Canada Land of the Pussies


New member
Oct 20, 2004
cr1mson2002 said:
I think you are confusing the hipocracy of the US regime with what I personally believe. Keep your eye on the ball.

BTW: Who said I was American?
OK. So, you are just a drunk troll.

Yes, the US and UK were VERY brave going into Iraq.

This is like the "brave" man who sticks his hand down the hornet's nest and tells all his friends to join him and show the world how brave they are. When they tell him to get lost he calls them pussies.

Now the hornets have escaped and they are biting this foolish, "brave" man to death. And the fool is crying foul and complaining that if his friends had joined in he wouldn't be bitten right now. Yeah, that is a brave man alright.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Move over MrLuvr, I'm puking with you. Throw a dart at the map of Africa and the chances are you'll hit a country that's just as corrupt and brutal as Iraq. One difference. None of them have any strategic importance or natural resources to exploit. Hence. Why should we free them?

MrLuvr said:
Oh, isn't that sweet. After years of propping up brutal regimes and dictators, America has decided that it wants to free the world of tyranny. Excuse me while I puke.

Your hypocrisy is stunning.

First we were told it was about WMDs. They didn't pan out. So, then the war became about liberating Iraqis. The Iraqis are telling the Americans not so politely to fcuk off. They don't want your "liberation". As a result of which tens if not hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, imprisoned or tortured.

America has made the world a much more dangerous place. Iraq has become a breeding and training ground for these terrorists. They are learning new techniques in urban and guerilla warfare. Iraq has become one huge training camp for these people. And guess who they are after now? YOU.

And you have the gall to come here and call Canada a land of pussies? You really are a typical ugly American.

P.S. when are you going to the enlistment centre? Or you only show your braveness on an anonymous discussion board?

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
DonQuixote said:
Excuse me! You've been riding on the tales of the Brits and the US for decades.

Would Canada be a member of the G8 and an original member of NATO without
the aid and assistance of the Brits and US.
You're excused.

Yes. Most definitely.

edit: Funny how Americans being patriotic is okay, but Canadians doing the same is not. :rolleyes:


New member
May 24, 2005
DonQuixote said:
Excuse me! You've been riding on the tales of the Brits and the US for decades.
Would Canada be a member of the G8 and an original member of NATO without
the aid and assistance of the Brits and US.

You're so willing to bite the hand that feeds you.

My opinion, petty sibling rivalry. Grow up Canada.
You don't stand on your own, you stand with brothers.
Enough. Please, your whining is so pitiful.
How about some class for a change.

Don. Jeesh.
So not blindly following the actions of Bush Administration is whining? I suppose Canada's presence in Afghanistan is further evidence of our "whining". And I suppose all the millions of Americans and Brits who are opposed to the war in Iraq are victims of Canadian pussy brainwashing? Look in the mirror before you tell anyone to grow up because acting like a stereotypical "ugly American" does not reflect any class whatsoever.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
DonQuixote said:
Excuse me! You've been riding on the tales of the Brits and the US for decades.
Would Canada be a member of the G8 and an original member of NATO without
the aid and assistance of the Brits and US.

You're so willing to bite the hand that feeds you.

My opinion, petty sibling rivalry. Grow up Canada.
You don't stand on your own, you stand with brothers.
Enough. Please, your whining is so pitiful.
How about some class for a change.

Don. Jeesh.
Personally I don't think being balls deep in Iraq's oil well without permission is being a class act.

Face it Canadians aren't standing with you on the Iraq War because you are in the wrong. What's petty and classless is you thinking we are going to whore out our morality because of previous business relations.


Mar 14, 2004
cr1mson2002 said:
... "Your country has the largest concentration of pussies on the planet".
-a person or group that complains about a problem and then doesn't fix the problem
-a person or group that compains about a problem and points fingers at others
So you think our country has a problem. Are you going to fix it or just point fingers?

cr1mson2002 said:
I will tell you that dispite my dissatifaction with the current US administration and all it's faults ....
Why don't you start by doing something about that?


Aug 19, 2001
cr1mson2002 said:
How do you sleep at night you righteous assholes. rant.

Ah...sweet irony...

The righteous condemnation of a cowardly self-righteous asshole.

have you been to war...
have you killed...

I thought not.



New member
Apr 14, 2002
fijiman said:
Ah...sweet irony...

