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Bush + 911 + Patriot Act = Bad


East end Hobbiest
onthebottom said:
I think you've got your formula wrong, it should read:

Bush + 9/11 + Patriot Act = No terrorist attacks in the US for 5 years.

Keep up the good work.

Try this formula then ... Clinton + WTC bombing 1993 + 7 years no Republicans = no terrorist attacks in the US for 7 years (well except for a few white Christian terrorist attacks such as Oklahoma, Atlanta, etc.)

As for that "Bush formula", any news on those anthrax terror attacks? Or did they not happen in the USA within the last 5 years? Maybe I was just dreaming? Or maybe it just another case of people willing to believe whatever they are told by their "fearless leaders"? "As long as Bush is telling me that there have been no terrorist attacks since 9/11 then I have to accept that the anthrax attacks never actually happened."

Oh, and can anyone tell me how long the Tonkin Bay lie was kept secret by hundreds (maybe thousands) of people before it was finally exposed? Surely knowing that there is no way so many people could keep such a secret, it must have only been a couple of days before that one was exposed ... right???


East end Hobbiest
And here's an even better explaination for the lack of a terrorist attack in the last 5 years:

Mocking Bush is my patriotic duty

A comedian explains how cruel jokes about the president can stop terrorism.

By Bill Maher

snip ...

So yes, for the sake of homeland security, I ridicule the president -- but it gives me no pleasure to paint him as a dolt, a rube, a yokel on the world stage, a submental, three bricks shy of a load, a Gilligan unable to find his own ass with two hands. Or, as Sean Hannity calls it, "Reaganesque."

No, it pains me to say these things, because I know deep down George Bush has something extra -- a chromosome. Cruel? Perhaps, but it may just have saved lives. By doing the extra chromosome joke, I sent a message to a young Muslim man somewhere in the world who's on a slow burn about this country, and perhaps got him to think, "Maybe the people of America aren't so bad. Maybe it's just the rodeo clown who leads them. Maybe the people 'get it.'" We do, Achmed, we do!
Click Here!

And that's why making fun of the president keeps this country safe. The proof? I've been doing it nonstop for years, and there hasn't been another attack.

snip ...
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