“We’re never going to be totally free until Islamic law is the law of the world”


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Here is more representative story with less Islamophobia

Toronto Star
Feb 19,2006

Muslim group urges end to protests

“I’m proud that we as Canadians stand together for justice,” said one of the speakers, Sheikh Suleman.

Rob Delaney, Liberal member of provincial parliament for Mississauga West, said he was supporting the protest — even though he’s not Muslim — because all Canadians should respect one another’s customs, practices and traditions.

“We as Canadians celebrate the differences that contribute to the vibrance and strength of our country,” Delaney told the crowd.

“We are not us and them, we are the same people, who practice many faiths or even no faith at all,” he said.

“Our dialogue with Canadians today comes back to the issue of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

While police said the protest was peaceful and without incident — as was another Saturday in downtown Vancouver — the Muslim Canadian Congress said the time had come for the demonstrations to stop, saying the were inflaming tensions around the world.

Congress spokesman Tarek Fatah said protests around the world are being used by Islamic extremists as motivation to spread violence.

“We understand the pain and the hurt of the Muslim community but I am urging Muslims around the world to understand the repercussions of their actions, that their pain has been usurped by Islamic extremists,” Fatah said.



Active member
Aug 23, 2001
CBC a few days ago had some article on how Canadan Muslims groups were praising the protests in Canada for the minimal violence. You know you've reached a new low when you praise the lack of violence. Reminded me of the time Detroit was praising how it dropped to #3 from #1 in homicides.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
DonQuixote said:
This too shall pass. Once upon a time there was this political-
economic movement called communism. It failed because
it wasn't open and free. Nature abores peace and stability.
You're trying to personify and attach morality to nature. Life struggles constantly to reach balance. That's it.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Don said:
CBC a few days ago had some article on how Canadan Muslims groups were praising the protests in Canada for the minimal violence. You know you've reached a new low when you praise the lack of violence. Reminded me of the time Detroit was praising how it dropped to #3 from #1 in homicides.
Another manipulation by mr. Don

Read CBC yourself and see who is suffering from voilence and fear :

Muslims leery after violent attack

As a Montreal man recovers in hospital from what he calls a hate crime, other Muslims are being warned that they, too, can become targets if they are not careful.

The imam was attacked outside a metro station late last week. Many in the community say this is not an isolated incident and they're taking measures to protect themselves.

For Fayçal Zirari, 31, it was an ordinary Friday afternoon. He had just finished prayers and was taking the metro home.

But the Imam says he was stopped and harassed by a man with a knife at the Iberville metro station.

Don't go out after dark: advice

Salam Elmenyawi, the head of the Muslim Council of Montreal believes it was a hate crime.

Elmenyawi is advising Montreal Muslims not to venture out alone after dark and to avoid taking the metro alone.

He says he's heard from others in the community that violence is on the rise.

He says many Muslims are insulted in the streets, and verbally harassed.

The Muslim Council of Montreal is also setting up a hotline for people who want to voice concerns.
He says he was stabbed several times. "He puts the knife in my hands...and he puts the knife in my legs," Zirari said in recounting the attack.

Police say the knife blade broke off inside Zirari's arm.

A suspect has been charged with assault and possession of a weapon.



Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Oh I don't doubt that Muslims are under threat here. As a visible minority group in an area that is growingly distrust full of them, it will be tough. I sympathize for those who just want to move on.

Same deal with Westerners in Iraq. In a hostile environment, there will be trouble.

However please explain my manipulation, mr. scroll. You can go google the CBC article I was referring to if you don't believe me.

Mr. Magic

Aug 10, 2003
scroll99 said:
Another manipulation by mr. Don

Read CBC yourself and see who is suffering from voilence and fear :

Muslims leery after violent attack

As a Montreal man recovers in hospital from what he calls a hate crime, other Muslims are being warned that they, too, can become targets if they are not careful.

The imam was attacked outside a metro station late last week. Many in the community say this is not an isolated incident and they're taking measures to protect themselves.

For Fayçal Zirari, 31, it was an ordinary Friday afternoon. He had just finished prayers and was taking the metro home.

But the Imam says he was stopped and harassed by a man with a knife at the Iberville metro station.

Don't go out after dark: advice

Salam Elmenyawi, the head of the Muslim Council of Montreal believes it was a hate crime.

