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  1. A

    What is your favorite time of day to be promiscuous ?

    Since I usually get predawn erections many mornings. I have to agree mornings is special for doing the huchie cuchie :) Gives you a different outlook for the rest of the day
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    rob ford removed from office

    Well finally Mayor Kobblepotts will no longer rule Toronto Gothem City.... :)
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    What supplies does an independent escort need to make your visit comfortable

    Almost forgot penis enlargement pump..
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    Is This Why Your Vagina Smells? should i tell her ?

    Oh my God this happened to me with the last SP. I was doing the old front mish position and said let's go doggie. What a bad idea. The room filled with this smell that I could almost taste. Well we cleaned up but the mood never returned. Great looking gal, she tried her best to suck it back to...
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    Ontario Ombudsman - g20 massive compromise of civil liberties

    What a waste of my money........................G20.............Thanks the Fucking crime
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    Unhooking a router

    What happened to Sammy78? Perfectly good advise...I don't think he appreciates the help we gave him/needs?? at his expense :)
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    Car fuel line filter

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    Car fuel line filter

    If it is leaking gas it is now a safety / fire issue. But will the tech catch it when he does the etest? If he sees it leaking gas the test can't be done because of unsafe vehicle. Effect emmission no.
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    Segway founder dies in Segway accident

    Even if I got one given to me free I would not ride it. Now maybe my wife I would give it to her. :)
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    Car fuel line filter

    absolutely...It is the most overlooked.
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    For sale brand new Chevy Volt asking $41 grand.

    I my opinion a new product from GM??? You have to be an idiot to take the risk on the Volt. Or have lots of money to piss away. :)
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    Favorite Celeb to jerk off too?

    Miss Piggy on Sesame Street.
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    In my opinion, Chinese are the best business men

    I like what my friend said when he came back from China recently. His Canadian Chinese girl friend said don't eat any food from the venders near the tourist area because they serve what the locals won't eat. LOL Now that is a good businesman :) Dumb ass tourist..I think we do the same here in...
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    In my opinion, Chinese are the best business men

    I do remeber tainted Dog Food, Lead Paint in many products in kids toys and the rest, the cough cough summer Olympics. That's about it for my thoughts on Chinese Business. But our shelves at wallmart would be bare if we didn't have chinese products.
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    Beware Of Electricity Retailers Who Locks Your Rates of Gas & Power For 5-Years ! This is the goverment office to complain. Go on line with the details. They will investigate if you have a claim against them. They take the rip offs seriously. My two cents.
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    Lady Gaga's latest piece

    It's a remake, but well done in my opinion.
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    Federal civil servants getting too rich pensions courtesy of the taxpayer.

    The thing is every town, city, urban area has fire and police but TTC is limited to one city. The impact fire and police have is big cost to the province and country overall. They need to find ways economize the service. Frist class constable to watch court doorways and transporting garbage from...
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    Which driver is at fault ???

    I my opinion. It is your word against his. Therefore how the damage on the cars look will impact who is at fault, side by side colision mark. person changing lane fault. Front bumper to rear bumper. Following to close for the front bumber damaged car. Cops not going to believe anyone. He is...
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    Federal civil servants getting too rich pensions courtesy of the taxpayer.

    Biggest paycheck preks and retirement is fireman/police. Biggest burden to city costs.
Toronto Escorts