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  1. G

    Chinese fortune cookie thread

    That wasn't Chicken.
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    what is a PM

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    Rules for live in nanny

    Sodomy Sunday's . . . . . . Sorry I couldn't resist
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    Apple unveils new Laptop....NO keyboard!

    I loved the Suduko killer tagline at the end.
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    Game to Play.....Between Your Legs.

    There will be blood . . . between your legs.
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    False, no one does. I think that is a stagehand with a bottle of Jergens lotion. As i get older, even the ugly 20 somethings are looking pretty good.
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    Sadly True. The best sex you ever had was in college and you didn't even know it.
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    The grass driveway

    Sucks for Road Hockey.
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    Between Your Legs ? ? ?

    Fool's Gold . . . between your legs. There will be Blood . . between your legs When did you last see your Father . . . between your legs. What Women Want . . between your legs.
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    I think I got it! I think I got it!

    I do usually shake like that but only after I have been inside the box for awhile
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    Your Age By Eating Out

    Actually it doesn't matter. It works even if the number is over 9. You just end up with a four digit number with the first two being your original number and the last two are your age.
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    Personality test

    ESFP - Artisan Performer
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    50 Greatest Sporting Movies

    When Cool Runnings is rated higher than Slapshot you know the list is flawed. "Puttin on the foil, coach. Want some?" Best movie sports line ever.
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    Michael Jackson's Alleged Kids Look Completely White

    Which Nose is that? It certainly isn't his 1980's nose. Looks a bit like his 1992 nose though.
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    would u guys hit it?

    That's a minute and 36 seconds, I can't get back.
  16. G

    the best condom

    That's what I need. More stimulation.
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    The Very Many Nice Things SPs Have Said to Me

    That wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
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    Presidents Choice Dim Sum.

    Funny, that's what my ex used to say about me.
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    Margot Timmins

    She's got that 1980's, Meredith Baxter Birney look down pat.
  20. G

    Man gets breast implants in leg to enhance tattoo

    Are they really still called breast implants if they're in your leg??
Toronto Escorts