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Bush + 911 + Patriot Act = Bad


Aug 30, 2006
OK, alot of people seem to think that government is good, that it never does anything wrong, and that it would never harm its own people. Those same people have obviously never read Operation Northwoods. So here, suck on this:'operation%20northwoods'

Let me go ahead and re-link it so it really sinks into the thick headed people:'operation%20northwoods'

It clearly lays out plans to do exactly what is happening now. Stage terror campaigns on the U.S. citizens as a pretext to war. Here, I'll link it one more time so there is no excuse as to why you have yet to read it other than "I hate knowing the truth, I love being ignorant":'operation%20northwoods'

The notion that it is somehow crazy to think that the government would ever do something like stage a 9/11 is ridiculous to anyone who isn't a close-minded muppethead since, well...the government lays the plan out plain as day. The level of denial is just incredible. READ OPERATION NORTHWOODS MUPPETHEADS AND LET IT ALL SINK IN.

I'd also love for anyone on these boards to name me a single government that has ever been about benefiting the people and hasn't eventually turned on its people and subjegated them. Please name one.

Now we get to real information, assuming that you have read Operation Northwoods and have finally come to grips with the real fact that the government will kill you and anyone else in order to advance its agenda.

Alex Jones' prediction of 9/11 months before it happens:
It's a 2 minute video. Maybe he should have been working for the Pentagon? No one foresaw the attack...except some "crazy conspiracy theorist"...

Alex Jones documentaries:

I may have missed one or two. They are far more in depth than Loose Change. Loose Change is simply a beginning point for people.

Video of our world leaders at their retreat (Bohemian Grove), where they engage in mock human sacrifices and worship Moloch, a Pagan god:
Idiots love downplaying that one.

The general search so you can watch smaller clips of Alex Jones' shows:

Loose Change

Steven Jones, BYU Professor of Physics giving a presentation on 9/11:
Just a crazy physics professor with his crazy physics experience.

Alex Jones' website:

Prior Knowledge Archive
Looks like they may have known. By "may have" I mean "definately did".

Scholars For Truth:
It has been updated to include responses to the new NIST FAQs.

Members of Scholars for Truth:
Check out the credentials.

An online petition they are submitting to Congress for release of information. So, even Tinky can feel like he helped by signing it:

New World Order Quotes
Don't buy into the moron's comments in the notations. Global government is bad.

Hitler on "The Big Lie"

Hitler on Propaganda

Debunking Popular Mechanics
Those links are devistating to people who use Popular Mechanics as their "truth".

Philip Zelikow
"Prof. Zelikow's area of academic expertise is the creation and maintenance of, in his words, “public myths” or “public presumptions,” which he defines as “beliefs (1) thought to be true (although not


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't a gene common to conspiracy nuts. No amount of factual information seems to disuade them, and I have given up trying. Perhaps a new forum where they could all huddle together would be appropriate.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
DonQuixote said:
There's a book that just came out about the increase
in conspiracy theories and why they're popular. I don't
have the name of the author and the book but will do
some research.

The theory of the book is that there've been several
glaring examples of coverups including Johnson's dealing
with 'Nam, Nixon's handling of Watergate and Reagan's
infamous Iran-Contra affair. There's still doubts about
JFKs assassination [I still have doubts], the recent
deceptive comments from both Bush and Chaney about
Saddam's connection to OBL, Bush's statements that
the US doesn't torture, and Clinton's denial of an affair
with Monica. There's also the Enron debacle. The
list goes on and on.

All these distortions/lies results in a general distrust of
official statements coming from our trustworthy and
honorable political leaders.

So, if you look at all the examples of distortions you
can understand why your conspiracy theorists are
others 'truth-seekers'.
There has always been deception in how governments conduct their affairs. Overwhelmingly it has been to cover-up when they have fucked up, rather then any grand scheme. What gets me about conspiracy nuts is that they attach wild theories to explain nearly every event. If the Titanic went down today there would be a flood of blogs claiming it was sabotoge and that there were no icebergs anywhere near it.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
The 9/11 conspiracy plots thicken

September 9, 2006 -

NEW YORK — He felt no shiver of doubt in those first terrible hours.

He watched the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and assumed al-Qaida had wreaked terrible vengeance. He listened to anchors and military experts and assumed the facts of Sept. 11, 2001, were as stated on the screen.

It was a year before David Ray Griffin, an eminent liberal theologian and philosopher, began his stroll down the path of disbelief. He wondered why Bush listened to a child's story while the nation was attacked and how Osama bin Laden, America's Public Enemy No. 1, escaped in the mountains of Tora Bora.

He wondered why 110-story towers crashed and military jets failed to intercept even one airliner. He read the 9/11 Commission report with a swell of anger. Contradictions were ignored and no military or civilian official was reprimanded, much less cashiered.

