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    Some beards as dirty as toilets

    A stunning array of things that we all handle every day are already coated in microscopic traces of fecal matter including the hands and faces of others, and their delicate parts that everyone likes to go down on. This isn't something to really worry about unless you're in an operating theatre...
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    Look for something called diatomaceous earth in the pest control section of a store like Canadian Tire or Wal-Mart. It will take care of your ant problem and it is non toxic. Google it.
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    Police entitled to search cell phones AFTER arrest

    I started a thread about this decision yesterday... Now, as for the police, you assume they have no interest in prosecuting johns, but only time will tell.
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    A relevant decision today at the Supreme Court of Canada

    Police can search your cell phone without a warrant once you're under arrest
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    c36 Becomes Law Officially on December 6

    They can't. They are under municipal jurisdiction for things like licensing and zoning only. Criminal law is solely a federal responsibility and a city can't "make" things legal that are prohibited in the Criminal Code. Conversely a city can't "legislate morality" or attempt to make their own...
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    c36 Becomes Law Officially on December 6

    So what? A municipal government can't tell a police force to ignore provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada.
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    Toronto Police budget freeze 2015,will Feds provide additional funds to police c-36 ?

    Who said anything about "a few schmoes"? I'm sure they can devise ways to arrest dozens if not hundreds of guys without much effort. Multiply that number by however often they feel like doing sweeps. I guess some people are going to find out just how much the police are interested in enforcing...
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    Toronto Police budget freeze 2015,will Feds provide additional funds to police c-36 ?

    What are you talking about? Manitoba? The RCMP already works with the OPP and TPS all the time on things like major drug busts, counterfeit merchandise and currency, uncovering weapon caches, financial fraud, and human trafficking. I'm sure the RCMP and the OPP can spare some officers to help...
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    Justin Trudeau visits stoning friendly Mosque

    I didn't know the Democrats muzzle scientists, try to suppress voters, refuse to speak to the media, try to suppress freedom of information, and try to keep Americans in the dark about everything.
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    Justin Trudeau visits stoning friendly Mosque

    What qualified Stephen Harper to lead the Conservatives? His many years of sorting mail and using a postage meter at Imperial Oil? He has no work experience other than politics and leading a defunct think tank which he founded. Harper brought along some pretty questionable people on his trip to...
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    Rob Ford taken to ER with possible tumor

    Nobody is joking about Ford's supposed condition, people resent the insinuation that they should pity him or that everything should be forgiven because he suddenly has a tumour. I felt sorry for Ford's wife and kids well before the news broke today about this tumour and frankly I wouldn't be...
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    Rob Ford taken to ER with possible tumor

    Why should I or anyone else feel "bad" for being on TERB? It's obvious you have hangups and suffer from all kinds of inner turmoil and self-doubt from being here, must be tough. If it bothers you that much you should really stop hobbying for your own sake.
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    Rob Ford taken to ER with possible tumor

    I'd say the cowardly thing is to be an ass kisser saying godspeed Robbie, put yourself in his shoes blah blah. Just because he might have a tumour it doesn't mean he's suddenly not a scumbag. He's an obese, drug-addled, alcoholic, it's a wonder he has lived as long as he has.
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    Rob Ford taken to ER with possible tumor

    Ford is never in a condition to meet his public commitments. Rob Ford isn't my loved one and I don't give a flying fuck about his health. The time for patience, compassion, and understanding is long gone. He deserves neither privacy nor respect.
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    Terri-Jean Bedford threatens to name names if C-36 passes

    Do everyone a favour and just STFU. All you do on each and every post that you make is parrot government talking lines. You have absolutely nothing of value to contribute to the discussion.
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    Robbie was disruptive and verbally abusive in rehab

    There were many troubling signs. John Tory is just a milquetoast incapable of thinking for himself. He should take a hint already and go back to doing something like trying to defend negative option billing at Rogers rather than be humiliated at the polls for the umpteenth time in October.
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    Robbie was disruptive and verbally abusive in rehab

    Nobody violated Slob Ford's rights. Getting people who were there to talk about his behaviour is akin to getting patients in a hospital to talk about how much of a cantankerous asshole you were during your stay for heart surgery. They didn't get his medical charts and publish them.
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    Do you accept Rob Ford's apology?

    There was no rationale or coherent argument, he just votes against anything involving spending, his shtick just consists of being a senseless asshole and nothing else. I doubt he even understands half of what he is voting against. Fiscal responsibility, sure, would having the street Deco is on...
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    Warning to all terbites crossing the border!!!

    You don't even need to be charged or convicted of something to do with drugs or prostitution-related offences. People can and have been barred from the US for so much as admitting to having tried marijuana at some point in their youth. Generally speaking I find the US side is typically...
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    Do you accept Rob Ford's apology?

    OK I'll bite. Please describe in detail Ford's fiscal agenda and a list of his accomplishments to date, along with information about the illegal actions of the Liberal Party of Ontario.
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