The Road to the Muslim Holocaust


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Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
More hate shit from people who seem to hate


New member
Oct 8, 2004
A chosen ideology is an act of volition, one's genetic lineage is not. One can despise Nazism without despising Germans. That many Muslims practice a Fascistic version of their Religion is a fact. To fight against this Islamofascism is not to fight against arabs or immigrants. Some of the strongest critics of Islam are non-white immigrants living in the West, e.g. Ibn Warraq.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Is it justifiable to fight the 'Many Muslims' which are extremely handful ( and uptil 9/11 created , encouraged and funded by the CIA ) by creating the environment of mass hatred through media manipulatiion /proganda and bias against the people of one of the largest religion in the world ?

Do you have any idea how much mass majority (99.99) percent of peaceful Muslims living in western countries are scared and manipulated because of everyday media bias .No you cannot have unless you taste it yourself ...


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
papasmerf said:
More hate shit from people who seem to hate
They've got a bunch of shit about Canada as well.


New member
Oct 8, 2004
Yes, there was a connection between the CIA and the Mujihideen. So what? It only proves that there are elites in the United States Government/industry that will sacrifice long-term self interest for short-term selfish goals. The CIA and the West didn't create Islamist fanaticism. The Barbary Pirates were involved in slavery/theft. Was that the fault of the West too? I suspect that no matter how much is posted in reply to you, you'll still remain willfully ignorant and blame the West for all the evils that happen in the Middle East. You'll call it: media bias, western bias, propaganda, etc, etc. Anything to avoid looking at the facts. Japan, at the dawn of the 20th century, was evolving into a Nationalistic Militarist State. General Douglas MacArthur, helped a defeated, proud nation, rebuild itself into a prosperous market-driven nation.

Was it American (and Western) arrogance and control? Or, in the end, was it a realization that production and trade have survival value for all concerned?

I agree that there are a significant number of nominal Muslims (like nominal Christians and Jews) who, when pushed, will capitulate and adapt to modernity. They are not my concern. I'm concerned about the radical jihadist Muslims and the fake moderates, who, by stealth or by explicit action, help global jihadism.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Metalass said:
Yes, there was a connection between the CIA and the Mujihideen. So what? It only proves that there are elites in the United States Government/industry that will sacrifice long-term self interest for short-term selfish goals. The CIA and the West didn't create Islamist fanaticism. The Barbary Pirates were involved in slavery/theft. Was that the fault of the West too? I suspect that no matter how much is posted in reply to you, you'll still remain willfully ignorant and blame the West for all the evils that happen in the Middle East. You'll call it: media bias, western bias, propaganda, etc, etc. Anything to avoid looking at the facts. Japan, at the dawn of the 20th century, was evolving into a Nationalistic Militarist State. General Douglas MacArthur, helped a defeated, proud nation, rebuild itself into a prosperous market-driven nation.

Was it American (and Western) arrogance and control? Or, in the end, was it a realization that production and trade have survival value for all concerned?

I agree that there are a significant number of nominal Muslims (like nominal Christians and Jews) who, when pushed, will capitulate and adapt to modernity. They are not my concern. I'm concerned about the radical jihadist Muslims and the fake moderates, who, by stealth or by explicit action, help global jihadism.

Fanaticism exist in every religion ( I can list hundreds of pages here with historical facts, lets not get into it as you too will not agree whatever I do to prove it) . Christian Religious Extremist today exist in all parts of the World and heavily voted Bush to support his massacares but main stream media will never dare to unevil these facts .

The biggest problem media has created is they are using the whole propoganda machinery to demonize the whole religion .

No religion in the world is demon . It some people who uses it to accomplish
their goals and agendas.

And for the current Jihadist culture you are talking about as everyone knows they are all united under the umberla of Al-Qaeda whose leadership have been under the payroll of CIA . I would say for it 'As you sow so shall you reap'.

And oh yeh , we never talked about root causes of all these terrorism but lets be hyporcite .(else I may be put in jail )

I read so often about brainwashing of suicide bombers in the main stream media but did you ever think how the media is brainwashing the people
in US and to lesser extent in Canada to hate Muslims on a daily bases.
If it is not stopped I believe it will come to the point that nobody will bother to stop the holocaust of Muslims and will simple choose to ignore it.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
but seems like of all the major religions, it is Islam that has the worst track record right now of getting along with others.

Seems like the majority of major religious conflicts are Muslims vs [enter other religion]

Muslims vs Christians (Western nations, Africa, etc)
Muslims vs Hindus (India/Pakistan)
Muslims vs Judaism (Middle east)
Muslims vs Buddhists (Thailand) (geez, who elses fights against Buddhists!)

