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  1. Z

    Air Crash at Pearson

    I live in Etobicoke and can see the smoke from my balcony. The rain was quite heavy here around the time of the crash, comming down in sheets with plenty of thunderstorm activity.
  2. Z

    Air Crash at Pearson

    CP24 has footage of the fire and I'm afraid it's not looking too good. Unconfirmed reports suggest it was an Air France flight that crashed.
  3. Z

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    Sorry Don, don't mean to pick on you specifically given the fact that your posts are for the most part well thought out and intelligent. However, your stance on the issue at hand is somewhat confusing. On the one hand you say that you agree with Canada's position on the war, on the other you...
  4. Z

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    In a word yes. If your "opinion" is put forth in the manner of your original post,which offers nothing but mindess chest thumping drivel then put up or shut up. You've branded an entire nation a bunch of pussies because a significant majority of them do not support the war in Iraq. Your opinion...
  5. Z

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    So not blindly following the actions of Bush Administration is whining? I suppose Canada's presence in Afghanistan is further evidence of our "whining". And I suppose all the millions of Americans and Brits who are opposed to the war in Iraq are victims of Canadian pussy brainwashing? Look in...
Toronto Escorts