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  1. M

    Wow! X-Mas Specials!!!

    'Tis the season to be horny, fa la la la, la la la la!!! Call Eden's and find out about our X-Mas specials! Happy Holidays! Mercedes
  2. M

    Test drivinn the driver!!

    I don't know Calloway, I've seen the people playing your survivor game, I'd get eaten alive...doh!...I guess that's the point isn't it? Ha ha ha, there you go again, bringing out the "naughty" mercedes! Lol
  3. M

    Test drivinn the driver!!

    I assure you I've had all the latest in diagnostics run in various scenarios, and I am in tip top shape! However, refresher courses are never a bad idea...
  4. M

    Test drivinn the driver!!

    See now that's what years of experience teaches a person...I mean that in the best way possible...LOL That's what makes it so much fun, right Calloway?
  5. M

    Test drivinn the driver!!

    All this talk about "test driving" got me thinking.(NO really don't stop me now, I may be on to something!) What is a test drive without a driver? (Are you scared yet??) Well let's explore that, shall we? You may have the finest automobile on the market, with all the bells and whistles, but if...
  6. M

    Samantha From eden's

    In Samantha's defence, she is new to Eden's, and though I beleive she's done this previously, I think she's a little rusty and kind of nervous about being "back" if you will. The majority of us at Eden's do spend the full hour making sure everyone gets there moneys worth. Lighten up a little...
  7. M

    Smart Mercedes Test Drive

    Thank-you so much! I'm turning multiple shades of red as we speak! I'll have to be careful that these wonderful revues don't go to my head, and inflate my ego! No danger of that, I assure you... Mercedes
  8. M

    Who's the top 5 SP's in KW area?

    Edens & Sabrina's are the top 2 in the area. I don't know of any others. I'm just speaking from my own experience(lol) and reviews on the board here. Good luck!
  9. M

    Chiara ( Edens )

    Ha hahahaha! Calloway you naughty dog you! If I was having bisexual fantasies (every mans dream, 2,3 or more ladies all hot and sexy for them!) there would be no better ladies I'm sure, however what you are seeing is a little friendship and good-natured promotions. Mercedes
  10. M

    Chiara ( Edens )

    Chiara did indeed used to have golden blonde hair but on a whim decided to change it to brunette...a womans perogative and all looks terrific on her though, the change suits her! Mercedes
  11. M at Eden's

    You guys are too much! But it's all in fun right gentleman?
  12. M at Eden's

    Summer is gorgeous and proportionate in every way that counts...He who rolls out the measuring tape, should be ready to also be measured... Lighten up ceo8888ca! You only live once! Mercedes
  13. M at Eden's

    Ahhh, Summertime in the garden of Eden!!! I'ts a beautifull thing! Summer is hot! Eden's is lucky to have her on board! In my humble opinion! Mercedes
  14. M

    Should we mention terb to the gals?

    I have to agree with only bringing it up if asked. If the mp or sp is asking about it they problably already know, are members etc. In the spirit of discretion and anominity, this is also a great way to find how people are finding you without any sensitive information being shared. Just another...
  15. M

    missing redhead in k-w?

    hahaha Anything for the ladies, eh Calloway? And rightly so! Good call Tonia! Red, I am strictly incall Mercedes
  16. M

    missing redhead in k-w?

    Calloway, you are so sweet! I'm still blushing! And quite frankly that doesn't happen very often anymore. Thank-you for the lovely review and the awesome time. I look forward to our next meeting! Mercedes
  17. M

    missing redhead in k-w?

    You are too kind! Is that a blush I feel coming on? (wink) Thanks sweetie! Mercedes
  18. M

    missing redhead in k-w?

    Alas, your proof will have to wait. (sigh)
  19. M

    missing redhead in k-w?

    A natural red head eh? How could I possibly prove that? Must I recount years of painful carrot-top jokes for you? Or the red headed stepchild stigma (that has only recently begun to fade) or would a reference do? I believe Gentleman Waterloo could be coaxed into that. I'm afraid that will have...
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