Elmenyawi is advising Montreal Muslims not to venture out alone after dark and to avoid taking the metro alone.

He says he's heard from others in the community that violence is on the rise.

He says many Muslims are insulted in the streets, and verbally harassed.

The Muslim Council of Montreal is also setting up a hotline for people who want to voice concerns.
He says he was stabbed several times. "He puts the knife in my hands...and he puts the knife in my legs," Zirari said in recounting the attack.

Police say the knife blade broke off inside Zirari's arm.

A suspect has been charged with assault and possession of a weapon.


Good to hear that other brothers have had enoguh. They had their chance and blew it. Fuck em all. Time to go back to bahrain.

Mr. Magic

Aug 10, 2003
Don said:
Mr. Magic - all you do reinforce scroll99's point of view with your side of hate.
You call it hate. I call it an eye for an eye. I call it time for war. Time time answer the bell with force and stop this dead in the tracks before they start rioting in our neighbourhoods.


New member
Oct 8, 2004
For Scroll99, it's all spin, there's no reality. When the man yelled that message, we heard cheers, not booing. Reality is just too painful for some. Brute facts can shatter a person's worldview and then the house of cards fall one by one. That man was attempting to remain consistent to a worldview that the world has passed by. He doesn't want to move on. There are many like him.

Mr. Magic

Aug 10, 2003
Which philosopher said "man can only take so much truth at once"?

The world is changing. Islam is being radicalized right down the line.

Rioting over a cartoon. Rampages in France. No one is standing up to them so it will only get worse until we answer the bell.

Get ready brothers. They want to take your freedom and way of life away. Never mind, they want to take your life period.

Fuck Islam



I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
Mr. Magic said:
Which philosopher said "man can only take so much truth at once"?

The world is changing. Islam is being radicalized right down the line.

Rioting over a cartoon. Rampages in France. No one is standing up to them so it will only get worse until we answer the bell.

Get ready brothers. They want to take your freedom and way of life away. Never mind, they want to take your life period.

Fuck Islam

Ummmmmmm.... what are you talking about?


New member
Oct 22, 2004
Don said:
CBC a few days ago had some article on how Canadan Muslims groups were praising the protests in Canada for the minimal violence. You know you've reached a new low when you praise the lack of violence. Reminded me of the time Detroit was praising how it dropped to #3 from #1 in homicides.
I wouldn't trivialize that lack of violence. Violence isn't an event. It is a cycle that is easy to start and almost impossible to stop. It looks like Canada is one of a very few countries were these types of protests can be carried out peacefully. They assemble and make their point, nobody gets hurt and then they go home. To me, that is no small thing. When you compare Canada's customary lack of violence with a small change in Detroit's murder rate, it is as if you don't appreciate what a well balanced country you live in. I'm sure that isn't true.

The only city on the planet whose population has a higher percentage of foreign born citizens is Miami. Given that Miami's foreign born population has such a large number of Hispanics, we are probably the most multicultural city on earth. If we can have that kind of diversity and still allow full freedom of assembly without fear of violence, we must be doing something right.


"Multicultural and racial diversity
Toronto is one of the world's most multicultural cities. There is an urban legend among Torontonians that UNESCO has proclaimed the city as the world's most multicultural city, but ranking or proclaiming cities as the most multicultural is not a practice that UNESCO has ever undertaken.

In 2004, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ranked Toronto second, behind Miami, Florida, in its list of the world's cities with the largest percentage of foreign-born population. Toronto ranked ahead of other major multicultural cities as Los Angeles, Vancouver, New York City, Singapore and Sydney. Although Miami ranked first, its foreign-born population is mostly Hispanic (and to a much lesser extent Haitian), whereas Toronto's foreign-born population is significantly more diverse."


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Replace the word "Islamic" with the word "Christian", and tell me you couldn't get most practicing Christians to agree in an eye-blink.

It's why they keep arm-twisting and lobbying to get their god into legal texts and Constitutions, and Pledges of Alegiance and anthemns. Zealots are the same always and everywhere, only the the 'holy' names they attach to their self-justifications differ. Trust no true believer.

We're never going to be totally free until we take our own resonsibility for our own laws and that becomes the law of the world.
Toronto Escorts