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Anyone get burned in the sun?


Jun 21, 2010
I remember when I was a teen we used to use baby oil sloshed over us as tanning oil.....never really got burned that badly.Now I use 45 SPF and still I get burnt to a crisp.Our sun has changed!I get a burn from the 15 minutes it takes to put my clothes on the line!Makes ya think.............BTW my butt is red as a ripe apple!


Jun 21, 2010
Baby oil provides no protection against UV light. SPF 45 does. The sun has not changed. The ozone layer has thinned a bit to cause a slight increase in UV light transmission but nothing major.

However, SPF ratings refer to UVB light protection. There is no standard for UVA protection. Only zinc oxide and titanium dioxide BLOCK UV light. Unlike the old style white pastes, the newer nanoparticle zincs and titanium dioxide products are clear and provide the ultimate protection on bare skin.

Try the clear zinc formulations.
Very informative although I already knew why sunblock works and baby oil doesn't LOL!.You really have to look at things though,a person out in the sun today with no protection gets BURNT very burnt whereas years ago we didn't even know what SPF was.The ozone depletion has a million things to do with it!


Jan 17, 2004
Anyone get burned in the sun?

I was recently in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Temperature in the midday sun was around 32 degrees centigrade. One month prior to departure I went indoor tanning twice/week. While in Jammy, I used Hawaiian Tropic # 6 SPF and I didn’t burn at all. BTW, I’m very light skinned.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
In all likelihood, when you were a teen you spent more time outside in the spring and built up a base tan. As an adult, you're trying to fit all your tanning into a few afternoons and don't have a base tan to work from.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
On vacation in the Caribbean I used no sunblock and got burned really bad. Since then been really sensitive to the sun. I used no less than 45 spf now.


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
What you need to know about the Sun.



Jun 21, 2010
On vacation in the Caribbean I used no sunblock and got burned really bad. Since then been really sensitive to the sun. I used no less than 45 spf now.
I hear you!Remember the days when a 5 SPF seemed outrageously high?It has kept hopping up since then.You know there is actually a lotion that is 95 SPF?A shade umbrella would do the trick but then again as soon as you are in the sun....sizzlemania.


Jun 21, 2010
i sail a lot and the sun is more intense ( or im more sensitive) - a base tan is definetly a good idea as well as covering up or high spf or zinc as i know too many people with skin problems from too much sun - not to mention cancer - but i do have awesome tan lines from my sandles
Us girls go crazy for that ya know!LOLOLOLOLOL


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The sun has changed—that ozone layer we fucked up still hasn't re-generated—and so have we. Warnings about skin cancer and sun exposure have made us all very sensitive to even minor burning that we used to ignore.


Nov 13, 2003
There's also t he fact that older we get, the less time we spend outdoors. Many/most kids spend hours each day playing outside. As we grow older we gain more responsibilities, we coup ourselves indoors for 8 hours a day, we play less sports, play less games outdoors, shy away from the winter activites.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
The sun does change. Every minute is much hotter than the last one although this change will occur in a lengthy span of time. This is a sun's life cycle. It will grow bigger and bigger and then there will come a time when it will collapse on it's own weight becoming eventually a blackhole.

And according to Einstein's physics, the earth does move closer to the sun everytime although we would hardly feel the effect of this because of our minimal time here on earth.
You're pretty much incorrect here. Yes the sun is gradually getting hotter... but the rate of increase is such that we'll never notice a change in our lifetime. And yes the Earth is gradually moving in towards the sun due to friction, but again not so that we'd notice it.

Stars like our sun do not become black holes. During the main sequence (which we are now in) the sun gradually becomes smaller and smaller. Once all the nuclear fuel is expended the core contracts as the remainder expands fairly rapidly (as stellar events go) into a red giant. The sun will then lose much of it's mass by blowing off the outer layers as planetary nebulas. The remaining core will first be a white dwarf, then - as it cools - become a black dwarf.

Only massive stars have the opportunity to become black holes.


Active member
Apr 1, 2004
While driving through Florida 20 some odd years ago with my arm out the window I got a second degree burn on the back of my arm without realizing it. There was no pain or discomfort of any kind. When I stopped to get gas the station attendant pointed it out to me and told me that I should go to the hospital and get it looked at. The burn was about the size of a 5 dollar bill and since it didn't bother me AND I had no traveller's insurance I decided to get it looked at when I returned home. To this day I don't know how I got it, either from the sun or possibly my skin in contact with the hot car body?


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
So our Sun will eventually just become a dwarf. I wonder what will be the fate of humanity and all living creatures at those times..
Certainly won't be able to exist as is now the case, but cheer up... chances are we won't even be here in the ~5 million years we have before old Sol expands into a red giant anyways. :)


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
I've recently been seeing this girl who is italian but very pale (go figure)...so all she does is tan...
We recently went on a vacation to a tropical detination..we spent most of the time outside however I always stayed in the shade...we'd postition the loungers so i'd be covered by an umbrella and she'd be in prime tanning conditions..
I'm fairly brown due to my background so i dont wanna get darker....so I bought a neutrogena spf 100......

IT DOESN'T STOP TANNING!! for the most part i styaed out of the sun...but 1 day of our vaca i was in the sun with the spf100..and I guess it stopped all the bad uv rays but i still got tanned.....?!

I didn't get burned or anything but i got darker which is wat i was trying to avoid....so for future reference...high spf's may block harmful rays but WILL NOT help you from getting some colour..


New member
Apr 11, 2007
My friend's face got so messed up from being in the sun. He told me he was doing mdma and smoking weed at the park. He was just sitting there for hours because he wanted to feel the warmth of the sun while he was high. I guess the heat didn't bother him because he was smoking weed and rolling pretty hard. He said he could have died because he got very badly dehydrated, and when the mdma wore off he could feel his clothes drenched in sweat and it felt like he was laying in a puddle. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him today.


New member
Jul 4, 2007
also a valid point is when you age your skin gets thinner.... so it gets easier to burn as it thins out


Heavy User
Oct 14, 2008
I got pretty burned this weekend in a few areas that were not covered with spf60. I have heard bad things about sunscreen and the potential health hazards associated with its use. A rule of thumb don't put anything on your skin that you wouldn't eat. If you don't want a sunburn stay out the sun. My dermatoligist just back from a two week holiday in the Caribean. He is pale as a ghost and so is his entire family who workis in his clinic and was down south with him. That should tell you something. This guy is making a killing from cosmetic procedures billing over 500 per hour easily on any given day. I used to one of those sun soakers but not any more.
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