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    Are Canada’s sex work laws unconstitutional?

    To be fair, current laws were not introduced by JT. It was introduced by Peter MacKay who was then the justice minister for the Harper government.
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    If you could go back in time, would you still have started hobbying?

    Totally. I love it. I have met some great ladies that I developed personal relationships with. The hobby can be very fulfilling and satisfying. I love being with young hot women. Pay my bill and leave. Only thing I would do differently is cut of the crazies that caused me drama way earlier and...
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    Racist Signage Posted at This Ontario Bar Has Locals Enraged

    Sigh... As I said before... there are always going to be people, who for whatever reason will use anything and everything to spread division, fear and yes - even racism and hate. Donald Trump is definitely one of those people. An excellent example of someone who figured out how to exploit people...
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    Racist Signage Posted at This Ontario Bar Has Locals Enraged

    The overwhelmingly accepted is that “Spanish influenza” did not start in Spain. Regardless of whether it started in Spain or Kansas or somewhere else, it was identified in Spain, even though maybe not identified in laboratory/clinical sense but rather identified as a problem. Hence - the Spanish...
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    Racist Signage Posted at This Ontario Bar Has Locals Enraged

    Sigh... again... I picked nothing. I gave many examples of other countries that are tied to a specific ailment. I also gave examples of specific variants of this same virus that are referred to by the country they were identified in. “China” is not a race. China is a country as UK, South...
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    Racist Signage Posted at This Ontario Bar Has Locals Enraged

    Again... not being a smart ass but... They use UK variant, South Africa variant, Brazil variant... because the variants came from/were first identified in those countries. They use Spanish influenza, German measles and Japanese Encephalitis because those diseases came from/were discovered in...
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    Racist Signage Posted at This Ontario Bar Has Locals Enraged

    But this isn’t anything to do with hate of whites or anyone else. This isn’t a hate thing. It’s just identifying where a particular aliment came from... in this case China. COVID-19 came from China. That a fact. Nothing to do with racism.
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    Racist Signage Posted at This Ontario Bar Has Locals Enraged

    Yes. But what about... UK variant”, “ Brazil variant”, “Italy variant” or “South Africa variant” or “Spanish influenza”, “German measles”, “Japanese Encephalitis”... Again.. totally don’t mean to be a smart ass, I just really don’t get it...
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    Racist Signage Posted at This Ontario Bar Has Locals Enraged

    I don’t understand what the big deal is. We have a long history of naming ailments after where they were discovered. We still do it even when it come at to this particular one. The fact is - virus came for China, hence China virus. They use terms like “UK variant”, “ Brazil variant”, “Italy...
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    Your TOP 3 Escorts in the last 15 years?

    But also.. Paige from Utopia/IT/HFH back in the day when she worked on the Danfourth. I couldn’t walk straight for a week. I will never forget that girl. Total smokeshow.
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    Your TOP 3 Escorts in the last 15 years?

    Cory - roommates Adrienne - mirage Tiffany Black Love those blonde bombshells
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    Which Politician would you have SEX with?

    I don’t know about hurricane Hazel, but I would totally rock Mississauga MPP Natalia Kusendova
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    Faces you want to punch

    Justin Trudeau...
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    Disabling emergency alerts on iPhone

    I have to agree. This is annoying. All it does is make people annoyed and not pay attention to the alerts. Obviously, if it were my kid I would want them to do everything they can, but this does do anything. It would be better if the alerts came through after you take the phone of do not...
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    UPDATE to Red Alert Lavilla - ALL CLEAR

    I would not say so... I was there last Saturday. There was car sitting in the lot. It was there when I came and still there when I left. Couldn’t really see what he was doing because of the tinted windows. After the session, I decided to have cigarette in the parking lot bc I don’t like to smoke...
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    Sports Teams With Racist Logos/Mascots/Nicknames

    How come nobody is offended by New York Yankees? Or for that matter... Why is nobody offended by name Montreal Canadiens? Most people probably don't know this because it is in french but Canadiens means Canadians!!!! What is up with their racist mascot Yuppi??? What kind of depiction of...
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    Does Olivia Chow = Ineptocracy

    God help us!! They are all idiots.. One worse then the next They only thing they have in common is that none of them has ever had a job.
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    cute army girls worldwide

    I vote Brazil... yum yum.
Toronto Escorts