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  1. C

    Get Address for License Plate

    You are right!!!
  2. C

    Get Address for License Plate

    I will somehow find a way to carry on...... But what about Paris??? I thought that was special!! Even though I was consumed with Christmas shopping Affairs??
  3. C

    Get Address for License Plate

    OHMIGOD I totally forgot....You know holiday shopping! Can I re-book??!?!
  4. C

    Drinking & Driving??

    Is this even legal? It sounds strange to have the cops come to your house and say you're drunk when you're not even there?!? Then to hunt you down to a nursing home of all places!! Get a lawyer!
  5. C

    Arrest reported in JonBenet Ramsey case

    Many years ago I read a book by an FBI profiler who definitely said it was not someone from the family. He said "There's only one thing worse than losing a child and that's being accused of it." As a mother of 2 this is just sickening and hanging the guy is just not good enough.
  6. C

    Get Address for License Plate

    The other day I was making a right hand turn from Street B to Street A. A kid making a left from Street B to Street A instead of going into the proper lane cut in front of me so that he could get into the gas station. If I had not braked I would have hit him. My 7 year old daughter and her...
  7. C

    ED Drugs Cause Blindness??

    Here's a link on this topic:
  8. C

    Does anyone know how much....

    Caa You could have still called them and bought a membership on the spot. At least they used to offer that a few years ago. I've got the premium CAA membership and it's worth the money!
  9. C

    After the Xmas parties/pot-lucks...

    Thanks for the info. I am going to let my dad's nursing home know. They throw out so much!!
  10. C

    I am genuinely interested in finding a wife. Where do I look?

    Why wouldn't a Caucasian woman love an Asian man?!?!? My husband is Chinese. I am not. He's also over 6' and 185 lbs. I am not. None of his cousins (female & male) have married Chinese. All their spouses are white. That's about 10 or 12 cousins (that I know of-big family). You marry...
  11. C

    Gift Ideas for Husband

    Thanks so much for your help. Does this mean that the marriage proposal is off the table?!??! Sigh.....I've always wanted to go to Paris.
  12. C

    Gift Ideas for Husband

    Good Ideas! However, flying lessons are very expensive. Over $1000-I looked into it. The leaf tickets are an idea-but more for his dad since he turns 80 next month and my husband wants to take him to a game. Do you know of a place to buy tickets? I've been checking ebay. I would love a...
  13. C

    Gift Ideas for Husband

    A trip to Paris??!?! When did you say that?? I'm intigrued. I am taking my 6-year-old daughter to NY this month. Maybe we could meet you half-way between Paris and NY...Wouldn't that be Newfoundland??
  14. C

    Gift Ideas for Husband

    Hi-thanks for the ideas. I bought him a set of Mizuno clubs a few years ago. Would the Cleveland lob wedge be part of that set or is it something different?? Thanks.
  15. C

    Gift Ideas for Husband

    Thanks Thanks to everyone who responded with some really good ideas like a weekend getaway!
  16. C

    Gift Ideas for Husband

    I've already got a couple of small gifts so I'm thinking something of spending maybe $200-250 more. It would be just for him and I'm not sure whether he's sentimental or material. Last year, he got slippers, PJs, CDs, some nice shirts and some sort of hardware bench/table thing that I have no...
  17. C

    Gift Ideas for Husband

    I don't care if he watches porn. We've even watched it together. I did the sexy lingerie etc. for his birthday a couple of months ago which went over well. However, maybe a night away from the kids at a nice hotel might be the ticket! Thanks. Men are so hard to shop for!
  18. C

    Gift Ideas for Husband

    THis is a serious question!
  19. C

    Gift Ideas for Husband

    He knows about TERB. I set up an account for him which I think he's afraid to use 'cause he knows I'm a hacker. However, he might be lurking!
  20. C

    Gift Ideas for Husband

    Can any of you guys suggest some Christmas gift ideas for my husband? I don't want to do the boring sweater or wallet thing. Thanks.
Toronto Escorts