"To me, the report read as a cartoon," Griffin said. "It's a much greater stretch to accept the official conspiracy story than to consider the alternatives."

Such as?

"There was massive complicity in this attack by U.S. government operatives."

If that feels like a skip off the cliff of established reality, more Americans are in free fall than you might guess. There are few more startling measures of American distrust of leaders than the extent of belief that the Bush administration had a hand in the attacks of Sept. 11 to spark an invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

36 percent suspicious

A recent Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll of 1,010 Americans found that 36 percent suspect the U.S. government promoted the attacks or intentionally sat on its hands. Sixteen percent believe explosives brought down the towers. Twelve percent believe a cruise missile hit the Pentagon.

Read more


New member
Aug 30, 2004

..this book is amazing , what happened on 9/11 , 19 highjackers, 15 of them Saudies killed 3,000 people. Saudi Arabia is the epicentre of Terrorism.
UnfortunatelY the Saudis and the Miltary Industrial complex, as well as the US economy, are tied together at the hip, and those highjackers had some inside help.I might add its my opinion they got inside help, he does not say that in the book.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
The Big Lie- or Big Alibi ?

I'll be one happy camper on the day when the lid gets blown off the conspiracy- and Alex Jones' pivotal role therein finally gets exposed. It never ceases to amaze me how all the marks who read his page and buy his stuff never stop and ask themselves just how he got all that secret footage of the rituals in the Bohemian Grove and so on. Umm, hello...secret societies don't just let their political enemies walk in off the street and film their unholy rites...the only way you can get the inside scoop is to be an insider yourself...and if selected film footage is being leaked, it's because the conspiracy itself is leaking it strategically as part of a disinformation campaign (come on now- if Bush didn't want anyone to see that stuff he would have censored the site and sent Jones to a secret prison a long time ago, no ?).

The strategy is roughly the same as when crooks phone in fake bomb threats and then rob a bank while the police resources are diverted to dealing with the bomb threat. Similarly, Bush doesn't really care if you know about his plans to put microchips in every American's arm- because as long as you're worrying about that, you're not noticing the takeover of the military by the Qabalah or the induction of every Congressman into the Scottish Ritual even though it's all happening right under your nose. And so Agent Jones and his employers stay one step ahead of all the naive marks in tin-foil land...


Aug 30, 2006
Asterix said:
I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't a gene common to conspiracy nuts. No amount of factual information seems to disuade them, and I have given up trying. Perhaps a new forum where they could all huddle together would be appropriate.

Couldnt even make it through the first paragraph huh?

Lets try again, read this!'operation%20northwoods'

The U.S. government conspired to stage terrorist attacks and campaigns that they would blame on someone else (Cuba) as a pretext for a military invasion of that country.

They were stage terror a pretext to invade Cuba...

I don't know how much more obvious it could be. It is absolutely sickening to see people make such excuses for a fucking government that planned to kill its own fucking people in order to invade another country. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people like you?

But you don't want to admit the truth because that would point in one direction. This is irrefutable so people like yourself just dance around the issue and use misleading wording. I however will not. So let me repeat the truth about Operation Northwoods:

The U.S. government conspired to stage terrorist attacks and campaigns that they would blame on someone else (Cuba) as a pretext for a military invasion of that country.


Insert comments here!!
Jul 19, 2006
In your head
The 9-11 conspiracy will end up on the same garbage heap as:

1) Elvis is still alive
2) The JFK conspiracy
3) That white fury thing, that runs around in the Himalaya
4) Letting blood will cure illnesses
5) leeches will cure headaches

Just more nonsense to keep pot smoking hippies up at night.:D ..been there done that


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
anomandar said:
Couldnt even make it through the first paragraph huh?

Lets try again, read this!'operation%20northwoods'

The U.S. government conspired to stage terrorist attacks and campaigns that they would blame on someone else (Cuba) as a pretext for a military invasion of that country.

They were stage terror a pretext to invade Cuba...

I don't know how much more obvious it could be. It is absolutely sickening to see people make such excuses for a fucking government that planned to kill its own fucking people in order to invade another country. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people like you?

But you don't want to admit the truth because that would point in one direction. This is irrefutable so people like yourself just dance around the issue and use misleading wording. I however will not. So let me repeat the truth about Operation Northwoods:

The U.S. government conspired to stage terrorist attacks and campaigns that they would blame on someone else (Cuba) as a pretext for a military invasion of that country.

