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  1. J

    Siagon Haircut

    Thai women are so much better groomed and fit, I think that's just because Thailand is much less primitive than Vietnam. But I enjoyed my time in Vietnam a whole lot better than Thailand, Vietnamese are so much friendly to foreigners. When I was around Thailand, especially the touristy areas I...
  2. J

    Siagon Haircut

    Just to add, you people have no idea how many times I've taken a vietnamese woman back to my apartment when I was in Saigon, they looked great with clothes on in their short skirts or hot pants but then get naked and HAIR, YUCK THROW Up, and slight rolls of fat that weren't even noticable when...
  3. J

    Latina VS Oriental

    Yes it's true, and the light skinned filipinos think they're so much better than the dark skinned ones. I kinda got a kick out of the when I was there. When it comes to filipinas i tend to prefer the dark skinned ones but it's a sin for any asian women to be even slightly over weight. If they...
  4. J

    Siagon Haircut

    I've been to Saigon, and all over Vietnam, Nha Trang, Hanoi, Danang Talat, Can Tho I only found places like that in Saigon but maybe I wasn't looking hard enough in the other cities. The women at places like that usually don't look too great. But they always have short skirts or whatever and...
  5. J

    Latina VS Oriental

    Facially I prefer latina women, especially mixed with some european ancestry. Asian women are nice but only if they have a really fit attractive body. If they're asian, and just a little overweight or short, it's too much of a turn off.
  6. J

    Is infidelity ok?

    I'm not married. I'm only in my 20s, would never get married this young.
  7. J

    Is infidelity ok?

    Is it ok to cheat on your wife? When she's not attractive anymore is it ok to cheat on her with younger and more attractive women? Getting a divorce is pretty inconvenient and is emotionally traumatic to the children involved. I mean you only live once, right?.. so as long as she doesn't find...
  8. J

    Anyone get burned in the sun?

    My friend's face got so messed up from being in the sun. He told me he was doing mdma and smoking weed at the park. He was just sitting there for hours because he wanted to feel the warmth of the sun while he was high. I guess the heat didn't bother him because he was smoking weed and rolling...
  9. J

    3 am

    3:03 am and I can't fall asleep either. Fuck, insomnia sucks.
  10. J

    What drug is she on?

    Do you feel the same way about alcohol?
  11. J

    The area near Filmores is so fucking scary

    so yeah, I just went recently to filmores for the first time with 2 friends. after we left filmores we decided to go to allan gardens just to chill for a while so we walk up george street, and fuck we can't even walk a block without crackheads begging us for money or trying to bum a cig of us...
  12. J

    Are women in Toronto getting hotter?

    its pretty funny when ugly chick try to dress all sexy
  13. J

    Today's SSG

    I haven't seen it but yeah, ur right, 28 is pretty old. but even though she's all decrepit and old looking in the face, does she still have a tight fuckable body? A lot of sps are like that for some reason, old, rundown and decrepit looking in the face but tight fuckable bodies, it's kinda...
  14. J


    Just keep huffing semen-scented fag farts, you fucking shitbird.
  15. J


    I like cigarettes, but usually only have a couple on the weekend if I'm drinking or smoking weed. Its such a nice sensation when you're drunk or stoned.
  16. J

    TERB Anthem?

    the worst track on the chronic....and its still fucking good
  17. J

    Trailer Park Boys

    For some reason whenever I see the part where Trevor is trying to steal the chicken and gets beat up by the crazy lady I laugh uncontrollably.
  18. J

    Three thugs on bus in France beat the crap out of other passengers

    I think if I was there I would definitely be another frozen bystander. You don't know who's got a gun, or who's got four more guys around the corner. I understand self defense and protecting a loved one, but should I risk my life for a total stranger? Will it have been worth it if he gets his...
  19. J

    Are you taller than me?

    186 cm barefoot.
  20. J

    Post Some Music

    i need drugs
Toronto Escorts