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  1. J

    Group Party with Webdream Porn Star Katrins Sunday Evening

    Ever wanted to fuck a porn star? Check this out:
  2. J

    Asian recomendation for Ottawa

    Can you provide a link to ads, or contact info for these two? Thanks
  3. J

    So a cop hammered me with a huge ticket today

    Did he show something with your speed on it? Modern speed traps take a photo and your speed is printed on the bottom. No chance in hell with those. If you did 110, your car would have been impounded on the spot.
  4. J

    tax time accounting questions....

    You should be completely honest with your accountant. An escort can be completely legal and pay far less tax than she thinks she would have to. I can recommend an accountant who looked after some high profile women.
  5. J

    Favorite US and Canadian City

    Montreal and New Orleans!
  6. J

    The Funniest Fat Guys Of All Time

    Jackie Gleason was the best!
  7. J

    Terb official "Merry XXX-mas Party"

    Some posts are missing. What happened? Can we buy a copy of South Pole Invasion and have Felicia Fox autograph it at the party?
  8. J

    serious family dilemma

    Is this really the right forum to discuss this?
  9. J

    Terb Xmas party - revisited...

    Hey, what's happenin man? I am waiting for the news. Don't disappoint me. I want to see Felicia.
  10. J

    Terb Xmas party - revisited...

    But I want to see Felicia Fox! Marshall promised us that she would be there!
  11. J

    Holy hell - we're top story in AVN!

    Will you these for sale at the party? I want to get Felicia to autograph my copy! Joe
  12. J

    Terb Xmas party - revisited...

    Hey Marshall Sounds super. What day is the party? I want to mark it on my calendar. Can't miss this one! Joe
  13. J

    What'll they try next?

    I am new here. Sounds like a great party. Where and when?
Toronto Escorts