Grossman has not been doing good the past 3 games. But he still is going through the young growing pains and he just might be a late bloomer. I know the Bears don't really have time for that but i think the kid deserve a bit more opportunity to redeem...
  12. K

    Is it time to put Brett Favre in Top 5 of all-time ..

    I really like Brett Farvre, but I don't think i can put him up in the top 5. Maybe this season he either gets the packers deep in the playoff or wins the super bowl i would put him in the top 5. Same thought goes for Peyton Manning, one more super bowl and for sure top 5. My reason is that best...
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    Reggie Miller to Boston

    It would be dream come true for Boston, but in all the article I have read it seems very, very, VERY unlikely he will come out of retirement. Reggie seems to really enjoy the broadcasting life! As for Hall of Fame, I would like to see him there just because I am big fan and I think he made a...
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    Yashin Gone!!

    there was this little funny artricle on hockey hearsay. Yashin's girlfriend was trying to defend him saying he is misunderstood. lol
  15. K

    K Lowe at is Again!

    Kevin Lowe put an offer for Dustin Penner for 5 years at 21.25 million dollars. This time Lowe is attacking a team that is hitting close to the cap. Personally I don't think that Penner is worth 4.25 million dollars, but i did enjoy the way he plays especially during the playoffs...
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    NBA get tough!

    Ron Artest and Stephen Jackson are suspended again! They are both suspended for the first 7 games of the season. I personally think that they should have been hit with a harder suspension, but then again I don't run a professional sports organization...
  17. K

    Brent Sutter to coach New Jersey

    I hope Sutter does well in New Jersey, I do enjoy his way of coaching and the man has nothing but success in the Junior level on all scale. But I am not going to jump on the bandwagon just yet. He has never coached on the top level so time will tell if NHL and Sutter is a good match.
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    Edmonton is asking the NHL to investigate...

    I would like to see an investigation occur because I am kinda of curious what would happen if Nylander did agree to Edmonton first. Would he have to honour their contract? hmmmm....
  19. K

    Jason Blake is now a Maple Leaf.....

    Its going to be another interesting year in Toronto lol!
Toronto Escorts