Royal Spa
Toronto Escorts

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  1. W

    Shaved or Not?

    You got to wash your ass:
  2. W

    With mask mandates lifting, are you still going to wear one?

    Poll seems a bit skewd with 3 "yes" answers vs. 1 "no" answer. True breakdown is: Yes - 12.5% No - 45.3% Other - 42.2% So the true "yes" is the fringe minority, not 51%. But this is brought to you by the same logic as "of course there are way more vaccinated people in hospital and ICU than...
  3. W

    Ontario lifts mask mandate in most settings March 21

    Sorry if logic, reason and facts bother you. You're right though, there's no sense trying to continue this conversation. Take care.
  4. W

    Ontario lifts mask mandate in most settings March 21

    So you agree that the vaccine is useless. Got it. If a vaccine works, like most others before this one, percentage of the population doesn't matter. The case number should be statistically zero for vaccinated people (never totally there's always exceptions) and you should see almost 100% of...
  5. W

    Ontario lifts mask mandate in most settings March 21

    I think you need to look at the chart again for ICU. It clearly shows that over 50% are fully vaccinated not unvaccinated. And one of the things we were told is that this vaccine even if it doesn't work will keep you out of hospital. Ahem, so much for that. As far as population percentage goes...
  6. W

    Ontario lifts mask mandate in most settings March 21

    The problem is, that isn't true and hasn't been true for months. The number of cases in fully vaccinated people shot well past non-vaccinated in December and hasn't recovered. The number of vaxxed cases in hospital remains at about 75% of the hospitalizations, and the number in ICU of...
  7. W

    Time To Ride Your Bike, Roller Blades, Skate Boards, Ebikes, Escooters, Bus, Walk.

    Ummm ok. How do you think Amazon, Uber, etc deliver goods and food to you? Fairy dust and unicorn farts? You may not drive much, but you'll care.
  8. W

    Covid 19 or CCP Virus

    As everyone blames various leaders here and in the USA for mishandling the response, lets not lose sight of the actual cause, and the reason all world leaders were mislead. The CCP and the World Health Organization are directly and completely responsible for anyone on the planet who contracts...
  9. W

    Do you support the ban of logos referring to natives in sports clubs?

    Exactly! If the argument has merit it should be raised at the earliest opportunity, not only when the greatest number of people are watching. Thanks for supporting my point! Cheers
  10. W

    Do you support the ban of logos referring to natives in sports clubs?

    If this is such an important and pressing issue, why did it not come up until the playoffs? I believe Cleveland and Toronto play each other during the regular season as well. Must not have been that important a few months ago I guess.
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    Presto works great on EVERY other transit system in the GTA. Like with any other change, it's a huge obstacle for the TTC to implement. Surprise.
  12. W

    Canada bans all sex offenders from the internet

    And how exactly can this be enforced?
  13. W

    WTF is Pokemon?

    For the first time in years, my daughter (age 12) asked me after dinner last night if I wanted to go for a walk with her to our local park. When I asked her why she suddenly wanted to do this, she explained this game to me. I installed the app on my phone too and we're going again tonight. As...
  14. W

    Water Levels

    I would love for someone to explain how reducing INDOOR water usage in the GTA makes any difference. If we draw water from Lake Ontario, shower or flush toilets, then treat it and put it back into the same lake, net effect on water level is zero. Always has been. For this reason I refuse...
  15. W

    You Can Tap It or Stick it In

    Just laugh and say "I appreciate the offer, but I just want to pay for my items". Depending on her sense of humour, you might end up with a date.
  16. W

    O Canada goes gender-neutral

    Absolutely agree. That "God keep our land" bullshit was added in 1967. It should be removed before any other revisions are made.
  17. W

    Gender Reassignment

    Different for each individual. I have a niece (born my nefew) who is now 20. She is happy living as a (very attractive) woman with what she was born with. Some of her friends are desperate for the surgery. To each their own. Live and let live!
  18. W

    Elon Musk... What a Baby!

    NO SOUP FOR YOU!!! Agree or disagree, Elon can run his company however he wishes.
  19. W


    Yes they are a real bank. Used to be a small trust company. Their Android app sucks, but I still might open an account since they're undercutting the big ones quite nicely.
  20. W

    Would you feel safe sharing the road with a robot car?

    Not today. But give this technology 20 years to mature then definitely. Looking forward to never having to worry about drunk drivers on the road.
Toronto Escorts