Look genius, I got through your whole post. Why I bothered is more of a mystery. I'm familiar with Operation Northwoods, which btw was not implemented. Next time if you go so far as post a link four times, you might want to use one that actually works. None of this has anything to do with 9/11, anymore than Saddam did. As far as the rest of the tripe that you posted, I have addressed it before. Do a search and look up what I think of Scholars for Truth, Alex Jones, et al.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
DonQuixote said:
There's a book that just came out about the increase
in conspiracy theories and why they're popular. I don't
have the name of the author and the book but will do
some research.

The theory of the book is that there've been several
glaring examples of coverups including ...
I have the belief that the root of the conspiracy popularity goes much deeper than the actions of a few governments. It has the same cause as the UFO believers, the astrology fans, the Loch Ness beliefs, Scientology, and the list goes on and on.

The simple root is that people have a natural need to believe that there is something more going on than they can see and they play a larger role in the meaning of things.

Essentially, the belief in the supernatural and the belief in conspiracies are a modern replacement of religions or spiritual beliefs that allowed people to feel a part of a "greater truth" than their every day lives.

With religion, there were "miracles" that occured that gave people a hint that there is something they don't understand happening. The same goes for conspiracies. There are facts out there that hint at possibilities and people like self aggrandizing Jones (a relative of Jim's?) latch on to them as proof. Of course, just like with religion, there are always rational, logical, and simple reasons why the event happened the way it did. The Red Sea experienced weird tidal conditions. The film of Big Foot was a guy involved in a movie shoot. Unfortunately, the believers either don't have access to the full information or they prefer to believe in something greater going on or in something that fits more with their own view of the world. As was mentioned before, their beliefs are egged on by the private nature of the current US administration.

The desire to believe in something greater is a natural part of humanity but with the availabilty of the internet, the believers have the opportunity to contact each other with their ambigous "proofs" irregardless of the reasonableness of other solutions.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
DonQuixote said:
There's a book that just came out about the increase
in conspiracy theories and why they're popular. I don't
have the name of the author and the book but will do
some research.

The theory of the book is that there've been several
glaring examples of coverups including Johnson's dealing
with 'Nam, Nixon's handling of Watergate and Reagan's
infamous Iran-Contra affair. There's still doubts about
JFKs assassination [I still have doubts], the recent
deceptive comments from both Bush and Chaney about
Saddam's connection to OBL, Bush's statements that
the US doesn't torture, and Clinton's denial of an affair
with Monica. There's also the Enron debacle. The
list goes on and on.

All these distortions/lies results in a general distrust of
official statements coming from our trustworthy and
honorable political leaders.

So, if you look at all the examples of distortions you
can understand why your conspiracy theorists are
others 'truth-seekers'.
The book does sound interesting. However, does the author present any empirical evidence that there really has been an increase in conspiracy theories? It seems to me that you can think of examples like “THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION” that go way back some time. A least before the examples you mention.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
someone said:
The book does sound interesting. However, does the author present any empirical evidence that there really has been an increase in conspiracy theories? It seems to me that you can think of examples like “THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION” that go way back some time. A least before the examples you mention.
Good point. The internet might just allow us to see these theories more easily.


Aug 30, 2006
Asterix said:
Look genius, I got through your whole post. Why I bothered is more of a mystery. I'm familiar with Operation Northwoods, which btw was not implemented. Next time if you go so far as post a link four times, you might want to use one that actually works. None of this has anything to do with 9/11, anymore than Saddam did. As far as the rest of the tripe that you posted, I have addressed it before. Do a search and look up what I think of Scholars for Truth, Alex Jones, et al.

I knew you would come with a weak response. This has everything to due with 911 cause it establishs motive. Not only that, but when something like that gets all the way up to the president...that means everyone below him thought it was a great idea. Replace JFK with someone who agreed with them...and suddenly the plan goes live. Terrible rebuttle. "Well, everyone thought it was a good idea except JFK so that means that the government is good even though all of those people below him agreed it was a solid idea". This is like shooting retarded fish in a bike helmet.

The government is telling you things like towers pancaking which caused a collapse, yet the buildings fell at free-fall speed. Yeah, I guess there is nothing insane about the thought that steel lattice-work puts up the exact same resistance as air.

On top of that, there is extraordinary proof...people like yourself just won't accept anything unless a George Bush comes out and says "Yeah, we did it." Even then I doubt you would believe him.

Need more?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
anomandar said:
I knew you would come with a weak response. This has everything to due with 911 cause it establishs motive. Not only that, but when something like that gets all the way up to the president...that means everyone below him thought it was a great idea. Replace JFK with someone who agreed with them...and suddenly the plan goes live. Terrible rebuttle. "Well, everyone thought it was a good idea except JFK so that means that the government is good even though all of those people below him agreed it was a solid idea". This is like shooting retarded fish in a bike helmet.

The government is telling you things like towers pancaking which caused a collapse, yet the buildings fell at free-fall speed. Yeah, I guess there is nothing insane about the thought that steel lattice-work puts up the exact same resistance as air.

