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    New talent in Durham (espicially Pickering)

    Don't take it personally This board attracts a lot of socially retarded people who like screaming shill and even worse, defending their beloved SPs (they pretend they like you because you give them money)
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    Recession means tough times for sex workers

    Fucking stupid article -- The star is always trying to make prostitution look sleazy and pathetic - they never talk about the 22 year olds making more than CEOs banging execs from Bay street
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    Article: I was addicted to call girls because I couldn't find a girlfriend

    This guy's a loser. Everybody has addictions -- be strong and deal with them. I always find it ironic when people say that prostitution degrades woman -- How is 250 dollars for an hour's work degrading? Plus, we all love them to pieces and would probably give them a foot massage if they...
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    Obese Longevity

    I read that burning more than 3-4 thousand calories per week doing exercise can actually be harmful in terms of longevity (I think the book was "you- living longer")
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    Why did your marriage fail?

    Sister in laws are hot -- like your wife but totally different
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    5 cent BAGS in Grocery Stores, WTF?

    Fucking stupid system -- I can never guess correctly how many bags I need so I always end up buying too many -- so much for the environment - I'm not loaded but give me a break -- I'm going to bring in old bags to save 25 cents?
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    HIV man faces attempted murder charge

    Fucker should rot in hell if there was one. Anybody who has unprotected sex and is not in a monogamous relationship where both parties have been tested is putting themselves and everyone else in danger. Personally, I respect SPs who are safe and professional and don't want to have anything to...
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    How busy are you?

    Be creative -- grab a couple of sandwiches and fuck while you're eating lunch
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    Personal Problem

    You need to see a specialist Seeing your family doctor is not always enough. You need to see a psychiatrist. Insist that your family doctor refers you to one. It might only take one or two visits to figure out what's wrong with you. I find it strange that you did not respond to medication...
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    What happened with Heidi

    You are not alone -- I'm sure there a many others that would be calling Heidi if she came back for a while... Where are u Heidi??
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