Toronto Escorts

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    2024 Euro

    Agreed! If you watched the Beckham series on Netflix you got a glimpse of what he went through. Their press are pond scum!
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    2024 Euro

    England only wins if they stop playing like England. If they can't adapt their play, they'll always lose. Been watching this happen for decades
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    Memorable Quotes

    I think about this a LOT when I see all the male and female "Karens" on the web.
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    Bob Mackowycz (Psychedelic Sunday) Passes---Age 75

    The Six O'Clock Rock Report was a staple in my early university days. They had amazing interviews and in-depth content on anything and everything music. I miss it still.
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    Curtains closing for Toronto's Phoenix Concert Theatre

    RIP great live music venues!
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    Are you a handyman?

    I'm with angrymime666 on this one... YouTube. You just need to filter out the BS. Read some comments. I've got a still running dishwasher that normally would have been replaced 10 years ago. Actually a LOT of appliances I've fixed because I hate this "throw away" world we live in! I'm a...
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    EPL Thread

    I said this back in December when they were 4th in the table. The league championship was there for Arsenal or Liverpool to win and they dropped way too many points!
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    Name the Movie!

    Post #819 Lifeforce
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    EPL Thread

    It's gonna be a wild Sunday bouncing between games. Both Everton and West Ham can ruin anyone's day so we'll see who shows up and wants it more!
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    Name the Movie!

    Live and Let Die
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    Name the Movie!

    Clan of the Cave Bear
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    Name the Movie!

    The Natural
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    2024 F1 Thread

    It's been all over the F1 socials, some legit...some not. So take that for what it's worth. I think teams are lining up dumptrucks of money in front of his house to get him. He's the key to any team's future success. Not Sauber though... they need pit people! lol
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    Watching a few recent games I commented out loud how I missed good broadcasting like Bob Cole. And now this...sad.
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    EPL Thread

    Exactly! I've seen enough VAR decisions made that were still up to the ref and they got it WRONG (too many handball calls that were so obviously not!) So it's 50/50 using or NOT using VAR. Also... if it's so great and is there for fairness, then why isn't it used to determine goal vs corner kick...
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    EPL Thread

    VAR has fucked football. This is a hill I will die on.
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    EPL Thread

    I just can't believe that both Liverpool and Arsenal couldn't get points! It's crazy...
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    Mid Century Modern Teak Furniture or hunt in MaxSold for some hidden gems.
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    2024 F1 Thread

    I dunno man... based on that article and the videos I watched, it seems like George was "anticipating" Alonso's moves and the old guy threw a wrench into his plans by doing something different and caught George off guard. You know... veteran racer vs newer driver.
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    2024 F1 Thread

    Informal poll: did Alonso brake check George? After watching the footage over and over, I say no... but interested in everyone else's thoughts on it. Seemed like a harsh penalty. PS... jealous of all you assholes who've been to races. Dying to go but can't find the cash... so expensive!
Toronto Escorts