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  1. N

    Review: Niki at Jasmine's

    I had the pleasure of visiting Niki at Jasmine's studio the other day. Mid-30's I'd guess, long strawberry blonde hair, petite, nice figure, well-proportioned. She was quite pleasant and easy to get to know. Charming and a delightful tease in the shower. Her massage was light pressure...
  2. N

    gabrielle_luvxxx Review

    As Lurker explained, the Alanis resemblance was just about your lower lip. Not your entire visage! Which, by the way, is lovely. (As is the rest of you!) As to whom you look like, the question should really be: who looks like you?
  3. N

    gabrielle_luvxxx Review

    Share and share alike Now Lurker, it's not nice when you don't share!!! I can see the Alanis thing too -- she has full, beautiful lips. Hard to think of a celebrity she looks like though. I will say that her face was not what I had imagined from seeing her photos. But then, I find that is...
  4. N

    gabrielle_luvxxx Review

    My review of Gabrielle After all the crap that NylonFeetLover got from members over this review, I'd almost be nuts to wade into the fray with a non-specific review. But I will anyway. So for those of you that crave specifics, be forewarned and don't waste your breath complaining. I saw...
  5. N

    BC: 108 arrested in B.C. massage parlour raids

    Unbelievable. First the Mahar Arar case. Now a sweep of all massage palours in Vancouver -- and they turn up NOTHING! How on earth did they ever get such a broad search warrant? What...
  6. N

    Question for the gents

    Uh, let me think ... ummm ... ummmm ... YEAH! Yes indeed! Absolutely! But make sure you have a defibrillator near at hand :-)
  7. N

    Do you believe in any 9/11 conspiracy theories ?

    I think nathan_wong0 and I are of the same opinion: your line of reasoning is faulty. You seem to be saying that arguments presented in PM are not valid because the motives of the author are biased. As if the motives of those flaunting these conspiracy theories are any less biased. We all...
  8. N

    Do you believe in any 9/11 conspiracy theories ?

    Well, if you can't make a counter-argument, you can always try and discredit the source!
  9. N

    Bush + 911 + Patriot Act = Bad

    911 bunk Perhaps you'd like to take up the challenge of debunking the debunkers ...
  10. N

    Bush + 911 + Patriot Act = Bad

    Putting fascism in perspective Hmmmm ... ok just to put things in persective, let's see how many of these apply to, say, the Palestinian Authority? Or the governments of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, China, ... Once you're through doing a scorecard on those countries, compare...
  11. N

    Do you believe in any 9/11 conspiracy theories ?

    I must have missed something ... where does it say in the clip that they arrived before 9/11? If they arrived after 9/11 for the purpose of documenting the event, then they did not require foreknowledge of it. Non sequitor. Of course, when your mind is already made up about something, you'll...
  12. N

    Do you believe in any 9/11 conspiracy theories ?

    I am not surprised. I personally do not believe in complex conspiracy theories that require an astounding suspension of rational thought and a complete disregard for common sense.
  13. N

    Do you believe in any 9/11 conspiracy theories ?

    Hate to be a nit-picker, but I believe you meant "vilifying" not "vitrifying". (Unless of course you are referring the the effects of a nuclear explosion, which tends to vitrify sand within the blast radius.) Vitrify verb: undergo vitrification; become glassy or glass-like verb: change...
  14. N

    Do you believe in any 9/11 conspiracy theories ?

    Occams Razor Occams Razor tells us that the simplest theory is usually the right one. Osama bin Laden became interested in anti-western jihad while in university (see Wikipedia). That was his motivation for helping the muhadeen in Afghanistan, with funding and support from the CIA. That...
  15. N

    Yellow.CA -- what's your verdict? not the same as Yellow Pages Actually, is not the same as Yellow Pages. In Canada, you can reach the online yellow pages through, by searching by Business. For out of towners, Yellow Pages may be their only source of information since all hotel rooms...
  16. N

    Amnesty Int.: Evidence indicates deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure

    I have read them ... yes they say what you say in the first sentence. But not what you say in the last sentence. That is your interpretation alone. And I doubt your interpretation will ever be accepted by signatories of Protocol I because it would be almost impossible to prove one way or...
  17. N

    Amnesty Int.: Evidence indicates deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure

    I read through the article you cited. Your statement "he rates the innocence of Lebanon civilians on different levels. A view he would never give to Israeli civilians" is not supported by the text. I see nothing in what he wrote suggesting he would treat Israeli civilians any differently than...
  18. N

    Amnesty Int.: Evidence indicates deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure

    No principle of proportionality in humanitarian law Sorry, but the bit in red is something you made up, not something in the law. At least, its not in Protocol 1. In fact, the word "proportional" does not even appear in Protocol 1. The principle sought in Protocol 1 is reduction of...
  19. N

    Amnesty Int.: Evidence indicates deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure

    Gee, I read the article and did see any of these things you attribute to Dershowitz. You must have a magic pair of eyes. What is your comment about what he actually said, rather than what you believe he believes? Your entire post basically says "he's not a credible source, therefore none of...
  20. N

    Is Bush right on this?

    Islamic Fascism Dare I remind you that things can be different and still have similarities? Oranges and Apples are different, but both are fruit; therefore, they share structural similarities while being different in shape and colour and taste. There are similarities between Islamist fascism...
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