The righteous condemnation of a cowardly self-righteous asshole.

have you been to war...
have you killed...

I thought not.

Anger is an acid that consumes the vessel in which it is stored...

Self-rightous: Maybe
Cowardly: Not likely
Asshole: :eek:

To answer your questions- no, I have not been to war and I do feel somewhat guilty as a result of my stance.

However, tell me where you are going with this; should only those who serve in the military and kill voice their opinions?


New member
May 24, 2005
cr1mson2002 said:
To answer your questions- no, I have not been to war and I do feel somewhat guilty as a result of my stance.

However, tell me where you are going with this; should only those who serve in the military and kill voice their opinions?

In a word yes.

If your "opinion" is put forth in the manner of your original post,which offers nothing but mindess chest thumping drivel then put up or shut up. You've branded an entire nation a bunch of pussies because a significant majority of them do not support the war in Iraq. Your opinion offered nothing of intellectual value or substance but instead came accross as self righteous he-man posturing. This isn't a game of "Risk" or "Dungeons & Dragons" we're discussing, its war...real war where real people are killed and maimed. As such you better be in it for the right reasons. If your beleifs about this war are so strong and everybody else who disagree's is a "pussy" then walk the walk and stop being such a poser.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Cgretien did not tell Bush to take a hike, he prepared for inevitable war by ensuring the world knew our army was out of money. Then we had an excuse to abstain from active involvement.

It has long been proven that Colin Powell did advise Bush fraudulently that there were WMD in Iraq pointed at Western targets. Iraqis may be a bunch of wrong-god-fearing whatchamacallems, but they were not a threat to US democracy or a legitimate focus of the war on terror. This was revenge through and through. No wonder their kind go around bombing everything they can. They are fed up and have nothing to lose. Bush declared war onthe world at large - with his "with me or against me" crapola after 911. Noone asked him to take over the world.

If its bigg pussies you want to talk about, then look at this


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Cr1mson2002 is a PUSSY

cr1mson2002 said:
After what happened in the UK this week ...I have to conclude that "Your country has the largest concentration of pussies on the planet".

You are a pussy if you are:

-a person or group that complains about a problem and then doesn't fix the problem
-a person or group that compains about a problem and points fingers at others
So I guess you are a PUSSY for complaining about Canadians. It's our problem, so let us deal with it our way, and quit your complaining.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
MrLuvr said:
OK. So, you are just a drunk troll.

Yes, the US and UK were VERY brave going into Iraq.

This is like the "brave" man who sticks his hand down the hornet's nest and tells all his friends to join him and show the world how brave they are. When they tell him to get lost he calls them pussies.

Now the hornets have escaped and they are biting this foolish, "brave" man to death. And the fool is crying foul and complaining that if his friends had joined in he wouldn't be bitten right now. Yeah, that is a brave man alright.
I like your point. Well stated.


"Canada Land of the Pussies"
that's some people's definition of paradise.
Hurray Canada!


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
cr1mson2002 said:
What's with the rehtoric. I assure that I am not a conservative. BTW: this is not a left verse right issue.
That is not rhetoric..this is the only way he knows how to talk...don't waste your time..I've yet to see him state an original thougt, that goes beyond slander.

Pete Graves

Dec 6, 2001
Interesting that all the known leftists on this board are posting here. I think he must have hit a nerve.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Tiger Williams said:
Apology accepted.....

corrupt government makes.
But that's what democracy is all about, isn't it?
You have a party in power that has lied and stolen from you..........but when you get the chance you choose to let them continue to govern.
I for one don't understand it, but because the majority always rules I have to accept it.

Try to understand that a lot of Canadians do support the States and would like a better relationship with you than our government allows.
Tiger, you Palmateer, Sittler, Salming and Lanny and Boutette were my favorites when I was a kid...

I agree with most of what you have said... but I am confused about which government you are referring to... Canada's corrupt, lying stealing govt or the US???


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
cr1mson2002 said:
After what happened in the UK this week and after all that has occurred during the last few years and reading what I have read on this board I have to conclude that "Your country has the largest concentration of pussies on the planet".

How do you sleep at night you righteous assholes. Is it the cold weather, the political environment, or the comforting feeling that one feels when aligned with the big dog that creates so many pussies.
This reads like americanson on steroids. Without the wit.
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