On top of that, there is extraordinary proof...people like yourself just won't accept anything unless a George Bush comes out and says "Yeah, we did it." Even then I doubt you would believe him.

Need more?
So now we're back to links about the USS Liberty? God people like you are so incredibly predictable. I've given my opinion before about the sequence of events on 9/11, and information from experts in structural engineering of how the buildings collapsed and why. You'll forgive me if I don't feel like repeating myself. The only thing you got right is that I rarely believe anything that comes out of George's mouth.


Apr 6, 2006
Putting fascism in perspective

Jasmin_MA said:
The 14 Defining
Characteristics Of Fascism
by Dr. Lawrence Britt

Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14-defining characteristics common to each:

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism -
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights -
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats
as a Unifying Cause -
4. Supremacy of the Military -
5. Rampant Sexism -
6. Controlled Mass Media -
7. Obsession with National Security -
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined -
9. Corporate Power is Protected -
10. Labor Power is Suppressed -
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts -
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment -
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption -
14. Fraudulent Elections -
Hmmmm ... ok just to put things in persective, let's see how many of these apply to, say, the Palestinian Authority? Or the governments of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, China, ...

Once you're through doing a scorecard on those countries, compare that to the scorecard for the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia, etc.

While we have far from a perfect record, there is great danger in declaring us to be even close to being (or becoming) a "fascist" state. To do so empowers the real fascists, who are using our post-modern acceptance of moral relativism to further their expansion.

By all means, be vigilant against the excesses in our own society. That's healthy and necessary. But don't fool yourself -- there are real fascists out there. And if we let them, they will soon control us.


Apr 6, 2006
911 bunk

Asterix said:
So now we're back to links about the USS Liberty? God people like you are so incredibly predictable. I've given my opinion before about the sequence of events on 9/11, and information from experts in structural engineering of how the buildings collapsed and why. You'll forgive me if I don't feel like repeating myself. The only thing you got right is that I rarely believe anything that comes out of George's mouth.
Perhaps you'd like to take up the challenge of debunking the debunkers ...


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
northern_tantra said:
Perhaps you'd like to take up the challenge of debunking the debunkers ...
Good link, but if you think this will do anything to convince people bent on conspiracy theories to change their minds, think again. It's like trying to talk to any true believer. Their ego in trying to "enlighten" the world supersedes any discussion based on reason.


Aug 30, 2006
Asterix said:
So now we're back to links about the USS Liberty? God people like you are so incredibly predictable. I've given my opinion before about the sequence of events on 9/11, and information from experts in structural engineering of how the buildings collapsed and why. You'll forgive me if I don't feel like repeating myself. The only thing you got right is that I rarely believe anything that comes out of George's mouth.

Look, the bottom line is:

-It took years to even get an investigation showing they did not want one for some strange reason.

-We spent $70 million investigating just the Clintons as compared to $3 million investingating one of the most important events in our history, which lead to unjust war with Iraq (51% of Americans still think Saddam was involved in 9/11), showing that they still didn't want a full investigation for some strange reason so they didn't fund it properly.

-Philip Zelikow was the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, and also a very good friend of Condoleezza Rice (Even wrote a book with her) showing bias at the highest level of the "investigation".

-The 9/11 Commission was comprised of people who work for the government and are involved with it, meaning we allowed the government to investigate itself (The Democrat/Republican label means jack !%**, they are all the same so it was not unbias just because it was bipartisan).

-Half of America wants a new investigation.

-No one has been held accoutable, and some of those in positions that should have been have gotten promoted.

-They refused to allow testimony from certain people (Like an FBI "Whistleblower" Sibel Edmunds) which would be these leaks that everyone keeps claiming we would be hearing about if thousands were involved. Well, there are your leaks being squelched and you just sit there and allow it.

-The 9/11 families are demanding a new investigation and they deserve it the most, which also completely eradicates the idea that talking about a coverup or government involvement is somehow devastating these families and is a horrible thing to do.

-NORAD lied about events on 9/11 and the released tape exposed this. Are we happy with being lied to?

So good. You don't think the government was involved in 9/11? Well it is undeniable that they didn't investigate it thoroughly. So how about we have a new investigation by people not in government. Then they can publish their findings for all people to scrutinize since there is no reason on Earth to hide it anymore. They gave up on Bin Laden, Saddam had nothing to do with it, and Moussawi's trial is over.

If you don't at least agree that there should be a new investigation based on just the lack of a real one that we had and not even on conspiracy theories, then you are long gone and there is absolutely no help for you at all.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I think you've got your formula wrong, it should read:

Bush + 9/11 + Patriot Act = No terrorist attacks in the US for 5 years.

Keep up the good work.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts