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  1. S

    Has anyone seen emma was planning on seeing her and wanted to know if shes real or fake

    Whitemo, advise against sending your pic, a spidey sense tell me that it could be a scam if they do a reverse search on you. This hobby is very discreet. interested in hearing your feedback.
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    Trump indicted like an orange pussy meanie

    WOW, what a spin, TS SCI document on nuclear deployment and military response plan can be sold by a President because he is the President and not consider espionage. Dont make this about Trump.
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    Trump paid ZERO in taxes in 2020

    carry forward of previous year net operating loss.
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    Trump sold, lost or had stolen from him over 40 classified folders

    Problem with the missing document (to be determined) and the recovered document, what does the DOJ do from here. If they criminally charge the former POTUS, it would create another Jan 6. He will not be going down without taking the system down with him. DOJ are in a no win situation. This is...
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    Trump sold, lost or had stolen from him over 40 classified folders

    Yes, it is near impossible that the folders were empty. It will be hard to prove how the content went missing. If there is a smoking gun, than he is done. But there will not be a smoking gun unless someone inside or whoever has the document turn on him.
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    Trump sold, lost or had stolen from him over 40 classified folders

    Yes, folders are reusable, it is hard to believe that the POTUS would have a stack of empty folders. It is hard to believe that he took a bunch of empty folders home as a dinner party show and tell. Folders themselves is not the issue, if content inside is actually missing, that is worse than...
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    Not Even the President Can Declassify Nuclear Secrets

    Trump never said the TS SCI document were declassified. He took the documents home as souvenirs. He probably honestly believe that he would never get caught. Imagine telling all his closest friends that he has the nuclear playbook in the basement at dinner at Mar Largo. It all about the ego. The...
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    Trump raided by the FBI! Mar-a-Lago search warrant!!

    TS SCI with no heading is a nothing burger. FBI should have release more detail..
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    Trump says Mar-a-Lago home in Florida 'under siege' by FBI agents

    This is a complete chess game. My question is, Who is advising Trump? Release the document, Trump and his lawyers have a copy since Monday. He could easily release it publicly and embarrass DOJ and the AJ.
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    Trump raided by the FBI! Mar-a-Lago search warrant!!

    FBI chief of counter intelligence signed off on asking for the search. It is not your daily brief he took home. Watch and see how this goes. Once unseal, it will show that the search and seize was not political but national security. Like 6 Jan, it will be difficult to hide from the fact but...
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    Trump raided by the FBI! Mar-a-Lago search warrant!!

    It will be very surprising but his lawyer will most likely oppose the unsealing of the search warrant and the receipt of the documents. These are not just some classified papers he mishandled and took home as souvenir. THE WORD NUCLEAR will be on them. Someone inside his circle tip the DOJ that...
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    Trump raided by the FBI! Mar-a-Lago search warrant!!

    FBI cannot publicly show the search warrant signed by a federal judge due to privacy for the individual, but Trump can certainly provide it to the public to show that it was a sham. He can also provide the list of material taken from his home as well since the FBI would have to provide him with...
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    And trump.somehow embarasses himself even more

    LOL, Putin has put his nuclear forces on high alert. Imagine if Trump had his finger on the other nuclear forces. Maybe because he is so erratic that it would scare Putin or maybe the two would play chicken. anyways, 80 million dead in the first 45 minutes, maybe he ll talk about limited nuclear...
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    Pat King gets his hotel bill, refuses to pay and stiffs hotel, like an asshole - video

    imagine if Canadian got involved in US Politics. Guys like Cruz would shit his pants and jump up and down. Now why is he involve in Canadian domestics politics. Why is the US funding protest in Canada. If we dont shut this foreign intervention down now, next thing would be involvement in our...
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    Pierre Poilievre

    The party's platform is to separate from Canada. Come on now, no wonder Russia, China are all in on misinformation to get the truckers to overthrow the government. Canada is better than this. Our country requires two credible national party in our westminister parliment model.
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    Pierre Poilievre

    It is very unfortunate that you are right on the money if the party choses PP as the next leader. He is a polarizing figure. It will ensure that the Liberal get a majority. Someone who is articulate, centralist, moderate need to step up for the leadership. So many who left to go into private...
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    List of Tory Traitors who supported the kkkonvoy!

    LOL, not sure if the letter is serious. Charter of Rights does not give individual right to do anything they want. Does not allow a person to park a car on 401 because they do not like the speed limit. Not sure if he even understands that a call for an overthrow of a government is call an...
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    Bring in the Army and shut these truckers down!

    The Canadian Armed Forces can be brought in as aid to civil power under the NDA and enacted by the Emergency Act. Let just be clear, this is very different than helping nursing home, fighting fire or flood or even ice storm. This is an armed forces deployed inside your own country, this is your...
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    Ford Invokes State of Emergency

    the better question is what does occupation achieve. that is not democracy. if you do not like the government, vote them out.
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    Trudeau is experimenting on his people — and the world is watching

    Trudeau government is funding two labs in Montreal and Vancouver to produced COVID vaccine, the numbers were about $100M but dont come on line till 22/23. Yes, we can slam him because the world by then will be flush with vaccines. But what about another pandemic in the future. The government...
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