Toronto Escorts

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  1. T

    Where to get tested for STDs in Ottawa?

    Nope. Ottawa Public Health is notified about all positive STI results and will contact you.
  2. T

    Where to get tested for STDs in Ottawa?

    Well, it doesn't matter where you get tested, if it comes back positive, it will be reported to Ottawa Public Health. They'll contact you and discuss informing your partners.
  3. T

    Arielle summer? -bp- 0172

    Don't bother. She's a scammer. Set up an appointment, agreed on all details. Get there, and all of a sudden "Oh, that's an extra $50." Told her to piss off and give me my money back. She then said she could do it for the original price. I told her she should have done that in the first place...
  4. T

    C36: How to get Ottawa Councillors do the same as Toronto

    Curious how Kathleen Wynne is supposed to order police to do something when, other than the OPP, they don't report to her.
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    Six dead after bus crashes with Via train at marked crossing in Ottawa.

    Thanks for posting that section. It is irrelevant to any discussion of this crash. Section 174 only applies to crossings that are not protected by gates and rail crossing lights. This one was.
  6. T

    Speeding ticket question

    And with traffic tickets, 10 months usually isn't going to cut it. Askov is a virtually irrelevant case as far as 11(b) goes. When it was handed down, courts across the province started throwing out tickets that were older than 6 months. You could literally walk into the court, the JP would...
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    Speeding ticket question

    I get what you're saying, it's just wrong. On so many levels it isn't worth breaking it down.
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    Speeding ticket question

    There is nothing flawed about it. It is SOP and entirely permitted under the HTA and the POA.
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    Speeding ticket question

    You were doing fine until you got to step 4.... If the accused does not show he can, and will, be tried in absentia, convicted, and be assessed court costs on top of the fine.
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    Hand held device ticket advice

    You can use your phone to call 911. That's it.
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    Cleo Catra

    Re-read what she posted. She never suggested that the southern border of Centretown was Gloucester, and what she posted is absolutely correct.
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    Baby love - BP

    Search for "Eva Dream". I've seen her a few times and she was fun.
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    Fine Dining

    "Royal" is irrelevant as far as exclusivity. It's a sign of historical significance more than anything. There are many clubs in Toronto that are more exclusive than the RCYC.
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    What's your favorite "Canadian" food?

    How is Yorkshire pudding Canadian?
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    anybody know when Iron Man 3 pre-sale tickets available from cineplex ??

    There is a dispute between theatres and the company. Theatres are refusing to do pre-sales for Iron Man 3. as a negotiating tactic.
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    Penis pills. Do they work?

    If we're going to get really pedantic, that funny little n thing is called "pi". Adding an e changes it from a Greek letter and mathematic constant to a tasty treat (be it pastry or otherwise ;) ).
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    Penis pills. Do they work?

    Okay, so when your math and science based explanation doesn't work, you suggest we throw that out the window, and move on to anecdotal evidence?
  18. T

    Penis pills. Do they work?

    That is actually the formula for the volume of a cylinder, but I assume that's what you meant to say. I'm going to guess that a 2 inch radius cock is not just rare, but unheard of. That would be more than a foot around. I have a feeling that just as you mixed up cylinder and cone, you have...
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    tony robbins injures 21 with firewalk

    Thinking the only jerk around here is you, since this was long ago proven to be false, and an example of media exaggeration and stupidity. And btw, he never claimed to have invented NLP, and in fact no longer claims to use/teach it. Rather he uses Neuro-associative Conditioning (NAC) and has...
Toronto Escorts