Obsession Massage

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  1. E


    TOFTT. 2x advertised age, B&S. 45-55, in decent shape, but quite literally the opposite description (measurements). Bit of a weird phone tag/verify visitor issue between the phone person and the girl. Would not repeat.
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    I got Bait-n-Switched by the Government. Now WHO has put a warning out on mixing Vaccines.

    I both surprised and not surprised that they had to issue such an obvious warning. There is a difference between mixing as an unpreferred, but tolerable option vs openly embracing mixing as part of regular business.
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    BLM TO to purchase 10,000 square foot building for use as new community hub

    Sounds like a great idea, but wow $8.2m. Surely a more cost effective, and more accessible location could be selected.... If they cough up money, the City better include a lien on the building that requires it to operate as planned for at least 5-10 years meeting some minimum performance metrics.
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    There Are Growing Calls to Finally Tax the Catholic Church

    Many if not most religious organizations would continue to meet the test to be considered a charity in Canada, even with the full removal of the religious part, so..... this particular call is really going nowhere except disappointment and wasted time.
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    Canada surpasses the USA in % of people with one shot..

    This is the same level of fake news and misleading interpretation of data as "Markham is 90% visible minority, so therefore it is the most diverse".
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    Canada is winning the vaccine lottery. Other countries aren't so lucky. - well done, Trudeau

    It's a lot easier to catch up when comparable countries have already hit critical mass.
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    Zanzibar Opens Illegally & Strippers Protest Unfair Lockdowns (video nsfw)

    Wow, so many idiots not wearing masks.
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    Is SP a day for a year possible? Need community help/input

    I think you should consider gamifying this - maybe work something out with a few of the Toronto agencies (or a few of the girls who have planned parties) to put together your weekly 'playlist'. And award a weekly or monthly recommend... Otherwise, I'm not sure how you'll be able to book...
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    University Of Virginia Med Student Receives 1-Year Suspension For Exhibiting.........

    Agreed. The guy was being a bit of a douche, and definitely not choice behaviour, but nothing that was deserving of suspension. Where the hell was the moderator...
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    iso a computer guy

    Post what the problem is!
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    Dell Repairs?

    You could probably send it back to dell. If it's out of warranty (I'm guessing it is), it'll probably cost quite a bit. Your cheapest option is probably one of the computer stores around Spadina/College. There are a few used laptop stores on College just West of Spadina. If you plan on...
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    Any good suggestions for after work drink and eye candy downtown?

    Lol. I wish I knew. Someone help us out here!
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    Clone a willy

    Well.. besides size... is there really any difference? (Don't tell me.. I'd rather not know...)
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    Who’s sticking around this long weekend?

    Who's the high-man... erm... high-person?
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    Star Wars Torrent (sith)

    Thanks!! I've seen the movie already, guess now I'm going to watch it again!
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    First long weekend of summer

    You wouldn't happen to be a fellow boater now would you?
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    Desparatly need help

    Wow.. That wouldn't be the best idea... Imagine if the 'discrete company' called your house and your SO picked up?? You'd be bured alive for sure! What you can say now really depends on your reactions before. Buy her something for her and say it was a surprise.
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    Sexual buttons and weaknesses

    I would have to argue that it's not a Sexual weakness.. just an.. everything weakness.
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    A technical question

    First things first, check that: 1) Cpu and motherboard are compatible. 2) The power supply is sufficient to power the system and is compatible. You mentioned the P3-450, that's getting pretty close to when AT Power supplies were used in most systems. Easiest way to tell is how your...
  20. E

    Help!! Someone is threating (physically? please read)!!

    I agree. Going to a cottage for a weekend? That's kinda shady unless you know the person.
Toronto Escorts