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  1. M

    Ambulances are hit by Israeli forces
  2. M

    Well-paying jobs elude minorities born in Canada

    Well, Duh! Any other explanation is an attempt to justify this obvious racism. :rolleyes:
  3. M

    Ah yes, more evidence of Muslims channelling and focusing their angst.

    With the West, I presume you mean, in agreement with the West? If you've followed my posting you'll find that I'm very precise with my definitions. Yes, of course, there are plenty of nominal Muslims - from both sects - who are with the West. On the other hand, I believe I noticed a lack of...
  4. M

    Ah yes, more evidence of Muslims channelling and focusing their angst.

    Bin Laden, a Sunni, declared war on America, and Americans. Khomeini, a Shiite, declared death to Americans. Iran, today, still controlled by Shiites, is the number one sponsor of Islamic Terrorism. True, Jihadist Muslims fight each-other. So what? Baathists have helped Jihadists, so what makes...
  5. M

    Islamophobia' will be targeted - Ontario Human Rights Commission

    You got to love those threats. Some of us lust after women, others lust after power to control others. Scroll99 can at least fantasize about forcing others to think and act correctly. Scroll99 could never bare living in his ideal world. Scroll99 is a walking hypocrite with regard to his own...
  6. M

    “We’re never going to be totally free until Islamic law is the law of the world”

    For Scroll99, it's all spin, there's no reality. When the man yelled that message, we heard cheers, not booing. Reality is just too painful for some. Brute facts can shatter a person's worldview and then the house of cards fall one by one. That man was attempting to remain consistent to a...
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    Neocons emerging, AmeriKKKa!!!

    Who can take seriously someone who laments that America is not a welfare State (which, unfortunately, to a degree it is) . Yes, it's true: "The difference between the United States, Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy is steadily and inexorably diminishing..." Yet, the writer, Steve...
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    The Road to the Muslim Holocaust

    That's where you're wrong. I don't doubt it for a second. No, we have the "virtuous" George Galloway that unearths these alleged facts. You're so wrong about the "Christian Religious Extremists". If anything, these Christians are on the side of the Jihadists. I seem to remember one of them...
  9. M

    The Road to the Muslim Holocaust

    Yes, there was a connection between the CIA and the Mujihideen. So what? It only proves that there are elites in the United States Government/industry that will sacrifice long-term self interest for short-term selfish goals. The CIA and the West didn't create Islamist fanaticism. The Barbary...
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    The Road to the Muslim Holocaust

    A chosen ideology is an act of volition, one's genetic lineage is not. One can despise Nazism without despising Germans. That many Muslims practice a Fascistic version of their Religion is a fact. To fight against this Islamofascism is not to fight against arabs or immigrants. Some of the...
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