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  1. D

    Do you train in a martial art and why?

    I started with Kung Fu at 11, did some Judo until an injury made me stop at 15. Recovering, I saw JCVD's Kickboxer, and decided I wanted to be like Tong Po, which go me started in Muay Thai which I trained and competed in for 9 years. Then university got in the way, so I stopped, but still kept...
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    Men's rights group excluded from Toronto Pride parade

    Again missing the point. C36 targets men who visit sex workers, and that extends to the entire gender/sexuality spectrum, not just straight. And yes, it may well be that we will be the next group to be marginalised if the bill comes to pass...
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    Wife said she likes black guys

    I'm always amazed at the amount of idiocy some of you exhibit. 1) The hot dog and hallway commenters: For guys who have seen various vaginas (since this is an escort review board), you show a staggering lack of knowledge of female anatomy. Remember, a baby comes out of there, which is bigger...
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    Chemtrails- The Climate Industrial Climate

    My biggest pet peeves for the last year have been Chemtrail nuts and anti-vaxers. I'm constantly torn between laughing at them and wanting to beat them over the head with a science book.
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    Chemtrails- The Climate Industrial Climate

    Conspiracy bullshit. Anyone with a minimum of knowledge of how clouds and jet engines work will laugh at you for spreading this crap as TRUTH(tm). The Yin of the Yang that is the internet is that paranoid idiots can mutually confirm their delusions and rave in combined voices, instead of one.
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    Most recent articles on prostitution related laws, opinions, comments

    For those who can read in French:
  7. D

    Any recommendations for martial arts self defence classes.

    First off, if you're looking for self-defense, do NOT look towards Martial Arts. Very few will teach you the mental skills needed to survive a street confrontation. You can have the best moves in the world, but they will do you no good as you shit a brick when someone has a knife or a gun at...
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    Crimminal CHARGES Laid ..... AGAINST Media FoR ..."PROMOTING PROSTITUTION" !!!!

    The Avails provision has been struck from the criminal code, by a unanimous decision by the SCC. Harper and company can draw up such legislation till their faces turn blue, it won't be admissable to be even heard in Parliament. Their only hope is to turn public opinion against sexworkers by...
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    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    Actually, there are many people/organizations here working towards sex workers' rights. Maggie's, Nikki Thomas, SPOC (who led the SCC challenge) are all here. Furthermore there are plenty of activist sex workers and allies, clients and agency owners, doing their share. Of course in a case like...
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    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    The issue is far from being just political, it's very much a social one as well. As it stands, most Canadians are ok with sex work, just most adopt a NIMBY approach. Making sex work illegal would not only be a huge mistake, considering the current way of thinking, it would also involve a huge...
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    Wife Ex-Prostitute

    Some do, I'm sure, but some don't. I know one SP who has repeatedly said that her clients are relationships, and over the years she has found out much about them and treasures the trust they put in her.
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    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    Because it is personal to me. I've spent the last 4 years as an SW ally. @Canada-Man: You don't answer my questions, but accuse me of white-knighting. Is that because it's easier than to admit you're wrong?
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    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    I will call you on idiocy when I see you being an idiot. I will say it to your face if I see you at any of the industry parties as well. So how do you explain Nikki Thomas, Rebecca Richardson, Noir, Genevieve Lajoie, Nina Hartley, Stoya, Sasha Grey, Tristan Taormino, Candida Royalle (...) all...
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    Wife Ex-Prostitute

    Sorry, but your experience is nothing like mine. I know several SP's, current and retired, that are quite happy in long-term relationships or marriage. In my own relationship with an SP, I was hard-pressed in having her accept me paying for anything. Her argument was that she makes much more...
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    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    And tell me what the FUCK does any of this have to do with the SCC decision to decriminalise prostitution???? Take your whiny, cherry-picked, out of date statistics and citations and make your own thread, you thread-jacking moron.
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    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    So aside from derailing the thread, Canada Man, what exactly are you trying to achieve? Citing radfem blogs or men's rights vlogs is about as credible as quoting from a skinhead website. Let me break it down for you, although I'm surprised that I have to, as you've always seemed like an...
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    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    On that we agree. The trouble with abolitionist feminists is that they ignore the choices of those for whom sex is a positive thing. In that, they are as bad as the ultra-conservative/religious.
  18. D

    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    Why? you cruising for a piece of ass? And thousands of women of various shapes and sizes for whom these people speak for. It's not their duty to look hot for you. Fuck male entitlement.
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    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    You're a special kind of moron, aren't you? The feminists you see are academics, you're supposed to listen to their analyses not judge their looks. How many hot male academics do you know? You want to see hot feminists, look at Nina Hartley, Brooke Magnanti, Amanda Brooks or more locally Effie...
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    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    If the Swedish model is applied in Canada, it won't stand up to a constitutional challenge, for the same reason Bawdy, Com, and Avails didn't. The social services offered in Canada, especially to women, are nowhere near what they are in Sweden (Thanks, Harper!). Furthermore, the Swedish model...
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