
Ambulances are hit by Israeli forces


New member
Apr 22, 2006

5 October, 2004,

Israel's army is reviewing its claim that the United Nations allowed Palestinian militants in Gaza to use a UN ambulance to transport rockets.
An Israeli military official said an object seen in video footage might be a stretcher rather than a rocket.

United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has sent a team of investigators to look into the Israeli claims.

The UN relief agency chief in Gaza described them as "malicious propaganda" that endangered UN lives.

Peter Hansen demanded an immediate public retraction and apology from the Israeli government.

The very idea that individuals with clear links to the Hamas terrorist network maybe on the Unwra payroll is totally unacceptable and should be properly investigated

In a statement, the Danish diplomat said it was not the first time the Israeli government had "propagated falsehoods" against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (Unrwa).

Mr Hansen said Israeli ministers had in the past declared that Unrwa ambulances were carrying body parts of fallen Israeli soldiers.

"When challenged to produce the evidence backing up this claim, or to retract the statement and offer an apology, the ministers in question were not able to provide any response and have remained silent," Mr Hansen said.

So far there has been no public explanation about Israel's re-evaluation of the video, but the army has removed references to it from its website.

An Israeli military official, speaking to journalists on condition of anonymity, said no definite conclusion had been reached about the matter.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Stupid eh? Gee it looked like a rocket but it could have been a stretcher...

Of course Israel has seen many cases where the Palestinians used Ambulances to transport fighters and weapons, and Hezbollah's certainly not above using the same tactics (are they???), so they probably expect this sort of thing.

Just another sad consequence of Arab militarism.

At this point all I can say is the Arabs got the Israel they deserve. Every dead civilian is just another victim of the Arab refusal to let the Jews live in Israel.

You show me one dead Egyptian civilian or Jordanian civilian at the hands of Israel since they signed their peace agreements.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Yep, nobody to blame but the extremists for this.
I agree.

But on the flip side, where are the Hezbollah bodies? armory? in/near/around those ambulances...?
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