Of course there are other conflicts:
Protestants vs Catholics (Ireland - seems to have died down a bit)
Hindus vs Sikhs (India)

but no other religion has conflicts with all the other major religions (Christanity, Hinduism, Buddhism).

There is something not working here.... a level of tolerance that is lacking...


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Don said:
but seems like of all the major religions, it is Islam that has the worst track record right now of getting along with others.

Seems like the majority of major religious conflicts are Muslims vs [enter other religion]

Muslims vs Christians (Western nations, Africa, etc)
Muslims vs Hindus (India/Pakistan)
Muslims vs Judaism (Middle east)
Muslims vs Buddhists (Thailand) (geez, who elses fights against Buddhists!)

Of course there are other conflicts:
Protestants vs Catholics (Ireland - seems to have died down a bit)
Hindus vs Sikhs (India)

but no other religion has conflicts with all the other major religions (Christanity, Hinduism, Buddhism).

There is something not working here.... a level of tolerance that is lacking...

and in all these cases Muslims are at the recieving end . do I have to give number of Muslims killed in all these conflicts ?

It may be due to the reason that it is paying price for its popularity ? and
opportunist and fanatics are afraid of it ?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
scroll99 said:
and in all these cases Muslims are at the recieving end .
That is very debatable

scroll99 said:
It may be due to the reason that it is paying price for its popularity ? and
opportunist and fanatics are afraid of it ?
That is true. People are afraid of the growing popularity of extreme Islam because of the percieved intolerance it preaches. Hinduism's growth rate has also skyrocketed (mainly because India's population has) but the growing number of Hindus doesn't seem to strike that same fear.

Food for thought.

I tend to agree with the final factor mentioned. I believe that radicalism (religious or otherwise) is embraced in areas under distress and hardship where the masses are struggling. Like hard socialism (Venezuela) or extreme forms of religion (middle-east). People what change. Radical change.


New member
Oct 8, 2004
scroll99 said:
Fanaticism exist in every religion ( I can list hundreds of pages here with historical facts, lets not get into it as you too will not agree whatever I do to prove it) ..
That's where you're wrong. I don't doubt it for a second.

scroll99 said:
Christian Religious Extremist today exist in all parts of the World and heavily voted Bush to support his massacares but main stream media will never dare to unevil these facts .
No, we have the "virtuous" George Galloway that unearths these alleged facts. You're so wrong about the "Christian Religious Extremists". If anything, these Christians are on the side of the Jihadists. I seem to remember one of them saying that God allowed for 9-11 to occur because America has become a god-less decadent place. Remember, the source of Islam is rooted in a Judeo-Christian synthesis. You have the wrong enemy. Deep down, Christians have to see Islam as only a false Religion, but, not intrinsically evil. Thus, we see your Christian enemies refer to a hijacking of Islam.

scroll99 said:
The biggest problem media has created is they are using the whole propoganda machinery to demonize the whole religion . ..
Nonsense. You're not reading carefully enough. Their religion, for the most part, remains totally untouched. The vast majority of the criticisms refer to a perversion of the faith.

scroll99 said:
No religion in the world is demon . It some people who uses it to accomplish
their goals and agendas. ..
Religions don't exist independent of the people that produced them. They are mental abstractions which claim to explain the nature of reality. All Religions are false because their Walt Disney metaphysics clashes with reality. And, their basic method of gaining knowledge - faith - is a non-method. Religions don't represent Reality. Now, you may ask, what do they represent? The subjective arbitrary fantasies in the mind of the Religionist. Islam had a madman as their Prophet who wanted to subjugate "The People of the Book" and relegate them to second class dhimmi status. As for the others. He merely wanted to Kill those unbelieving Infidels.

scroll99 said:
And for the current Jihadist culture you are talking about as everyone knows they are all united under the umberla of Al-Qaeda whose leadership have been under the payroll of CIA . I would say for it 'As you sow so shall you reap'...
That makes great fiction. Al Qaeda was born out of the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB was a anti-Western Imperialist movement that took umbrage with foreign imperialism within Egypt and the Middle East.

scroll99 said:
I read so often about brainwashing of suicide bombers in the main stream media but did you ever think how the media is brainwashing the people
in US and to lesser extent in Canada to hate Muslims on a daily bases.
If it is not stopped I believe it will come to the point that nobody will bother to stop the holocaust of Muslims and will simple choose to ignore it.
Ridiculous. North Americans are relatively rights respecting when it comes to peoples beliefs. But, decent folk, recoil at how Muslim women are treated. Is this what you mean? Or, how Muslim nations treat homosexuals, religious heretics, atheists, etc. I have no problem saying that I despise Sharia Law. As an Atheist, I love this one life we all have. Law should be based on protecting individual rights, not on the falsehoods of Religion.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Metalass said:
That's where you're wrong. I don't doubt it for a second.

No, we have the "virtuous" George Galloway that unearths these alleged facts. You're so wrong about the "Christian Religious Extremists". If anything, these Christians are on the side of the Jihadists. I seem to remember one of them saying that God allowed for 9-11 to occur because America has become a god-less decadent place. Remember, the source of Islam is rooted in a Judeo-Christian synthesis. You have the wrong enemy. Deep down, Christians have to see Islam as only a false Religion, but, not intrinsically evil. Thus, we see your Christian enemies refer to a hijacking of Islam.

Nonsense. You're not reading carefully enough. Their religion, for the most part, remains totally untouched. The vast majority of the criticisms refer to a perversion of the faith.

Religions don't exist independent of the people that produced them. They are mental abstractions which claim to explain the nature of reality. All Religions are false because their Walt Disney metaphysics clashes with reality. And, their basic method of gaining knowledge - faith - is a non-method. Religions don't represent Reality. Now, you may ask, what do they represent? The subjective arbitrary fantasies in the mind of the Religionist. Islam had a madman as their Prophet who wanted to subjugate "The People of the Book" and relegate them to second class dhimmi status. As for the others. He merely wanted to Kill those unbelieving Infidels.

That makes great fiction. Al Qaeda was born out of the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB was a anti-Western Imperialist movement that took umbrage with foreign imperialism within Egypt and the Middle East.

Ridiculous. North Americans are relatively rights respecting when it comes to peoples beliefs. But, decent folk, recoil at how Muslim women are treated. Is this what you mean? Or, how Muslim nations treat homosexuals, religious heretics, atheists, etc. I have no problem saying that I despise Sharia Law. As an Atheist, I love this one life we all have. Law should be based on protecting individual rights, not on the falsehoods of Religion.

Your words speak for yourself and sensible people will know it .

God Bless you !


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
youth wants to know

scroll99 said:
Your words speak for yourself and sensible people will know it .

God Bless you !
Did he sneeze? What's the emoticon for that?



Nov 25, 2005
scroll99 said:
I read so often about brainwashing of suicide bombers in the main stream media but did you ever think how the media is brainwashing the people
in US and to lesser extent in Canada to hate Muslims on a daily bases.
If it is not stopped I believe it will come to the point that nobody will bother to stop the holocaust of Muslims and will simple choose to ignore it.
You in fact are proof positive of "brainwashing the people". Most people dont "hate Muslims", they just hate being blown up by them. Where are your present day examples of Christians murdering civilians in the name of Christ?

FYI: Allah is destined to rule the world. That is the basis of Islam. Everything else is related to this goal. The world is divided into two parts, Dar-al-Salaam meaning "House of Peace" where Allah rules and Dar-al-Harb, "House of War" where the people are not in submission to Allah and Islam.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
arclighter said:
You in fact are proof positive of "brainwashing the people". Most people dont "hate Muslims", they just hate being blown up by them. Where are your present day examples of Christians murdering civilians in the name of Christ?

FYI: Allah is destined to rule the world. That is the basis of Islam. Everything else is related to this goal. The world is divided into two parts, Dar-al-Salaam meaning "House of Peace" where Allah rules and Dar-al-Harb, "House of War" where the people are not in submission to Allah and Islam.
You are the perfect example of an ignorant person .

The modern day massacares done by the rich countries does not have to be done by suicide bombings otherwise how will they manipulate the public opinion and get support and anyways it can kill only few people at a time which is 'out of scope' for these tyrants?

It requires propganda machines in actions , lies , manipulation , and then F16s , chemical weopons and 2000 kg mother of all bombs ...

Here is the people killed in the name of God but in a 'civilised' world,12271,1586978,00.html


New member
Jun 29, 2003
scroll99 said:
You are the perfect example of an ignorant person .

The modern day massacares done by the rich countries does not have to be done by suicide bombings otherwise how will they manipulate the public opinion and get support and anyways it can kill only few people at a time which is 'out of scope' for these tyrants?

It requires propganda machines in actions , lies , manipulation , and then F16s , chemical weopons and 2000 kg mother of all bombs ...

Here is the people killed in the name of God but in a 'civilised' world,12271,1586978,00.html
Well said, not to mention the Shock and Awe : a concepts that originally put forth by Hitler as a lethal way to destroy & kill. With no considerations for civilians and or the damage done to infrastructure.
A powerful strategy for any nation that doesn't much care who gets killed in the process!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
cyrus said:
Well said, not to mention the Shock and Awe : a concepts that originally put forth by Hitler as a lethal way to destroy & kill. With no considerations for civilians and or the damage done to infrastructure.
A powerful strategy for any nation that doesn't much care who gets killed in the process!
Two of you might want to get a room
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